what were the means by which
they came to wear a uniform
it is meaningless now
what was the color of their skin
in what manner did they speak
what was their music
what place was home
all that made them who they were
overshadowed now
by why they are gathered
wearing that uniform
standing in ranks
standing for their fellow
warrior beside them
giving to the final breath
for the most precious
gifts they themselves
had been given
whether family was
10,000 miles away
or next to them in a hole
in the dirt
so close each could feel
the others pounding heart
they are in ranks still
at Arlington
at Leavenworth
at Miramar
at Normandy
at Belleau
at Manila
at hundreds more
and unseen graves in
jungles and mountains
all around the world
ranks that will stand till
the earth itself changes
Written first for Memorial Day less than two weeks past. But I felt it appropriate for the 75th anniversary of D-Day as well.