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  Sep 2020 WordPlay
Pepper Dove
When hopes and dreams
Are soon to come
I rise to face
The morning sun
Just when you think you will soon fall asleep, the sun decides to come out.
  Sep 2020 WordPlay
sometimes you just
gotta sit down and write
just grab the apple
and take a bite
just take a leap
into the dark night

if you want to be a poet
you gotta write poems
let the words go
wherever the wind blows em

sometimes your lines will ****
other times blow you away
but stay firm on that writing path
don't be led astray
by laziness and perfectionism
saying you can't do it
don't give in, knock em down
push yourself right through it

let the poem be what it is
let its rhymes ring true
knowing as much
as you're writing the poem
it's also writing you
success comes
through failure
improvement comes
through the grind
go ahead
write bad poems
they'll make you better
in due time
  Sep 2020 WordPlay
David Lessard
Let the autumn flowers fade,
their time is now past due;
rain comes down on its parade,
this heart will not be sad or rue.
Time comes round for every season,
love and hate and sometimes pain;
not every thing has rhyme or reason
but everything comes round again.
Say goodbye to passing fancies,
say so long to passing fads;
bury them along with pansies,
drown them 'neath the lily pads.
Give your love to things that stay,
give your heart to music fine;
forget all things that went away,
drink the dregs of summer's wine.
Say a prayer for those that fail,
expectations lost of dreams;
no promises of future mail,
true love is not the thing it seems.
  Sep 2020 WordPlay
David Lessard
I buried my anger in the ground
out of sight and out of sound
buried hate and fostered love
got the message from above.
Found the truth and cut out lies
sang His praises to the skies
gave forgiveness, got it back
mended all my hidden cracks.
Got the blessings that I need
cut off envy, swallowed greed
gave my burdens up to Him
turned my back against all sin.
Fed myself the Bread if Life
fought off Satan, eased the strife
put His mighty presence first
from His fountain, I don't thirst.
Became instead, a new creation
raised my soul to a higher station
wrapped myself in His great Being
aware of beauty I was seeing.
  Sep 2020 WordPlay
You discarded your faith
And picked up the bottle
Replacing one spirit for another
  Sep 2020 WordPlay
When you wake
In the morning
Face the struggle
And the sun of the day
Know when the gray creeps in
That you need only muster
Strength for one day
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