I taught myself how to write poems in the dark
hiding my words like a fugitive hides from the law
I toss poetry away from my body, as if it is starting to spark
I crumple it up and fling it away, even though the words leave me in awe
I stomp around feeling forlorn
after locking each word in a cage
I hide books the way some kids hide drugs and ****
to each his or her own escape
"writing is impractical" is what I've heard all my life
starting at six, when I stated that I had a writer's voice
now when I mention a poem, all I get from my mother is strife
writing is but a mere hobby, not a high paying, good career choice
writing is never enough
impractical is what writers are
and rima girls are supposed to be tough
we work hard all day, then return to the bar
and since a rima girl I always shall be
a writer will never be me