The Dream Intruder
In shadows deep, where moonlight failed to gleam,
A figure knelt, his soul consumed by dream.
He grasped her hand, a grip both fierce and frail,
"Don't marry," his voice, a mournful wail.
His head bowed low, tears tracing down his face,
A desperate plea, in this unknown space.
"Stay with me," he cried, his voice a broken plea,
A love unspoken, just for her.
Confusion reigned, as shadows danced and swayed,
This phantom lover, in this moonless shade.
Who was this man? Why did his spirit plead?
A bond unseen, a love beyond all creed.
His pain, his fear, they pierced her very soul,
A connection forged, beyond all earthly control.
In that dark space, we shared a silent vow,
A love unknown, somehow, somehow...
There will be a time.