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Dikshya Feb 2021
I would live in a tent on the rooftop
Of this home of yours
Watching the starts every night
And dreaming about the universe
Of our life meaning
Of our purpose and goals
I could hear the wind singing
And telling me what’s true and what’s false
Dikshya Dec 2020
I was drowning
I was sinking inside my mind’s depth
I will not tell to anyone what I have found there
Because they’ll never understand
But they will see
Dikshya Dec 2020
Too excited to sleep
Scribbling words instead
Putting them together
In the finest order
Shoulder to shoulder
Staying them all
So unique and so equal
My words
Existing independently without me
Before and after
I’m borrowing them while I can
But words continue to live
Dikshya Dec 2020
I don’t remember
Was I ever happy
Tell me about it
I wanna know
What does it like
To wake up with no fear?
How does it feel
To fall asleep without anxiety on?
Sing me a song
About how life is easy
When all is good
And you’re okay
Show me this dream
I want get closer
I want to touch it
Please don’t go
How are you so calm
When I’m all trembling?
How you’re so sure
While I’m in doubts?
And getting nervous tick
From the fake smiling
But smile of yours is true
Something I wrote almost one year ago. Feels so weird to read my old stuff..
Dikshya Dec 2020
I had this thought which I have found a little scary
What if these things which you were saying
You said but didn’t mean at all
Who am I to you after all?
A friend? A person you hanged out with for a month?
Or just a gal you had acquaintance with?
Avoiding girly analyze
Of what you think and say to me
Of what you wanted me to hear
Or what you feeling
What are you feeling deeply?
Our relationship is going through time testing
And are we passing such exam?
Some time ago you even made a joke that we could marry
Each other
Oh my god  
I even didn’t know how to react on such request
But honestly I’d probably consider proposition
Not from romantic side and all
But just because it’d give the possibility to stay with you a little
And do the things together
The things we dreamed about
You know we short in options
In current situation
When boarders closed
And lockdowns everywhere
I wish to share with you my moods
Right at the moment
And now it’s hard to do
We’re having 14 hours difference
My sunrise - your sunset
It’s gonna be two years already
That’s why I’m asking you
If you’re ready
Not let your joke come true
I may not ask you for such thing
But do you wanna have with me
Some part of our future?
  Dec 2020 Dikshya
Darcy Lynn
I am adept
In the art of being okay
I have mastered the craft
Of covering my troubles
I use all sorts of fancy facades
Acrylic, oil, watercolor
You name it.

I can paint over nearly anything

You will never know
How late I was up last night
Or why.

My eyes flicker
Like candlelight
But you couldn’t see
You couldn’t possibly see
I’m too good
For that.

I can dance, too
Waltzing away my sorrows
Carefully tip toe-ing the
I get a standing ovation every time

I’m very talented, you see.

But my all time favorite
Is my disappearing act
I’m still perfecting it
Right now
But one of these days
I’ll show you
How I

Right through your fingers.
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