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  Mar 2019 FreeMind
Where the ocean meets the sky
And the land meets the sea
Where the waves say goodbye
And you are there with me

Where you are no longer shy
And happy you will be
Where moon and stars fly
And we sit under the tree

Where you always catch my eye
And are the only thing I see
Where I will never ever cry
And you will set me free
FreeMind Mar 2019
'Forget him!'
These words are ringing in my mind
My skin still burns from the places where his hands were
The blue, the purple, and the red
A rainbow painted on my body

'Forget him!'
Oh! I could not agree more!
And yet I long his presence, desire his acceptance
I pray to God for his return
My savior, my angel

'Forget him!'
I am drowning, suffocating, and yet I need more rain
Because the freezing drops are soft kisses against my cheek
The kisses that you promised me
The kisses that were stolen by Time

'Forget him!'
I am on my knees. Crawling,
Through the garden of roses you named after me
My thighs are bleeding and yet the thorns feel pleasant,
They feel like home
They feel like you

'Forget him!'
But I cannot...
Because the cuts and tears and broken bones
Will not stop the warmth of sunshine that I feel
When I am wrapped in his Loving arms

By : FreeMind
March 21, 2019
Poem inspired by a painting.
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