Careful touches With whole heart Bleeding for return Scattering my worth Deliver this message With fingertips searching Holding too tight To moments imagined Light me up With barest interest Cracked open And apart
He smells of your shampoo She wears your inviting smirk His glasses frame your eyes Her laugh draws crowds Like you He walks with your step She kisses with your lips His hands hold tight with your love Her words question me Like you He brings me an empty cup She feeds me from a sieve His heart is open and hollow Her love is shallow and waning Just like you
Together Hours, days, weeks. Mine, I thought. We leave Together And I whisper, Mine. Each border We cross Alone together You must be Mine. I want you To stay And be And love And see. Mine. Why aren't you Mine?
Next to me Knees brush Your hair Loose strands I push back Warm skin It's easy For me But where are you I feel Your breath You feel My love But where are you