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Willard Wells
Sacramento, CA. USA    Born, Lived, Dreamed Won, Lost, Gave Drove, Flew, Road MO, All Over, Still Love, Love, Love Truck, Kite, Bike “To laugh often and much; To …
Philippines    “You can make anything by writing.” ― C.S. Lewis
Phil Lindsey
Bluffton, SC    Retired near Hilton Head, SC
Ireland    "My friend you would not tell with such high zest,to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old lie; dulce et decorum est pro patria …
Los Angeles    Writings on the wall..
Lover of art, literature, history, film, travelling, music, anything french. Prone to rambling. The sun will rise and we will try again.
Maryrose Alarcos
Seoul, South Korea    Don't call it a fight when you know it's a war.
Maja Sabljak
Croatia    ''I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.''
Rhea Nadia
California    I pull thoughts, visions and memories from different parts of my body... Channel them into energy and process them into words. That's what I do.
Trying to escape Reality    Be happy for there is nothing in the world better to be
Safira Najee
I'm just a girl, writing what aches in her.
syaira k
malaysia    i got lost in love or perhaps love is lost from me
Cheryl Tan
Singapore    believer|lover|fighter "I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all." -Shakespeare In Love To edify, to minister grace: this, the …
Elena Clair
Singapore    Struggling to live.
Singapore    sweet terrible people
Blinking Nose
California    Love to read and sometimes try writing too.
Miho Asada
Los Angeles   
Nicole Corea
burbank    I write raw . I love to write . Read with me and make me become a better writer :)
Kayden Fittini
London    Filmmaker/Poet/Author Follow me guys and girls! :) -
Sian Carrington
28/F/Bristol, UK    An English graduate with a love for language and a constant desire to write. My inspiration derives from those around me because when you look …
Devon Webb
Auckland    Follow me on tumblr:
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