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I got your letters,
                           I hadn't taken you for granted or wasted the
                            the sunny days.
I never regretted
                            you being around
Just wish you
                             Stayed forever,
I have now an

                              Honey brown
Shade and the
                               Sharpest mind

Know to my tutor.

I embrace everything about where or what you're doing by making the college and school closed
            Now we're allowed to hang out with our lovers or ex.

Thanks, summer for making me have the opportunity to relax in my mini pool with 50 loud, drunken neighbour.
See you around   the next 3 month
Felt board,
All my friends are outside playing in the park while being stuck staring at the blank teddy bears
Smiling masked faces
With hearts seriously aching
Seeking ears to talk to
Shoulders to cry on
But quick to say "I'm okay"
Don't wanna be seen as weak
Rather weep alone behind solid high walls
Phone put on airplane mode
No texts and no calls
Steps out again with smiling mask on
Seriously seeking a heart that will listen
Watch out for someone like that around you
And be the listening heart that truly cares.
In a world where everyone is a busy bee, let's pay attention to the ones around us that are hurting and needs listening ears.
Hope is a light
That shines in the dark
It lights up the night
With only a spark
"I am not the person I see reflecting
Back at me
In the mirror of their eyes,"
I whisper to myself...

I am not how they see me.

I am only
How I see myself.
Don't let anyone's opinion, or potential opinion of you, change you.
Be you fully
No matter the consequences.
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