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958 · Aug 2018
My Body Is A Sacred Temple
CallMeB Aug 2018
Your nails were like razor blades cutting against my skin.
I asked begged you to stop but
you wouldn’t.

When I look
in the mirror all I see
is your handprints; all I feel is disgust.

I don’t know who I am anymore. I’m a skeleton
of the person I used to be.
You didn’t care.

You just kept looking at me with that same malicious smile.
You tainted my skin
all with the touch of your hands.
Your mouth.

I was always told
my body was a temple, and I protected it as such,
but you forced your way in and I was helpless.

You looked right through me as
you held me down and had your way with me.
It’s still hard for me to say those words, what you did to me —
you defiled me in such a horrendous way

I thought there was no coming back —
i still think that.
722 · Nov 2018
CallMeB Nov 2018
i’m like a stranger in my own body, my own head.
knocking, waiting for someone to come and help this
lost person. no one comes
no one comes because no one knows
that i feel like a stranger to myself.
begging, pleading,
grabbing ahold of any attention one
gives me to have a semblance of sanity—
what is normal for someone who has never experienced
it in their life
when someone asks what “normal” is to me, i stare
blankly at them unable to come up with anything
normal and this stranger inside me
don’t know each other

— The End —