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Seasons come and go
like seas' uneven breathing,
deeply heaving.

High tidal breeze,
swells rise,
lunar lock and keys hide

Full feelings
meet beaches
easily steaming,
waves crash breakwall,
mist smoke screening.

Then new sliver
smiles, teasing,
moon's silver filigree
grins sharp, gleaming;
shallow reefs peeking,
watery weeds,
wrists reaching feebly.

Dreary ceiling
and lighthouse
beacon needed
to cleave through these evenings
of nightmares creeping.

Heart darkened
by legions teeming
with evil heathens
and devils, demons,
towering behemoth
war machines ceaseless,
stampedes succeeding;
peacekeeper unseated,
depressive diseases breeding,
thieving and depleting reason,
treasonous lesions bleeding;
feeding on weaknesses

free man
cartesian mapping
Elysian regions,
feet and knees freezing-
insomnia's silence screaming,
no egress,
yet adamantine,
eager to only
keep own legs
still leading,
each step meets concrete
through bleakness,
seeking bright beam's
lamplit sweeping
serene for me but
heat seething
these cretins
like a bee sting.

Dawn relinquishes,
shadows fleeing
back to the steepest peaks,
creatures beaten,
as sun climbs east
egregiously defeating,
signing tomorrow's treaty agreement
before besiege on eden repeating.
like winter's splinters
leaves skin wincing,
timber limbs frostbitten
tinsel shimmers
but the heat still lingers,
smoulders tinder;
what was once
stronger than a whimper,
twin flames dwindled
to burning cinders
now hinders, injures.
What do you do when
youve always been lost
without a place?

A slave to the chains
and weight of fate,
strayed from plans best laid
as the whole basement's razed?

And since you can't brace
for the blows
that bend and bow
your body til it breaks,
pavement leaving
naked skin scraped–
like blades, it scathes,
until I'm
in this vacant state,
the same
as the ache that I hate.

How do you stay chaste
and have faith
when you are your only savior
but everything is left disgraced?

And the only times you taste
why it was worth the wait
you wake to find reflection's
face erased,
leaving no station or trace.

A wraith,
racing with haste
just to end the pain at
an accelerating rate,
I decay and waste
as yesterdays
fade away.

And you mean to tell me that
no matter how dire the straits
or how great the stakes
we can evade or escape?

But how will we
if nowhere has ever been safe?
This is a super rough draft, just kinda spilled outta me a bit more stream of consciousness (which is unusual for me lol) aside from a lil rearranging... been a bit worn down to frustration and depression lately though, guess it was just me venting as much as anything tho lol
Winter depression sets in,
ice like glass reflections etched skin,
every expression arrested
til this wretched essence
resuscitated, resurrected;
or maybe it's just
the stench of my flesh
finally on the precipice
and threshold of death.

I awaken
sweat drenched;
vengeance of my enemy,
my relentless nemesis
the nightmare dreamt memories,
a penitentiary;
prison sentence spent
held in contempt,
solitary confinement
this immense emptiness
solidified by icy torment,
cell cemented;
detention condemns.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is real af 😞 lol
Loneliness lamented,
never exempt from
tremendous emptiness,
relentless against
hellbent descent
of my own invention;
entrenched in
mental torment
taking up every tenement residence,
detention condemns.

summer still incenses
mid November
in sun scented
tempted by your
gentlest remnants,
still renders me

almost replenishes and mends
heart hemorrhaging
becomes a
drenching tempest,
like a fist clenching
holding onto your
and some semblance
of what you meant
and yet
you went
Maybe *one day* I won't feel so **** heartbroken 😑
Indigenous citizen
struggling to stay civilized
monolithic visages,
stone-faced and stoic witnesses;
gargoyles grin—
hideous grimaces
guarding ever vigilant.

Inhospitable city grid
dimly lit,
rain's residual liquid
gritty asphalt
blacktop igneous
pavement glittering–
in rigid obsidian.

Hidden within this vision
solitude, unsolicited–
loneliness exhibited,
never fitting in;
island imprisonment
as bridges begin
above stygian rivers grim,
abysmal reflections glint,
swimming in viridian.

brim risen
to its vertiginous limits
I see
flitting images
of cataclysmic collision
with frigidness
obliterating to oblivion.

A dismal wish
reminded by
a grisly glimpse
of figments vivid since
residual shiver imprints
from winter's winds
whipping shins
and thinning skin;
I cringe, wither, wince,
my eyelids squint–
but I still live, so
no longer motionless
my frostbitten digits grip,
limbs never given in
to blizzard's pins
or crystalline prisms–
I walk,
despite icy splinters
and misery digging in
my ambition wins.
Took me over a year to write this one, just never seemed to come out right (and I'm still not so sure I even like how it turned out lol)... probably gonna take me a little while to smooth out the wrinkles (and I'm still not so sure I managed to turn it into the cohesive/coherent narrative i was aiming for 🤷‍♂️)
"If you love it set it free,
if it returns then it's meant to be,"
though I know these messages
no one will read
nor will they ever come back to me.

Feet steeped
knee deep
I plea
with the sea,
and defeat
the beach.

Moonlit mirror,
image obliterated
by rocky reefs,
leaving only
glittering filigree
just beyond reach,
surrounded by

keeps me company
but grief.
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