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  Apr 2019 Emily
-In that moment she takes a deep breath and she says I’m done and it’s over
-In that moment she chooses herself over him and decides to be the strong person everyone knows her to be
-In that moment she refuses to let him see her hurting anymore she’s going to be just fine
-In that moment she is finally free
  Apr 2019 Emily
Hello again, it’s me. Your friend.. as you’d like it to be..this title is killing me
I just stopped by to say hello one last time before I go
I love you so much .. so much more than you will ever know
For a heart like mine I know it’s hard to show
But you taught me things about myself I never would have known
And from your love and looking back I see myself how much Ive grown
I have to say goodbye to you my one and only love
I hate that it has come to this but my heart has been alone and numb
I wish that I could tell you a friend I’ll always be ..but right here in this moment that Is not what my heart needs
I don’t know how to act or what to say and so it seems ..that letting go of you is what’s meant to be
I not moving on with someone new which I’m sure is how it seems
My heart belongs to you.. but it’s not me that you see when you’re asleep.. I’m no longer in your dreams
So like a butterfly my love.. I’m setting myself free
Maybe someday I’ll be the person that you need
  Apr 2019 Emily
Stephen S
I am often asked:
"How can one find poetry in such a damaged and desolate world?"

The answer is simple:

Poetry can be found anywhere.

It is the sorrow that drives our tears,
the sunshine that brings us joy,
our companion in the darkness,
and that which guides us to the light.

It is the music of our spirit,
the gentle beating of our hearts.
The triumphant wind on the mountaintop,
a source of comfort in a rainy forest.

It is the scream of a father in pain,
the gentleness of a newborn child.
It is the chaos of a raging river
and the calm of a summers day.

Poetry can be found anywhere.
  Apr 2019 Emily
If these fingers touched ink,
let what flows be
untainted and true;
unsmeared and sure.

If these hands mould clay,
let what is made be sturdy.
Be uncracked,
and smooth like porcelain.

If this body pivots upon legs,
let it stand upright and tall.
So no wind could fell it down.
But should it topple,
let no earth will it shatter.

If this mind invites another,
let no thought nor idea
adulterate its own...
For its ways may wind
and meander,
but it is obstinate.

If this heart still beats,
no matter how faint...
Let its rhythm be steady
and unrelenting.
So it might echo
through long days
and moonless nights
to find others like it.

I may not feel so alone.
  Apr 2019 Emily
Zoe Mae
I'm smart enough to admit I don't know everything
But foolish enough to forget everything I know
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