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CMD Mar 2015
I am human.
My core is gold.
I am malleable.
I am precious.
CMD Feb 2015
tip the body boat
walk the shaky deck
understand nothing
about the forces of water
deep, dark water
that is light in the morning
and rocking at night

let the mermaid sing
to her creatures
let the men pull the sails
steer the angles
bail out the senses

she writhes you
into oblivion
into awakening

sweet water.
CMD Feb 2015
Just add water/I feel unbridled creativity and make urban-forest soup in the shower/ My hair a carrier of woodpapercardboard particles/ On for the ride/ Just add steam/ Open the hair follicles and allow the woodland compounds to mixmashstirandpour the soup into my hands/ A vessel directed at olfactory desire/ Just add a body
CMD Feb 2015

     ­   wo-unded



CMD Feb 2015
Dove in my chest
Settle please
Your wing tips are anxious
My stomach is full

Dove in my chest
The swallowed sunlight
Should shoo away the tired
Come alive.
Come alive.
Come alive.

Dove in my chest
Drag the worry from
My hip basin
Up my insides
Out my insides
Fly away
Fly away

Turn me inside, flightside

CMD Feb 2015
Tall grass not yet touched by
dew observe.
Longing to reach the unforbidden.
To glide between atmospheres without
stopping to breathe.
As if that breath will steal what
cannot be stolen.

Hoping their presence will not
break the silence they find absolute.

Pickpocket the sky they will like a field
mouse with a crumb of
salted *******.

They shall not judge
what cannot be touched.
Just praise and absorb.

For what cannot be touched by
lavender hands can be felt by a rose soul.
CMD Feb 2015
I sit.
I sit and lick my
Lips in anticipation for
The sweet fruit of guilt.
Saliva works its way between
My teeth, filling the space of my lips
With a word, words, tinged with forced
Glory (or so I hope).
I sit and place my tongue into the whole.hole.
Holy in its placement. Hidden away.
The saliva is sinking into my divine space.
The mole of my molar dreaming, digging
for cement thoughts to
Fill the space and trap the word, words.
I sit.
I sit and lick my teeth
In anticipation
To tell.
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