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Joshua David Nov 2017
This is what sleep is to me.
I cannot say how many nights I lay awake with my thoughts.
The ever dodging need,
The ever wanted rest.
When Sleep does come,
Wracked with horrors and death it comes and goes,
My dreams aren't dreams.
They are horrors
Of things I shouldn't remember.
Of times that have long past.
Sleep elude me if you must.
I do not crave you,
You do not make me feel rest.
Sleep the evasion,
I shall keep.
Joshua David Nov 2017
It's all right now Pop,
You can rest easy.
We are grown now,
You don't have to hold on now.
We love you,
And always will.
We will watch out for each other now,
Sleep now Pop,
Your work here is done.
You can rest easy now.
We miss you Pop.
Joshua David Nov 2017
Chisel from death the song of life,
The psychedelic rythms demanding,
Hear his deep angelic voice, feel the vibrations that make up a life,
Listen to the trials and tribulations that were faced as the melody plays,
Listen to the light and love and the sorrows and fear in the alterations in tone,
Find the story behind every note.
Joshua David Nov 2017
The day I met you I froze,
When I saw your visage, it was like my heart stopped,
My heart of ice melted,
My soul burns for you.
Joshua David Nov 2017
And today we laid him to rest,
The man who was the world to his family,
Laid cold and dead,
His smile gone,
His humor resting,
To him I say,
Thank you, for he was my world, my "Father", my best friend,
I will forever miss his smile,
Or the sound of his voice.
This man made me who I am,
Shaped me into the Man I am today.
He was light, despite the darkness he had faced.
He was strong,
Yet his body made weak by time,
He was Happy,
Even through the pain and sorrow he had faced.
This man, my grandfather,
He was everything we needed him to be.
A shoulder to cry on,
A silent partner,
Unbelievable faith,
The man was always there,
And now he is gone.
Left in his place is a hole in my family, in my life, in my world.
Today we laid him to rest.
Now and forever he is at peace.
In my heart I know he isn't gone. In my mind he is still there.
I remember every lesson he has taught me, even though he didn't have too.
I remember the lessons on how to control the rage and the melancholy.
My teacher, the master to my apprentice. Has been laid to rest today. He has been blessed and sent unto his way
I love you Pop. Thank you for everything
Joshua David Nov 2017
Pounding and grinding,
Toiling and bending,
The steel bends to the hammer's blows,
Something attempted, something made, my life laid bare upon the anvil of life, Forged in the fires of loss, and quenched in the waters of fear. I am how I was Forged, sharp and strong, yet with the loss I am facing, I feel dull and weak.
Joshua David Nov 2017
Love burns hot and bright and I'm sorry,
That I have a hard time feeling the heat,
For most my life what I felt was cold and dark,
For you I'm willing to accept the light,
For you I'm willing to face any plight,
For you are mine
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