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 Mar 2014 LF
Upon this birth of chaotic life
We label our feelings as prosperity and strife
Trivial perception Of these emotive sensations leave us blind
To find is to find meaning in the body you stand

One may question the magicians' ability to alter the exterior
Yet anything physical and with mass is prone the interior
Such is the same with emotions- none can tell a virtue certainly
For the man who speaks in absolute shall lie grotesquely

A religious sect might say on is greater than the other
And, that this mortal race has but one mother
Being confined to such a notion is narrow at best
As the wise know nothing is true until rest

To bide and live with bliss is a mans' honest goal
Claiming rare affection and grief for no toll
To expand the single thought into a dual apprehension
This is that and that is this is a beautiful comprehension

For would birth be the start if there was no end?
And, death as a conclusion if not that *** had commenced it?
As goes for destruction as a looming factor
To destroy one must contain or be the reactor

Could the pacifist still show harmony if not for aggression?
And, rage not seem so hanus if not for it's opposite procession?
 Mar 2014 LF
Austin Pursley
I was born without a family,
Always stayed inside my bed,
I never had a friend,
By 15 I was dead,

You found me in my closet,
With a noose around my neck,
You knew that I was gone,
Called my brother in to check,

Your suspicions turned out true,
I guess it's not so bad,
I mean he didn't amount to much,
And he was always way too sad,

I was forgotten by next week,
No funeral was had,
No one to call and tell,
Not even his own dad.

I am aware this isn't true,
Just how things play out in my head,
Please just let me be so selfish,
Please don't miss me when I'm dead.
 Mar 2014 LF
Matt Roberts
"It's all I've ever known" she sputtered
but she's 34 years old now
the scars on her wrists aren't liberating
and the cries for help aren't cute
the self destructive girl
isn't going to be saved by a white knight on a noble steed
her nights of feeling incomplete
and unhappy with every moment of her life
from her wedding night
the birth of her son
the day she met him
none of it had ever gone right
and no matter how hard she fought to destroy herself
there was never a white knight on a noble steed coming to save her from herself
 Mar 2014 LF
Andrew Durst
I love the way
your perfume
on my clothes
   long after
   we've said

                        it's not the same
                        as holding you in my arms.
                        I enjoy the comfort
                        it brings me.
 Mar 2014 LF
Dougie Simps
"The look"
 Mar 2014 LF
Dougie Simps
Her deception

Her lies

Her stare

Her eyes

The look...

Why do I still fall for your look?

It's because,

I want to believe you...

It's because...

I don't want to leave you.

The look...

She will watch my heart die.

The look...

Why won't you stop staring and help me?

Just wrote this quick
 Mar 2014 LF
a shadow of a man, i am
to walk this earth thinking i am worth something
to think my soul has any value
when it has been proven that i am nothing but floating particles

what a cynic, i am
to believe i know the value of something
to put an investment in something so intimate
when it has been proven that i only knew the asking price

a blind man, i am
to see things the way they are
and not the way they ought to be

i pray for the quietest death
as i don't want to disturb others
a silence to the groans that come from my deep within
and a sigh as i release my final note

i wish for the quietest death
a euthanized extinction
my throat is raw from the mightiest of roars
my claws; dull at the tips

your love still rings in my ears
a torment I can never cease
i lay still, night after night
begging the invisible heavens, please;

somebody slip me the quietest death
nobody needs to know
i'd do anything to see you one last time
and kiss your lips before i go

i will lay still.
i will not make a sound.
i will be subdued.

i would die to never see you again.
 Mar 2014 LF
 Mar 2014 LF
Lips, then teeth, desperately grabbing for my ear
Whilst my own are leaving wet kisses on your shoulder

Dancing with your hips in my lap
My hands hold onto your knees to bring you closer. To take me deeper.

Your back further pressed into my chest
As you pull me closer by the neck.

You sit deeper in my lap pressing..
Yearning to hear and feel me breathe.

The goosebumps migrate from your back to your *******..
Everywhere I touch.. you seem to forget to exhale.

This tender smile breaks across your face.
Tears waving in the dim light..

Breaking into consciousness I hold my breath.
Without hesitation, you pull me back into the depths of pleasure.

This must be what it feels like to be high.
 Feb 2014 LF
Joseph the Dreamer
Love is never about a placement list. It is not about if i love you more or less. It is about how i love you, not how much. And i love you differently than i could love anyone else.
 Feb 2014 LF
Just GS
on poetry
 Feb 2014 LF
Just GS
I'd like to see your poetry
I mean, truly see your work
The way you choose to dot your i's
Tells me what that dot is worth
Though, words still hold their meaning, I know that there is more -
Beyond our monotype - a sight to see, the truth adorn
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