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Savannah Muller Jan 2018
As I stand and look at the mirror, I wonder, what challenges life will throw at me. I think on what danger could happen . With my mind at peace and my heart at rest, I take each day step by step. I know that one day I will be rid of my nightmares and know that it can be possible for me to change something fantastic in life. but for now, I just keep looking in the mirror and wondering.
ever thought about what could happen.... ever Wondered how you could change something... take the time to look at a mirror and wonder....
Savannah Muller Jan 2018
You made me laugh you made me cry but I will never let you pass it by.
You ruined my heart and it’s broken. But a heart can mend with another person.
Honestly Idc if his friends and tell him so ... I am fed up with boys who think they can hurt every girl in the world.
I have been through too much of this to have more pain.  I just won't stand for any more of this bullsht from someone so vain.
Boys who think they rule the world are nothing more than fu
k wi*s who have nowhere to hide.
Someone like you deserves better in their world. So find love and happiness so you don’t end up like me with a sad soul like mine.
The demon in your heart will grow. Unless you find someone to decrease their growth.
Head my words yes it’s true. Boys will hurt you until you bruise.
Follow me if you like it

— The End —