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Khoisan May 2023
So near yet so far
picked a rose
chose a star
now the distance between us
Venus from Mars.
  May 2023 Khoisan
j a connor
Brought from the past
This future is not mine
Afraid to speak
It does not align
Brought from the past
I can't help but be here
Afraid to be me
This future insincere
  May 2023 Khoisan
The night is safe. Come
Whatever goes wrong
you did what you could do

Come. You want too much
love and appreciation
from others for each other

and fewer regulations
fewer regulators
who interfere

and, like puppets
decide your fate
Mistakes are forbidden

They're in the system
and that's being worked on
Come. Over is the day

in which the seed lies
the seed of your fear
Your gluttonous love
Evil World: Fear (from a gluttonous need for love, comfort and security you fear, thinking you cannot function in the social system)

About gluttony: poem "Evil Child" (see May 23rd)

Collection "Mastress"
Khoisan May 2023
..Beyond the vail
....Faraway from the myst..
......Ignorance remain bliss.
Khoisan May 2023
Swim like fish
test the shallows
go deep
if the water suits you
stay over
fall asleep.
#The ocean is vast and a fish tank are safe.
  May 2023 Khoisan
Kurt Philip Behm
My ambitions elitist
reality bourgeois
My palate continental
taste buds still raw
My ambition ennobled
vocation unhailed
My reality sordid
—future travailed  

(Dreamsleep: May, 2023)
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