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Dec 2018 · 1.2k
DeMangogh Dec 2018
There's nobody that cares enough to look past my career,
Even I don't give a **** about the far future or near.
I am waiting for the day that I can get drunk off my rear,
If it saves a life, go ahead and put me to the spear.
Definitely not suicidal, that hotline's not my speed dial.
The evil's really there, but I'm the one who's even more vile.
My fam and friends love me, too bad the hate is deafening.
If you really wanna help me then be more than just threatening.
Can't walk with pride, so I crawl. Society's centipede.
seventy percent chance that I won't live to see seventy.
My heart plenty big, but plenty dark. My bullet biting thoughts mostly small, cause it's all bark.
But I am always down to get together, hang out at the park whenever.
Maybe even spark a little, save these memories for forever.
Keeps me and my homies tethered down, weather won't catch us now.
May not see right past this fog, but I see through you now.

It's the easy path to label all problems under depression,
no one wants proper treatment, but prefer smoke sessions.
Then you think you learned your lesson, underneath it's all digression.
Takes you at least a year to break down and start confession.
It poisons me to see my friends fade into strangers with problems,
only thing you can do is relate and say "Amen".
Why did you ignore omens? My door was wide open,
but then again I have my problems that I don't cope with.
Sep 2018 · 197
God Is Power
DeMangogh Sep 2018
God is information
Because God is all-powerful
Information is power
Therefore, God is information

God is lonely
Because God is information, is all-knowing,
Anything other than God is not all-knowing
Only God is all-knowing
Therefore, God is lonely

God is creative
Because God is lonely
But God has information
Information is power
Power to create anything
Therefore, God is creative

God is giving
Because God is all-knowing
All-knowing is lonely
But God has power to create
Information is power
We are made of information
God gave us power
Therefore, God is giving

— The End —