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Gulishta Nov 2019
Start from the beginning. ..
From the ins and outs of the shadows
Lurking just underneath
The righteous path you've chosen.

Let it flow through your veins
Direct to your heart
Let it direct you to the darkness
You're trying to hide from.
To become something
You're supposed to be
Rather being someone
You meant to  be.

Tell me about the courage
You've found within the Hopelessness
About the moment
Where you've found the solace in your darkness
The acceptance you've given yourself
About the emotion that made you decide
About not wanting the approval
Of the ones who broke the promise
To love you unconditionally.

Where you broke the chains
Binding you to everything
You've known to know
Exactly what it's like
To be the supporting character
In your own story.

And about the out of  body experience
And the knowledge that
It was you all along
Who held the cards
Just didn't know the play...

The prison felt like the home
Or the home was the prison
You were the key to it all...

Tell me about how you found it
To break free.
I was kinda unsure about this one...but it felt like I needed to share it...this one doesn't have rhymes and proper Verses. ..but still one of the closest to my heart.
Gulishta Nov 2019
Wandering eyes,
Find a way,
Hopeless. ..
Live a little,
World worth seeing,

On the menu card,
Of the course called life.
It all comes back,
With the price beside.

Main course is needed,
Gotta work for dessert.
Smell the aroma,
It's all a starter.

Reasons enough,
The reasons made.
Choices provide,
Or choices made.
Gulishta Nov 2019
On a perfect contrary
To a perfect deception,
Hearts in the eyes
Signals weak for reception.
Another day. ..another illusion,
Sit back a little,
Just read through instructions.
Gulishta Nov 2019
If it was possible..
I would exchange my heart,
With an eve bark...
So that someone will write,
Something this beautiful about it.
Someone once said to me're
Like a symphonic conductor in an auditorium...and it made me work harder in very aspect of my life not just writing. ..I'm so thankful for that support..
This is for you:):)
Gulishta Oct 2019
Innocent young eyes..
Laying awake at night,
It all seems bright,
The dreams full of starlight.

Schemes resides mind,
The path plain and wide,
Popular among the population,
Be ready for surprise.

The world is small,
The hearts are smaller,
Dance on your own rhythm,
Stand above or stand taller.

Step ahead of steps,
Take one at a time,
Falling was never part of the dream,
But the core of the life.

As the time passes,
Still hold on to your dreams tight,
It's magic in your hands,
Don't bet on someone else's mind.

Ask to learn....or learn to ask,
Don't be ashamed of your yearning,
Put behind the fear of rejection,
Make it so...if the time isn't right.

It's true... you can achieve it,
Just have the courage to work it,
Don't rest till you get what you want,
And yes!!'re still magic!!.
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