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1.9k · Sep 2016
Chloe Hunt Sep 2016
You damaged my heart
Damaged like shattered glass
Glass that cuts through the only thing keeping me together
Strung flesh that is fringing with tears of sorrow
Once was glowing but now dimmed and dark
A foggy maze with monsters and clowns
And now invisible
Unanswered questions
Unanswered moments
With only footprints remaining
Soon to disappear
1.1k · Aug 2018
Chloe Hunt Aug 2018
Create a picture
Try to not let it burn

“Love covers a multitude of sins”
An amended return

Good vs evil ?
The impurity of love

Wrong vs right ?
The question unending from up above

A tunnel of flowers that were meant to grow

A night full of fireflies that were meant to glow

A confusing theater in the round

Pure hate of what has been taken

The meaning of love has been tilted and spun     A
                   D     R
                 N         O
We have all been through relationships where we ask ourselves, is this right? Are we together at the wrong time? Is this what love is? After a while you forget what love is suppose to be and how great it is suppose to feel.
902 · Mar 2018
Timing Isn't Right
Chloe Hunt Mar 2018
Lips on her and lips on mine
Imagination so divine
I felt your heart breathe within mine
Hazel eyes with some blue
bright eyes combined
Timing isn’t right
And life doesn’t align
Emotions strip as my confidence rips
that makes our love reassign
Two steps away but so far out of sight
As she holds your hand
Mine waits for yours ready to ignite
It burns my heart while losing this fight
Waiting for the day I can kiss you
and all the pieces of our broken heart
fits just right
Timing never aligns or maybe it does when we least expect it to.
776 · Jan 2018
If you knew me
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
If you knew me you'd know my favorite color is red
like a rose
If you knew me you'd know that I am a huge sweet tooth
But I never want anyone to know
If you knew me you would know that I act tough
knowing that I am even more sensitive
You’d know that I over think
ALMOST everything
If you knew me you'd know I cry more times when I am mad
If you knew me you'd know I should have died when I was 8
Which made my mom very sad
You'd know I have a 6 inch scar on my stomach
And under my arm
You'd know I've never known what a father feels like
but sometimes that makes me sad
You'd know I use to have Bulimia because I was fat
because I felt fat
Because I was called fat
If you knew me you'd know my dad is gay
If you knew me you'd know that I was judged my whole life
by someone who was judged their whole life
and that affected me
even though he wasn’t there so much
If you knew me you'd know I hate being called dumb
You’d know that I have a lot of insecurities and I think people see them
My brain hates knowing they are there
and if you knew me
You’d know I’m scared of being alone
because everyone always leaves me
You’d know that when I’m in public
I think everyone is watching
So I get nervous
Because I am an imperfect person
683 · Jan 2018
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
Talking about it would
Telling you would
                        Thinking about it would
                                            Crying in front of you would
               I can't
                            It would
                           It could
               ­                                     s
                          ­                               t
                                                                ­    o
                                                           ­               y
                                                ­                                            me
649 · Apr 2018
Chloe Hunt Apr 2018
He is a decorative box
      I am a flower
            My insides spill
                  I am ripped apart
                      My green dulls to brown
                            Receiving nothing
                        I give him my heart
                   I am left behind believing
              One day I might grow taller
          But in reality
      I only grow
Hope you guys like this
568 · Dec 2017
Three Words
Chloe Hunt Dec 2017
“You are stupid”
words that marked my past
their laughter used as an euphemism that contains glass

Belittling me?
feeling as if at some point I agreed
making themselves feel better while putting me down
“Friends“ I would call them
amusing them as I slowly drowned

My entire life believing I was stupid
“You are stupid! You are stupid! You are stupid!”

Absorbed into my identity
as if it messed with my brain chemically
three words that pounded on my heart so heavily
the cacophony of voices that are so deadly
tampered within while changing my DNA and heredity

My bruised soul
an outcome of our society
“I am stupid”
three words
I created by their notoriety
All my life I have had friends and family treat me as if I was stupid. After a while I believed them, as if it was built into my conscious. While attending college I have gotten away from these people, and just started to realize that not only am I smart, but those people took a piece of confidence I will always struggle to gain back. This poem tells one of the most important stories about my life.
564 · Feb 2018
I Like a Girl
Chloe Hunt Feb 2018
I like a girl..
My feelings has changed
Like a switch
Just thinking about you makes me so deranged
You may not like me
But hopefully that can change
The way you look at me
Makes me feel so strange
But in a good way
I love the way you smile when you are excited
I love the way you dance as if you are alone
The way you smirk
When you are blown
I like everything about you
And that is weird
Because this is a different me
That just suddenly appeared
Maybe you are what I’ve been missing
You are the person I would like to be kissing
I don’t know how to feel
As if a layer of my heart has just suddenly opened and unpeeled
I like a girl..
I like a girl
539 · Sep 2018
September 14th
Chloe Hunt Sep 2018
September 14th
The day my black heart turned on
My veins beating
My blood running
All the aches and breaks of my heart vanished and repaired
September 14th
The day that my heart was healed
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
January 6th 2017

Just as I was about to say “I love you”
he asks me to get something from the ground
I had to blink twice
to understand what I had found

As I look under his bed now
I see an empty ****** wrapper
my heart didn’t make a sound

I know he is sleeping around now and I can’t bear to figure out why or how
what did I not do that wasn’t good enough?
to make him want to make me drown

As tears fell down my face
he slept
with his arms around my waist
I wanted to make the pain just go away
to save just one more day

Then he asked me “what’s wrong?”
I choked
So I hugged him and barely let go
Knowing that this was our last goodbye
I still love you
But right now
I don’t know why

The day my heart broke
404 · Mar 2017
Chloe Hunt Mar 2017
I am not frightened
by his voice anymore
I am not frightened by the dark
Not frightened by the silence anymore
silence that tore my insides apart
I am not frightened by the bruises anymore
bruises that are not kind
Not frightened of what my body encountered
when forced to love blind
I am not frightened by the abuse i've encountered
but I am frightened
by the silence of god that overpowered
368 · Oct 2017
Chloe Hunt Oct 2017
It's quite funny actually
I think we can both agree
you are a bore
and I am most definitely not yours
strange you could say
the relationship ******
in an instant
I reconstruct
I think we can both agree
there will never
be a "We"
367 · Oct 2017
Chloe Hunt Oct 2017
His voice is the radio
his guitar is life
his eyes and mine are very bright
many don't see him
heart is pure
many don't see him
he is superman
his mood is a tornado that spins and spins
sometimes damages, that gets repaired again
two minds similar, two hearts the same
"worth nothing"
"where are you going?!"
"what are you doing?!"
he thinks he is a failure because he is different
but many don't see it
his walk is my pride
his talk is my stride
many can't see him
they can't hear him
"I wish I could see the angels faces when they hear your sweet voice sing"
sweet voice
sweet voice
voice sing
LOL I wrote this YEARS AGO
-About my brother :)
350 · Aug 2016
As our love dies
Chloe Hunt Aug 2016
How is what you did human
You Held me tight like we would never part
But then you act like you never touched my heart
You pulled my hair back and held my hand
Acting like we were always meant to be planned
I play the memories in my head
As I lie here feeling empty and dead
It was the kind of love that felt meant to be
The kind that was beautiful and made you clearly see
So how come one day it dies ?
You made me try and now you don't want to be tied
You can talk to other girls but I can't talk to other guys
How hypocritical
As this love dies
So now I start thinking about my size
Is it my stomach ?
Is it my thighs ?
I don't know
because I can't read anything through your eyes
I don't understand you
I don't understand guys
So now I keep wondering am I good enough
...while our love dies
329 · Mar 2019
Everyone Always Leaves
Chloe Hunt Mar 2019
Don’t talk to me
Don’t say hi
Follow everyone else’s example
without saying goodbye
302 · Nov 2018
Out of Place
Chloe Hunt Nov 2018
Out of place
Lost in a world of dark
Craving for a taste of adventure
But never enough
This is me

In love with a guy who won’t last
A world full of unforgetting lust
Craving for attention that doesn’t seem to pass
This is me

Confused on who I want
A world full of questions
Shamed of the things I have done
My body a piece of jewelry
My mind automatically tries to flaunt
This is me

Moving from one party to another
A world full of sin and temptations
Craving to say yes when I should say no
This is me

Heaven in my heart but hell on my breath
A world full of light that isn’t promised yet
Craving for redemption
I never end up getting
This is me
291 · Jun 2018
A Week Ago
Chloe Hunt Jun 2018
She used to call him baby a week ago
Now they don’t even talk
He used to kiss her neck and call her beautiful
But apparently that wasn’t enough

They would hide in her room all day
and pretend that the outside world didn’t exist
A week ago she knew what it felt like when he touched her
when they couldn’t help it but kiss

A week later she was still in love with him
but it got a little better each day
A week later she finally cried over him
Letting go of what she was holding in

Tomorrow and the tomorrow after that
She’ll go through it
again and again
Everyone goes through it,
and each time it’s worse :/
#heartbreak #itwillgetbetter
262 · Apr 2019
Alone In The Dark
Chloe Hunt Apr 2019
I’m lost in the dark
And nobody is trying to find me
I’m alone
All alone
I’m trying to help myself but I can’t

But I can’t remember how
I’ve been here before
But now
It’s permanent
I have been here
Not able to get up
But I can’t..
Why can’t I run ?
Nobody seems to understand. I’m all alone.
259 · Mar 2017
Chloe Hunt Mar 2017
She doesn't see that she is beautiful
while she throws up her food
she doesn't see that she is perfect
while she eats less and less

She see's that she is losing weight
as she doesn't have much left
she see's that she is hurting
as her organs are about to become dead
This is about my friend who is anorexic. Praying for her, she is getting worse and worse each week....
254 · Mar 2017
Chloe Hunt Mar 2017
I don't care that you are Gay
but why choose those men over your children?
I don't care who you love
but why not love us more?
I know you have never wanted us
but can't you make the effort of knowing us?
251 · Feb 2018
Just for the record
Chloe Hunt Feb 2018
Just for the record I really loved you
Just for the record I really loved
246 · Oct 2016
Chloe Hunt Oct 2016
I never liked walking around at night
The rustling leaves, the crawling shadows
I never liked the feeling of being alone
Only accompanied by the thump, thump of a single heartbeat
I never pictured leaving
Taking a leap into the loud darkness
I never imagined finding my safety in complete strangers
I never dreamed of finding myself
In the place I once feared
For anyone who has had a tough time in new places, alone, trying to find new friends, etc.
245 · Dec 2018
Just 6 more
Chloe Hunt Dec 2018
At this moment I am happy
I never want you to leave
I know we are different
But thats just another ****
It’s been 6 months
That you’ve been away
The people of this country needs you right?
Or at least that’s what they say

I don’t know if I can handle this but for you I always will
I’m sad but I’ll be strong for you
These are just tears
I wonder how many people cry for you
or if they ever will
I mean YOU ARE fighting for them
Wouldn’t they care?
“Baby don’t leave me”
I don’t know if I can bare
“Baby don’t worry, I only have 6 more years”
I wrote this a little while back
243 · Dec 2018
The Dark Abyss
Chloe Hunt Dec 2018
The thoughts come in like an endless flow of ocean waves creeping into my thoughts
Almost a memory or a vivid dream as I awake from the night
Slowly, I fall further into the deep dark sea
A sea that knows no time or space
Emerging myself into the life of a wave that knows no pain, no sorrow, no heartache
Only a constant flow guided by a higher power
Out of its control
A wave that knows no distractions
It’s soul purpose written in the book of life
Can I, a mere human, with such a complex mind
Submit myself to such powerful forces ?
As the waves surrenders to the wind
Forever led astray
Deeper and deeper into the dark abyss that creeps back into my heart
No matter how hard I try
I can’t escape the death of nothingness
225 · Dec 2018
My Own World Full of Red
Chloe Hunt Dec 2018
I want to lay in that red grass
That you put in my head
That feels like soft feathers
OH the feeling of joy that I bled
I want to see that beautiful red tree
That I see in my visions
Different shades of glowing reds
That for 5 seconds
I could see my place in heaven
where I never felt misled
If only I could show it to you
But god put it in my head
I feel like I’ve been there before
A piece of a story that has been unread
I want to hear those shiny red diamond birds chirping
I wish you could hear it too
If only you could enter my head
You could see the placement of the view
But my heads a dark place
A place you don’t want to stay in
And when I’ve had enough
I go back to that world full of red
I always thought that red meant evil
But these reds made me feel happy
And I believe one day I’ll go back
To a place where my heart and mind will never ever again
Be misled
About a vision of a world full of shades of red that is my happy place. A place where I feel like I’ve been before. A safe place that god put in my head.
220 · Nov 2016
Chloe Hunt Nov 2016
Trying to fill my heart with
whispering hands
and my brain seems a world apart
trying to fill my aching heart
with kisses and these unmans
love so beautiful
turned so dark
changing myself
trying to fill a void in my heart
With no love and missing
trying and crying and trying
but it cries no longer
my heart won't become stronger
it cries out loud in the night
softly in the light
when I have nothing left in me to fight
and hides when I shouldn't let these unmans bite
207 · Sep 2017
Behind the truth
Chloe Hunt Sep 2017
204 · Apr 2019
Chloe Hunt Apr 2019
You left me in the desert
It was dry
I felt dead
You were the water that had vanished
that I had longed for
I needed you
And you left me behind

So how can I go back to that desert?
Knowing how much it traumatized me
Remembering the pain I went through
Feeling my organs shut down
Drinking my own tears
So that I could drown

What if..
What if the water disappears again?
Decides I’m too dried up for its use
What if..
What if you leave me again ?
202 · Feb 2018
Not You
Chloe Hunt Feb 2018
*** with him makes me forget
Forget your laugh
Forget your smile
Forget your touch
Forget how we fought
Forget how we loved
Forget our relationship was ever tough
Forget that losing you was the hardest thing that I have ever done
But *** with him isn’t you
And he
Is not you..
But for a couple of minutes
the *** makes me forget
198 · Dec 2019
Watch Out
Chloe Hunt Dec 2019
Watch out!
this ground is sharp
my heart has turned into glass
you will cut yourself and never sleep
Stay clear from me
Because once you choose to walk this path
I cannot save you anymore

Watch out!
I am broken
and I cannot pick up the pieces
but if you look at the glass you can still see the memories
the love that I once gave
you can feel the passionate kisses
hear the music to the exotic dances
melt to the butterfly’s that laughed inside my stomach

Once in a while i’ll step on a piece of glass
and remember
trying to take it all in
I can’t
so i’ll break it again
and again
and again
until there are no memories at all
194 · Jan 2018
The Day My Heart Broke
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
January 6th 2017,

He picked me up at noon and I smiled
I smiled at the way he caught me looking at him
I smiled at the way he looked at me as if I was beautiful

He touched my hand while listening to the song “Is it Love?” and I blushed
I blushed the way he sung the song as if he was singing to me
I blushed the way he touched my hair, pulling it behind my ears

He told me not to worry so at that moment I didn’t worry
I didn’t worry the way he touched me like I was his
I didn’t worry when he kissed me on my neck knowing I would cringe

He made me laugh and that’s when I gave him my heart
I gave him my heart when he noticed tiny things about me
I gave him my heart when he complimented my imperfections, making me wonder if finally I wouldn’t disagree

He made my heart stop when he acted like I was nothing infront of his friends
my heart stopped  when I found an open ****** wrapper under his bed, knowing that this moment was the means to an end
my heart stopped when he didn’t care and I couldn’t breathe
my heart stopped when I knew I still loved him, but he would never love me, the truth I couldn’t bear

This is the day my heart broke
185 · Sep 2017
Chloe Hunt Sep 2017
Feeling nothing is not always bad
It hides your broken heart
And tricks it
to thinking it's not overwhelmingly sad
185 · Jul 2019
Like a bee
Chloe Hunt Jul 2019
Like a bee
You were my wings
The thing in my life that made me fly
Made me laugh
Made me trust
Made us one

Flying with nothing holding us back
Breathing in the love that made us feel free
But you made the decision to sting
Listened to the other bees and cut off my wings
You made me love
Revived my trust
Just enough till you could make me bleed

You ripped off my beautiful stinger
Framed it in a glass for everyone to see
laughed with all your friends and humiliated me

What I thought once was destiny
Was the thing that ended up killing me
184 · Jan 2018
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
If only you could drain the love out of your heart
when you needed to
183 · Sep 2017
Chloe Hunt Sep 2017
Hearing Words I never wanted to hear
lies that were told sink in
Memories running through my mind
Promises unkept
Keeping myself together as I have always
But the pain seeks through my veins
I can't speak
I can't breathe
As if this suffocating ***** in my chest stopped
the allusion
the Illusion of "LOVE"
182 · Jan 2018
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
God I know it’s gotten dark in here
I know I turned off my light
I can’t seem to see you anymore
And that’s utterly my fault
I gave up the fight

God I know that I have sinned
And I know that you aren’t proud
I convinced myself
“I am just trying to live right now”
For this I am sorry
I neglected the one person I have always vowed

God It’s gotten lonely all by myself
And I need you to help me find my way out
So show me what to do God
I love you
I love you
without a doubt
181 · Jan 2018
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
I want life not to get in the way of my dreams
I want me
Not to get in the way of life
179 · Sep 2017
Chloe Hunt Sep 2017
I say nothing...
when I hurt
179 · Sep 2017
Chloe Hunt Sep 2017
He was selfish and kind
Which was fine
But always knew
Our love
Would run out of time
177 · Jul 2018
Chloe Hunt Jul 2018
I stopped writing
I stopped writing when my heart stopped beating
You left with so many unanswered questions
You left me here without you
Packed a bag and left
Left our memories
Left the feeling of our souls touching
You left me
And I left my heart on that road where you said goodbye
176 · Feb 2018
Chloe Hunt Feb 2018
There comes a point in time when you have to go your own way
Hold your own
And remember what made you you
Because in life you forget
What makes you you
But everything
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
171 · Sep 2017
Chloe Hunt Sep 2017
Sometimes I break my own heart
Expecting better
Giving all of my self in a moment
and expecting more
169 · Apr 2020
My Black Soul
Chloe Hunt Apr 2020
They say I am not me
Then who am I ?
They tell me to take the shoes from off my feet,
And throw them away

They ask me what I am wearing
I know they are mocking me
“Why is your hair in braids?”
“You are not the right shade”

They tell me to go wash my makeup off
That I can’t wear too much on my face
They tell me that’s not how a white girls suppose to dress
They tell me to act my race

They tell me to stop talking how I talk
Don’t I talk how everyone talks ?
Don’t I walk how everyone walks ?

They are trying to lock me in a box
Throw away the key that makes me,
They try to make me change to fit in with society

They are creating my anxiety
Forcing my insobriety
An impropriety to my surroundings

So I won’t wear my ***** “white girl” hair out
I wont check out “American Indian” on my applications
“My skin is white”
“It’s too light”
So I can’t check my race ? Right ?

Society will be the destruction of my soul
A tsunami that gets drained by a black hole,
Another soul wasted,
The word “variety” with no meaning
Judgement with no ending

Was that too straight forward?
Was that not okay to say?
Why pay attention to your words when u can just pray it away
But praying does not fix it and make it okay
168 · Jun 2018
Chloe Hunt Jun 2018
I know this moment isn’t going to last
soon these words will become apart of the past
So play with my hair as if you had the whole world in your hands
Kiss my neck as if this tan was  forever
As if the summer didn’t feel like it would end tomorrow
Tell me you love me as if it was a love that would never end
167 · Jan 2018
Dear Doc
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
Dear Doctor,

I think there's something wrong going on in my head
"No I just checked you... nothing is wrong"
"Can you just give me medicine instead?"
I think I am kind of dead...
M  y     h  e  a  d
Please fix me
D   o    c     t    o   r
159 · Jan 2018
Chloe Hunt Jan 2018
it fills my ears
and expresses the words
my heart is too afraid to say
149 · Dec 2018
Twins pain
Chloe Hunt Dec 2018
People always say that twins have a connection
I’m here to set rumors and say that they are true
When he hurts
I hurt the same
But only double the pain
Sometimes it feels like a bite
Most of the time it hurts like a knife

He wrote a poem about a dark abyss
I have this crazy feeling that the poem wasn’t his feelings
But mine
And that’s why he wrote it

He could feel my pain that hasn’t happened yet
The future is a crazy thing that the devil bets
You see sometimes it’s a pattern
Sometimes the pain occurs at the same time
But when it’s a pattern it hurts the worst
Like the crazy ****** worlds design

I can’t control it and one day I feel like I’ll give up
I hope he doesn’t feel what I’m feeling right now
Because I want to take my life
And tell it enough!

If I had to take our pain all the time so that he could always be happy
I would
But I don’t know how strong I am
I don’t know... I don’t know if my body could
#twins #pain
120 · Apr 2020
Round one
Chloe Hunt Apr 2020
The feeling of forever pulling me back to the night tear drops were falling from the sky
Drops filling the ears of our souls
As if the music was created just for us
You took my hand and said we would never part
My mind making you a beautiful form of art
Chloe Hunt Apr 2020
These friends are not my friends
But yet I’ve never known any others
I would catch a thousand bullets for them
Thinking that we would die for one another

These friends are not my friends
Finally realizing
while I die here
All alone
With these bullets penetrating my bones

Were the fun times not real ?
What happened within these years ?

I am slowly slipping away
Cold and afraid
Memories of the good old days
Tears reminding me of the pain
Loving them
Not noticing my ego is sprained

My heart is slowing down
I can’t give away too much love
theres too much pain
I guess I was easy
easy to dispose of
107 · Apr 2020
Monster of Hearts
Chloe Hunt Apr 2020
I see now
The lies you told
Just to fill your crown
touching her
Kissing her
Loving her
Breaking my heart
blood fills my chest
my gullible veins pop
Trying with everything I have left not to let the illusion stop
I see your true face
monster of hearts
You’ve played mine so well
So claim my body
But erase my mind
Just make it stop
I give up
for our souls
will forever be intertwined

— The End —