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1.7k · Jun 2020
Congratulations sister ❤
Geetika Jun 2020
Congratulations sister ,
Congratulations for new phase of life .
I know you will rock the wedding ,
With kajal in your eyes and a blissful smile.

I know you will look
Mesmerizing ,with  chudis in your hand.
And I know you will hook ,
To the thoughts in your head .

Jiji will be blessing you ,
From wherever she is .
She'll be proud of you,
And sending you loads of hugs and kisses .

I'm so happy for you ,
As you are gonna enter into new family and a new house .
            But never forget that you,
Are part of our family and daughter of our house.

Yashu will miss your strictness,
And Madhav will miss your smile.
And you know that ,
No one knows you better than jiji and I.

Always saty happy and start this, beautiful phase of life with the chosen one.
With some tears of happiness and,
And the cutest smile 😊.
Yesterday my cousin sister got married and I am so so much happy for her so I wrote this one for her
Her mother means my bui Ji or jiji is not with us so I feel she will feel better if I telly her some deep feelings of mine and I think k nothing is deep than poems and expressions 😊
1.3k · Oct 2019
Geetika Oct 2019
I know a girl with thousands of desires
She carries with in herself a magical fire

Her eyes are deep like sea
As if she have something to plea

She help others to feel nice
But she carries a cage with her side

A cage of society a cage of burden
A cage she just want to break and open

A cage who mutters that you  are a girl and girls can't fly
But one day she will break the barrier to fly high and high in the open sky...........
For each and every person freedom have different meaning but the thing that is same is doing or following their heart without any interference of others
554 · Oct 2019
Best friend - ESHA ❤️
Geetika Oct 2019
Friend are to share
Friends are to dare

Things come and go
But we stay there

Come and talk to me
Even u can slap me
But tell me
What's going there

Things are different
But we are same
We are phenomenal
From the first day

You are my bae  
You are my love
You are my day

When u smile
my heart smiles
I wanna tell you
That you are mine

You are my shine
After the thunder
You are my fragnance
Of lavender

You are my rainbow
After the rain
You are my KIDNEY
You are my BRAIN
Friends are phenomenal and they are the real gems who always make u to do right things with no regrets
331 · Oct 2019
Come back
Geetika Oct 2019
Come back to me
Come back to the day
Come back to my heart
And come back to the way  

U and I are so much same
Plzz come back to the lane

I empathize u
And your days
But there are millions of ways
To make us and our day
254 · Oct 2019
Self love
Geetika Oct 2019
Self love is important
Thanks for making me realise
Never thought in this way
Story will come to it's last pie

For you  that was a joke
And a tide
Which vanish away in a minute
And the others got hurt and loose their life

But for me they were the moments of smile
Whom I'll cherish all my life

Thanks for making me cross a bridge of lies
And getting a dictionary
Who will remind me that
This is wrong and this is right

Self love is important
Thanks for making me realise
182 · Jul 2019
I love you.....
Geetika Jul 2019
Love to the end,
Love from the start,
Love you forever from the heart .

Without you I'm nothing,
When I'm with you I'm something.

I am yours, you are mine
Without you I am blind.

Don't push me far from you,
I just don't know what to do.

You are sun,
I'm your shine.
Let's come together to make earth shine.

I can't take it anymore,
Please make me feel I'm your.

Don't keep this love away,
Make this non- sense f* away.

You are like God,
I'm your priest.
You are like iron,
I'm your grease.

At the end I can say to you,
Always remember that I LOVE YOU.
169 · Jan 2020
Geetika Jan 2020
Always wanna see u
The way u are now
******* the ****
And steeping out
Making the others to say wow

I feel so  proud in saying u are my jin
I feel happy when u state the things
Having 16 inch smile
And rest of the things in dustbin

Before stepping a single step
Always remember that
I love u and
I'm having ur back

U r always in my good books
It is for someone special someone who always makes me smile my dearest friend navya
Geetika Jun 2020
The place where I born
The place to which I belong
Will always remain in my heart
From which I'm never gonna apart

The place where I found
Gods named - DAD and MOM
Who made me feel that
I'm not alone

Sitting on the shoulder
And roaming all around
Were the most dazzling days
With the most precious gem

That gem is my baba
Who always holded my hand
From the second I born
Till after life of his own

I exactly don't remember
The games I played
But still have that scent of soil
On which i wrote A

The day i left the house
For my studies
I missed it, baba, maaa and pa
And cried out loud

Now I'm here after years and years
Completed 4 months
And living every second
That i missed out

Feeling every single thing
That I missed
From chirping of birds
                   To the flowers bliss                      

Missing those pakodas from mum's hand
Those sweet kisses from pa on forehead
That rolling on the floor
And jumping on the bed

Love ❤ u all
Loving every moment of my childhood that i remember 😘

— The End —