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26    I write to ease my anguished heart, and put out the fire of my mind.
Mohan Sardarshahari
56/M/India    All poems are my inner voice and are protected under copyright laws.
30/M/Lusikisiki, South Africa    New born Artist who appreciates Art
Smothered Divine
18/F/Where minds go to dream    "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allan Poe …
40/F/A Dream    Creative writer, dreamer, make-believer...INFJ...
22/F/Mumbai, India    Namaste! I'm here to read, write and most importantly learn. Just want to put thousands of my thoughts and emotions into words. Carpe diem! ;)
Mathew P Nangolo
24/M/Ondangwa/ Namibia    #instagram @mathewnangolo @ #Writing industry is my play background #writing is my therapy #My pen speak louder than my own voice #pen on and welcome …

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