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fields of
brown button-eyed
waitness the
thunder in
the ground
from the hooves of
the great buffalo
herd migrations
across mother earth  but
also witness
origins and
the sounds of
Native American indian
their hearts
beat through
the sound of
the spiritual
ghost dance
the great
blue sky
Native American Code Of Ethics:

Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often.
The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.
Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path.
Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem
from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.
Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others
to make your path for you. It is your road, and
yours alone. Others may walk it with you,
but no one can walk it for you.
Treat the guests in your home with much consideration.
Serve them the best food, give them the best
bed and treat them with respect and honor.
Do not take what is not yours whether from
a person, a community,the wilderness or from a
culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.
Respect all things that are placed upon
this earth – whether it be people or plant.

Honor other people’s thoughts, wishes and words.
Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them.
Allow each person the right to personal expression.
Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative
energy that you put out into the universe
will multiply when it returns to you.
All persons make mistakes.
And all mistakes can be forgiven.
Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind,
body and spirit. Practice optimism.
Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us.
They are part of your worldly family.
Children are the seeds of our future. Plant
love in their hearts and water them with
wisdom and life’s lessons. When they
are grown, give them space to grow.
Avoid hurting the hearts of others.
The poison of your pain will return to you.
Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the
test of one’s will within this universe.
Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual
self, Emotional self, and Physical self – all need
to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out
the body to strengthen the mind. Grow
rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.
Make conscious decisions as to who
you will be and how you will react. Be
responsible for your own actions.
Respect the privacy and personal space of
others. Do not touch the personal property of
others – especially sacred and religious
objects. This is forbidden.
Be true to yourself first. You cannot
nurture and help others if you cannot
nurture and help yourself first.
Respect others religious beliefs.
Do not force your belief on others.
Share your good fortune with others.
Participate in charity.
-Author Unknown
The bison spirits mend our soul,
the shy breeze blows breath into us,
wolves lonely howl fills our strength, t
he smoke's strong sent patches our beaten minds,
the gentle grass relieves our sore feet,
the rain washes our wounded dreams,
the thunder trains our scratched voices to chant,
the sun clears our fogged eyes,
the river cleanses our clouded memory,
the tree's shade gives back our rest,
the pounding waterfall returns our pride!
We are the children of the earth,
the lovers of the spirits,
let nature heal us,
under the gods turquoise sky!
 Dec 2014 Creative Introvert
He's down
Bang! Bang!
He's not getting up
Bang! Bang! Bang!
He's dead
Just to be sure
Violence against Blacks is not a new thing. Institutionaled violence against Black people is a problem. Always has been. I personally know people gunned down by the very people who vowed to protect us for petty reasons yet it was justified and no one was held accountable. When will it end?
you looked at the woman's skin
it was clearly darker than yours
you felt annoyed for some reason
a person's color made you so upset
that you felt the weird need
to insult and yell at her
isn't it peculiar
how a certain color
can make you so angry
that you end up ruining
another human being's life
For racism in this world there should not be a place anywhere
For the crimes of one you condemn a whole race but of course there has to be some here and there
For some to be racist any excuse they will find
Since racism is born of ignorance and ignorance is blind.

On your thinking on race you seem so far from right
The windows of your soul are shaded to light
Like a malignant cancer racism does grow
Of this person's race how many do you know?

To our idea of perfection we may try to cling
But of a perfect race, there is no such a thing
Before we learned how to walk we first had to crawl
And the reaper one day will take care of us all.

Everybody is somebody's daughter or somebody's son
And you condemn a whole race for the crimes of one
All sinners are obliged to live with their shame
And for the sins of the father the son you don't blame.
Life is a puzzle.
Just like you and me.
Each day a note,
Together they make a melody.

Our life a puzzle,
A melody.
Each and everyone,
Another life, another story.

Black, white, crimson, burgundy,
Different shades of colors,
Lights of different intensities,
Life's of different meanings.

Some live for others,
Others for themselves;
Some have no clue,
Some just wish all was true.

Days pass like flipping pages,
A book opened and soon to be closed.
But after the story,
Still no one knows.

No one ever truly knows,
Never one found out the answer;
The real meanings,
Behind these beautiful melodies.

Many lives, satin ribbons,
fluttering Freely in the wind.

So much the same, similar traits,
yet all we see is Difference.
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