my pillow is drenched.
i could probably wring out a bucket full of tears.
i don't know where to put them because this is the most i've lost in a long time. probably since my last lifetime-- maybe even the one before that.
i know i shouldn't be crying because i know you aren't.
and that's hard.
it's hard because you're so emotional and sensitive-- in a good way,
and not a single tear is on your pillow tonight.
you haven't had to use a single tissue to try and be able to breathe through your nose again,,
let alone a whole box.
it will be hard to see you in the crowd,
knowing that there's so much behind us.
and i know you won't struggle with it at all,
because when our eyes meet you'll only turn your head because you can't deal with the horror of my face.
it's not at all hard for you though
because clearly you feel nothing.
that's the hardest part.
knowing that you fell so hard so quickly
and i guess it takes even less than that for you to get back up.
but i'm still lying on the floor
please don't mind my heavy breathing,,
just another anxiety attack.
it's really hard to stand up
when i'm feeling so weak.
even if i could i know one look at you and i'd fall just as hard as the last time.
i know you don't care anymore
because i know you are careful with your word choice
and those words that you chose hammered me down and i know i'm not capable of getting back up.
only the strength of your voice can take out the nails.
and i'm afraid we're long past you wanting to help me.
because if you did care at all,,
we wouldn't be here in the first place.
to anyone trying to help:
i am sorry for being so hard to lift up.
you've turned out to be my poison&& my medicine.
pharmacists these days...
they can never get me my meds fast enough.