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 May 2016 layla
The words swept me off my feet
No longer in the place where the shadows sleep
Facing the fear of getting attached to you
I can't explain how you made me feel like i do

The one and only woman, she did, showed me what genuine love is
She haven't had the slightest idea about it
It was the right person at the wrong place and time
No photographs were taken to rekindle in my mind

Labels are unnecessary
She had me at my lowest but she treated me like i showed the best of me
It was at the point that my feet is on ledge about to fall into abyss
But i felt like i'm on top of the world when i'm with her

She is the only 'what could've been' case that i truly regret.
I wonder how you could make me smile when i am a man full of hate
Your world is full love that makes me wonder why you need mine
The sun shines on you wherever you go
I'm a candle that is slowly melting it's life away
Yet her eyes glinted a mend for my broken soul

I'm lost for words every time you speak to me.
The feelings tried to spill out of my mouth
Like trying to get out in a small door all at once
Eventually nothing comes out

I would give everything to see that smile
Sometimes it's everything i need
It gives me joy and i wanted to say thank you for that
But nothing lasts forever, i knew that now

We will never be together
It hurts but you can never have everything in this world
I'm just here hoping to find someone as good as you
In the right place and time
 Apr 2016 layla
Diska Kurniawan
Angin semilir menghembuskan
Lembaran kertas, bergurat bagai nadi
Namun mereka tetap menari.

Sayu, menatap serat-serat kayu
Dan merendah, menghamba pada ilmu
Ku tahu mereka berlari namun tak berlabuh

Harapan mereka gantung di sisi bulan
Yang menemani muram di sisi jalan
Lelaplah, karena bintang
Tak dapat kau peroleh semalam.
Semangatlah untuk UTS Shokyu~
 Sep 2015 layla
Biasanya keluar rumah
Saat tengah malam
Sambil menangis
Untuk bermandikan
Seseguk amis

Setelah itu,
Ia lanjut merajut
Atas air maut
Yang tak kunjung jatuh


Terdengar kala malam
Terisak-isak perih
Dan masih berbau darah
Tapi setelah kuratapi
Sekarang makin legam

Suaramu dibebani
Pagi yang merekah-rekah
Dan pada saat selalu saja,
Ia akan tergesa membisu basi
Menunggu sambutan gulita

Keduanya tidak sadar
Mereka saling
Beradu pekat

Suaramu tapi
Masih percuma
Alunannya mengais pedih
Langkahnya meringkuk mati
Seolah tak tahu
Terus tanya
Siapakah tuannya

Memang bukan kamu

Dan di saat
seperti ini
Gelap biasanya
Keluar terbahak
Tertatih meracau rindu

Kalau ia lumpuh
Dan tak dapat lagi menghentak
Suara liar yang kerap
Bersenandung pedih
Mungkin ini sekedar hantumu
Main-main dengan duka malamku

— The End —