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Be the change
Like a bird in a cage
That mimics your words
Your anger, your rage

Be the change
That harnesses light
That does what is right
That stands up and fights
For those who can not

Be the change
With outrage and scorn
Since the day they were born
For the families that mourn
For the bodies grown cold

Be the change
That lets people breathe
When they beg and they plead
While seeing a need
From the powers that be

Be the change
That’s taken a stance
When given the chance
At the blink of an eye
At the very first glance

Be the change
That protects and provides
The right for our lives
No matter the tribe
Be a leader of men

Be the change
For those who cannot
That sour and rot
Each day in one spot
From fear they’ll be shot

Be the change
Devoid of all sin
That triumph and win
What they start or begin
Not judged by the color of skin

Be the change
  May 2020 Carmen Jane
Amanda Shelton
My dreams use to bruise
my ego, until I learned to
let go of my ego and reached
for my dreams instead.

I replaced my fears with
passion for life and
the ocean doesn’t have
to calm down because
I learned how to ride
the waves.

© 2020 By Amanda Shelton
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