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This one, signed as myself and not my pen name, is a new step for me, I've never really put myself into my work, but this one is all me. Thus, it is called:


Life moves on
and things become too real.
A wife. Kids. Career.
It’s too much, I want to run away.

Everything has changed with
my position in the world.
I’ve never fit in
Always the freak who knows no limits,
the one who sits alone and minds his own.

Never understood, never accepted.
Now a husband, a dad, still the same.
Always covering up myself; hiding
behind wit and cruelty.

A shield to disappear into,
Afraid to be me; to send up alone.
I used to know who I was but
now I’m not so sure.

It seems I have my life sorted out,
but am I really happy?

A question I always find myself asking
but can never answer.
I don’t think anyone knows the meaning of happiness,
or if it really exists.

Tonight I found myself holding her close,
and as I rested my head on her chest,
I quietly try not to cry.

It’s hard sometimes to keep it all in,
to hold strong so as not to lose myself,
it’s why I write as I do.

An outlet through a pen is all I have,
only the page wont judge,
won’t declare me a freak,
won’t know that something is wrong with me.

The thoughts I have,
my inability to empathize with other’s pain and loss.
It makes me wonder if I’m right for this world.

I’ve been to two funerals,
one I barely knew, the other I held dear.
And lost a grandfather who meant everything,
yet I never shed a tear.

I used to think that it was because I am strong,
but now maybe that isn’t so.

Who am I really?
I think I need to know.
Simplicity catches
Action teaches
Words sound fine
Only when they suit our calls
Without love *** is
Only a lust that
Leaves marks on our souls
Take it or leave it. You are here just to love. Breath it all in, just breath.
©Emeka Mokeme.
 Nov 2019 B D Caissie
Deceitfully innocent
She runs the show
Cordially manipulative
You'd never know

I do her bidding
To secure our roof's
All my worth
Wasted in youth
She holds my deed
She knows my truth
She hides my keys
My only proof

In paths of duality
I follow her down
I am her shadow
I make no sound
I am the hollow
Inside her shell
I am the fire
Burning like hell

Emptily I ride
And somehow get by
She tolls the rope
I never ask why
Traveler Tim
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