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No love,
Is better
Than unrequited love
Or fake love.

By Lady R.F.2017
#facethefacts #nolove #fakelove
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Star BG
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Star BG
Oh to be a poet.
To feel the wave of pen
brushing against shore of page.

To breath in the grand energies
of birds that tickle senses.

Oh to tap into the grid of visions
infused in shells melodies
and waves of love.

To play in tides of phases
to transmute them into
peaks of prose grand.

Oh to be a poet
and celebrate the experience
of a creative soul.
Inspired by chat with Feggyr Citack ›thanks
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Kindred spirits bloom
Sharing together beauty
Just like earth flowers
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
I was in ocean
And I saw an octopus
I said 'hands off please'!
Silly one :)
7 o clock
passing through river indus
look out there
from the windows of bus
golden sun moving on the water
against the cool breeze run
every thing is going out my way
beautiful morning
silent and bare
the breeze is so busy it don't miss a tree
the indus highway is in its own sweet will

every eye was happy
the bell rang
first once , then twice then thrice
what happened
there is bomb in the university
what type of joke it is ?
its true !
what ?
first my heart freezes
i was trying to hold my soul
there was  a explosion in my heart
i asked myself
who you are?
really muslim ?
with strong faith ?
i was convincing myself yes you are a muslim
i have a deed of creed
my heart was tossed up
in the middle it burned me

are you alright ?
yes i am
that sun and wind become the point of fear
my voice was turning back to me in echos
in the huge traffic
blue buses
were grave for us

tell me who the hell is doing this
who is he to die me today
i curse to him in the worst places of hell

hey friend why are you going inside
stop please
for the sake of GOD lets go back home
because i came to read !
yes but
but many will cry ?
but then they will be silent !
come on
reject the call of terror
he is heart less man ?
what can he do with our lives !!
come on
tell him
we don't fear from him
he is the soul less hell

and we go
where the death stands

but thing i had seen today
everyone also passed through terror

see me i am alive
GOD saved me

lets go on the top of highway today
i had also captured the picture of death  today
it was a irritating ring
which was
repeatedly asking me "who are you "
                                        " what do you do "

today the winds are blowing better then ever
come to read
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