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200 · Apr 2016
Rhiannon Apr 2016
This house will always be messy,
There's no denying that.
Be careful the socks might bite you,
And no I didn't mean the cat.
199 · Jul 2016
Rhiannon Jul 2016
I can't seem to write poems anymore,
Even though I'm up at 4 AM,
Notepad ready and ballpoint pen.

But nothing seems to spring to mind,
Except for the thought that I'm wasting my time.

I can't seem to write poems anymore,
My creativity has been forgotten and my mind sore.

But nothing seems to be working,
And everyday I find,
The most horrible and degrading thoughts,
Lurking in my mind.
Rhiannon Nov 2017
The only flowers that don't die are fake ones,
People are flawed,
It's just the truth.

But you still expect perfection,

Even though it always rains where you live,
And there's a leak from your roof.

Now I know it would be hypocritical of me to point out your wrongs.

When where I live the boilers broken,
And I know you hate one of my favourite songs,
But it screams the words that cannot be spoken.

The only flowers that don't die are fake ones,
people are flawed,
It's just the truth,

But you still expect perfection.

You must have been ruined in your youth.
Sometimes vicious circles start from the people we least expect.
198 · Apr 2020
Pandemic thoughts.
Rhiannon Apr 2020
With the grunts and groans of a wakening morn,
A small ball of resentment, fire and scorn,
There are heavy bags haunting your face,
Time goes by on a clock but there is no race.

Days and moments mesh together,
For the dumb, oblivious, ignorant and clever,
Nothing is separate one by one,
Awaken, eat, sleep, done.

The ignorant march out in hordes and laugh,
At the cautious hidden behind masks and glass,
As the docile watch from somewhere in the middle,
Eat, work, sleep little.

Remembrance of the workers clad in cloth,
Their work deemed essential until very last cough,
Mindless sit on stones along the beach,
Whilst the sun cooks their skin, face and feet.

"I'll be ****** if I'm staying in!" someone shouts,
A reckless, stupid, ignorant lout,
Struts into the shop and buys a lazy spa,
Oh how productive, thoughtful and intelligent you are.

Then the workers travel home by train, car or bus,
Get through their front door and take their shoes off with a huff,
Sigh because tomorrow is yet another day,
Trying to persuade morons to simply stay away.
197 · Jul 2017
For my love of God.
Rhiannon Jul 2017
The blood of the lamb is smeared,
above my front door.
Protecting me from mockery, demons, the devil,
And many more.

A candle burns above my fireplace,
reminding me of your light,
knowing that I am safe from all harm,
tucked into bed at night.

Your voice whispers warmly,
into my ear.
keeping away the dreadful thoughts,
cleansing my mind of fear.

Your name powerful enough,
to make the darkness hide.
A symbol of your sacrifice,
strong wings stretched wide.

Forgiveness and love,
your humble being preaches,
and when I see a white dove,
you're in the middle of one of your speeches.

Smiling wide, living,
You catch me when I fall,
And if I ever feel I am being pushed down,
You lift me up so I am tall.
197 · Jan 2016
Rhiannon Jan 2016
Famous people with their famous faces,
Famous laughs and famous disgraces.
Famous people with famous lungs,
Famous eyes and famous tongues.
Famous people and their famous opinions.
Famous people inspiring millions.
Famous hearts and famous hands,
Famous people I'll never understand.
196 · Jul 2016
Rhiannon Jul 2016
You see love and I have never really been friends,
I mean we'd wave awkwardly to eachother,
Through mutual pretence,
But that's about it.

We'd make awkward eye contact on the train,
Then ignore eachothers existence,
As if it was simple and plain,
But nothing more than that.

To be honest with you,
Love and I barely know eachother,
Well I mean I think I know a few of their lovers,
But nobody that's stuck around for long enough.

And the problem with love,
Is when you go to shake their hand,
You've got everything you want to say planned,
But it all falls down and shatters at your feet.

Just like everytime,
My heart skips a beat,
Whenever my eyes are left in your wake.
196 · Nov 2015
Rhiannon Nov 2015
I can feel it in my bones,
Heavy burdens to carry.
I can taste it on my tongue,
Different cultures to marry.
I can hear it in my ears,
Foreign words being spoken.
I can see it in my eyes,
The land of the dead and broken.
I can smell it through my nose,
The incense stick lighting.
I can sense it in my stomach,
The start of the rioting.
My brain is getting misty,
It's numb and it's quick,
But when the knife cut my throat,
I didn't feel a thing.
196 · Oct 2017
Thinking at a funeral.
Rhiannon Oct 2017
Do not take those you love for granted,
Because one day they will be gone,
Like my Mother's old and tired violin,
They'll be far too rusty to play songs.

Give them chances and understanding,
Hold them when they cry,
Forgive them when they make you angry,
Don't waste your time explaining why.

Give them encouragment when they feel uncertain,
Help them up when they fall down,
If doubts come flooding in keep them afloat with your person,
Making sure they do not drown.

Do not take those you love for granted,
Because one day they will be gone,
And just like my mother's old and tired violin,
You will be damaged but you'll just have to carry on.
195 · Jun 2016
Rhiannon Jun 2016
I saw your hand in her hand,
And on that day I knew,
I could never confess my feelings,
As my eyes spilled tears of blue.
195 · Jan 2016
Rhiannon Jan 2016
When your head is heavy,
Your heartbeat gradually calming down.
As your eyelids slowly drop shut,
Your breath steady with the rise and fall of your chest.

Your bed is comfort,
Relaxing asleep,
Nothing can harm you,
As you count sheep.

One, Two, Three, Four,
You can't get to five before your mind is absorbed.
Up in the clouds,
Away with the fairies.

But then things start to turn scary.
With the flutter of your eyelids,
Tremor of your hands,
You're awake now,
The one thing you can't stand.

Then all you hear are the monsters whisper in your ear,
"You're awake, You're awake, You're awake."
194 · Oct 2016
Leave her.
Rhiannon Oct 2016
I told you you should leave her,
Because she always makes you cry,
But you constantly forgave her,
And I always asked you why?

When she abuses you mentally,
And acuses you of things,
That you'd never dare to do,
Because you're scared her slaps will sting.

I told you you should leave her,
Because she only causes you pain,
But yet you still waited an hour for her,
Soaking in the rain.

When she says you're being unfaithful,
But all you did was hug a friend,
As she glares at those who could save you,
From her bitter and tormented end.

I told you you should leave her,
Because I've seen your eyes glisten,
With the tears that she has caused,
Like she's on a ******* mission.

And the poison she has left,
Left inside your mind,
Have told you you are nothing,
That you're bitter and unkind.

I told you you should leave her,
Because she's breaking your heart,
And you're leaving a trail of pieces,
As you fall apart.

And I've put you back together,
So many ******* times,
When I asked if you were ok,
And you just smiled and said you were fine.

But you're never fine,
When you're within her grasp,
Because that evil witch,
Was hurting you from the start.
194 · Apr 2016
Fed up.
Rhiannon Apr 2016
When everything is numb,
And you can't comprehend,
The difference between your worst enemies and your best friend.
Rhiannon Aug 2017
I cried eggshells out my eyes last night,
And they lay broken on the floor.

I’ve learnt to catch a few in the palms of my hands,
Cause if I don’t it makes peoples feet sore.
194 · Feb 2016
I'll have to.
Rhiannon Feb 2016
Let me be the outcast,
Change me into something new,
Because I swear there’s not enough of me,
To make up all of you you.
Control my mind and eyes,
Even My sense of style,
For a while change my impression,
Make me seem all the more,
Important and mature,
But as I am only sixteen I will stay,
I’ll have to wait for that day.
193 · May 2016
Rhiannon May 2016
She and He flirt all the time,
Over the group chat wasting pick up lines.
But what She does not know is He had me first.
I was the main course and she is dessert.
192 · Mar 2016
Rhiannon Mar 2016
What is "Romance?"
Because to be honest I'm not quite sure.
Is it the shape of the clouds?
Or something a little bit more?

I've done some research,
But all I have found,
Is that love starts to kick you,
Once you fall down.

"A triumph of wit and virtue".
That's just a lie,
Because I've broken my wings,
So how can I fly?
192 · Dec 2016
Rhiannon Dec 2016
Why are you so angry?
I've never understood,
This heart of sweet intentions,
Left bruised and of no good.

The songs we sing do not please you,
Because you do not seem to care.
Everything is over-commercialized,
As you run a strained hand through your hair.
191 · Jan 2017
Love puff.
Rhiannon Jan 2017
You gave me a friendship bracelet,
And I didn't quite know what to do.
So I just put it on my wrist,
Then wore it everyday for you.

Your laughter is contagious,
Much like a yawn,
That we barely ever do,
Because when we're together there's a storm.

You're going to university soon,
But we'll always keep in touch,
And I'll let you know in every way,
That I miss you very much.

Remember that time I slept round your house,
And let out that enormous ****?
Yeah, That never fails to amuse me,
Just like you'll always be in my heart.
190 · Oct 2016
Rhiannon Oct 2016
I see humans but no humanity.
You tell me you're sane but where is your sanity?
Using people as you shout profanities,
Is this how the world's going to end?
190 · Dec 2016
Rhiannon Dec 2016
Do you believe in ghosts?
Because I swear I’ve seen your eyes before.
And your laugh haunts my ear drums,
Cutting my heart up raw.

This house is built for Phantoms,
No one can get over things,
Always bringing up memories,
That make my old scars sting.

And the faces I remember,
Never seem to look the same,
They appear gaunt and tired.
As if they’ve been consumed by shame.

Your history will follow you,
No matter how long you last,
Just make sure you remember,
You can never truly escape the past.
189 · Jan 2017
I'm trying.
Rhiannon Jan 2017
I'm trying to loose weight,
But I look in the kitchen,
And there's cake,
And a biscuit tin.
189 · Jul 2016
I was.
Rhiannon Jul 2016
I was annoyed.
No not annoyed at you,
I was angry and frustrated,
At all the things you do.

Your ignorance towards feelings,
Oblivious to the fact,
That you and you alone,
Are an absolute ****.
189 · Jan 2017
Rhiannon Jan 2017
I'm so grateful,
For the place I call home,
With the friends I will cherish,
and a room to call my own.

For the arguments we've had,
Then the calm after the storm,
For the apologies we muttered,
When a brand new love was born.

For the rain that used to patter,
Leaking on our windowsill,
For all the laughter and the chatter,
Knowing life could only go up hill.
189 · May 2016
Rhiannon May 2016
These butterflies in my stomach,
They're starting to kick.
These emotions are hard to swim through,
The waters far to foggy and stiflingly deep.
188 · Nov 2016
Rhiannon Nov 2016
It's 2:55 and my mind is screaming,
It's 2:56 and I should be dreaming,
It's 2:57 and I'm still awake,
It's 2:58 for goodness sake.
186 · Jan 2016
Rhiannon Jan 2016
Dancing in the moonlight,
Singing a happy hymn.
I can't wait to show the world,
All the joy you bring.
Your smile brightens my darkest days,
Rays of sunlight erase the doubt,
Surely this is what life's all about?

When your hand accidentally brushes past mine,
That leaves my entire world in a twine,
As my eyes go wide and light up in surprise,
While a blush creeps up my cheeks.

I know I have nothing to fear as long as you're near,
because you'd wipe away all the tears,
That could stain my skin.
Making me want to sing,
In the moonlight,
A happy hymn.
186 · Jan 2017
What are friends?
Rhiannon Jan 2017
I know friends are meant to be always be by your side,
But how can I be friends with a wounded pride?

You take and take and take,
Then never give back.
The amount of times your words have cut me,
And my bloods bled black.

You're never there when I need you,
But you need me all the time,
So I just have bite my tongue,
Everytime you tell me I'm fine.
185 · Apr 2020
Rhiannon Apr 2020
In a manner of speaking,
I guess you could say I'm at a loss.
A part of myself not yet met creeping,
the bridges i've burnt trying to get across.

The land we meet on spoilt and barren,
No trees or fertile soil here.
My foe before me stands nonchalant, inhuman,
No sign of a whimper, No seep of a tear.

The very beginning of my journey was broken,
A dishonest and foul way to start.
This stalemate wreaks with truths unspoken,
Like the decaying stench of your closed off heart.
185 · Dec 2015
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Should I even ask?
Is it that simple?
That everything you think.
Has been affected by people.
Sharp tongues slashing,
Wounds you can't see,
Because I'm absolutely terrified,
Of what people think of me.
Can you hear the screaming?
That's my heart,
All these suppressed emotions,
Are ripping me apart.
185 · Aug 2016
Rhiannon Aug 2016
How can you love me?
When I look like this.
I've got spots on my body,
And stretch marks on my hips.

How can you find me attractive?
When my stomach sticks out.
I haven't got a thigh gap,
And I don't know how to pout.

What do you find so compelling?
There's nothing much here.
I'm just a tired brain,
Suffocated in fear.
185 · Oct 2016
Rhiannon Oct 2016
I just feel numb.
Which is strange for me,
Because usually I'm buzzing off caffeine,
By at least half past three.

It's like the world has come to a stop.
No longer revolving round,
And everyone's just given up.
Abandoned this tiny town.
183 · Jul 2016
Rhiannon Jul 2016
How do I respond,
To everything you say?
When you use your words to inflict harm,
Bully and manipulate.
182 · Apr 2016
Rhiannon Apr 2016
You tell me that you love him,
But you don’t even know his name.
You obsess over his nature,
Whilst damaging his delicate frame.

Catastrophes your forte,
And it seems a real shame,
When you love someone so much,
That you bound them in chains.

Haunting every moment,
The plague of you is there.
It’s in the way they speak the way they walk,
Almost like you’re in their hair.

Directing every breath,
You catch their souls bare.
You think that you are loving,
But you’re causing them despair.
182 · Jun 2016
Rhiannon Jun 2016
I see a mountain between us,
I see the glare from your eyes,
I see the concept of forgiveness,
Worn on your smile as a disguise.

I see a land made of egg shells,
One step wrong and we all fall down,
I see the blood of a martyr,
Weeping from the crystals in your crown.

I'm not giving up on you,
That's the last thing I'm going to do,
And I've known you for far too long,
For this friendship to go wrong,
So please don't block me out.

I see the hunger of a vampire,
Feeding off of all my pain,
I see insanity in your eyes,
I see all the attention that you crave.

I feel the shape of your fingernails,
Sinking deep within my heart,
And I see the triumph in your features,
When I finally fall apart.
182 · Jun 2016
Rhiannon Jun 2016
Facing your demons is always hard,
Especially when it sits on your stomach as pounds of lard.
You try to resist your favourite treats,
But no you must admit defeat,
Those cookies aren't going to eat themselves.

And as you stroll through the supermarket,
On every shelf sits a wealth of desserts and treats,
All the ones that you want.

It would be a shame to say no, Right?
I mean my clothes aren't that tight,
And it's not as if I can't get off the floor.

But you act as if it's a chore,
To reach up to the tallest shelf and get more,
As you complain about the size of your stomach.

So when the skinny girls walk past you glare,
Because you're envious of the care they take of their bodies.
Well, That could've been you,
If you just resisted a little while longer.
182 · Mar 2017
Rhiannon Mar 2017
Well Adam says to Eve,
"You're made from one of my ribs".
She's says "Nah, Now you're telling fibs".
182 · Jul 2016
Untitled 2
Rhiannon Jul 2016
Who is "You?"
Who could "You" be?
Could "You" be a loved one?
Could "You" be me?

What is the purpose of "You?"
Are they intertwined and underlined in everything "You" do?
I mean obviously it's down to chance,
Coincidence and circumstance,
But what does "You" mean?

They arrive pristine only to please themselves.
Is "You" in good health?
I haven't said,
But now "You" is in your head,
Just like they were in mine before.
I would suggest reading my other poem "untitled" before this one.
181 · Jan 2017
Express yourself.
Rhiannon Jan 2017
This  paralysis is scary,
And I don't know what to do.

It's like my heart is a free wild forest,
And my mind contains me like a Zoo.
180 · Sep 2016
Rhiannon Sep 2016
Your tongue is like a knife,
Cutting at my skin.
So how do they expect me to defend myself?
When the blade is sinking in.
180 · Jan 2017
Rhiannon Jan 2017
My heart is weak and you ran at it with an axe.
Like you couldn’t differentiate between laughter and screaming.
The tears that fell weren’t happy.
Just like the love you represented wasn’t real.
180 · Dec 2016
I guess.
Rhiannon Dec 2016
Waiting at the corner,
For you to notice me.
My hope hits the ground,
Like an Autumn leaf from a tree.

I check my watch and notice,
An hour has passed.
I guess that's all it takes,
To thoroughly smash my heart.
180 · Aug 2016
Rhiannon Aug 2016
Stumbling down the pavement,
Expressionless face.
Berate the hearts you know,
Mouth of sour taste.

They seem to condone your behaviour,
These people with smiling faces.
For they think that you're their saviour,
Yet you cannot tie your laces.

Holding hands in a single file,
Conforming to the norms,
And when someone breaks that cycle,
The earth reacts with a storm.
180 · Feb 2018
It's cold.
Rhiannon Feb 2018
It's been snowing where I live,
Which is absolutely fine,
Weather is a woman you do not mess with,
She does things in her own time.

But Weather, My boots aren't very warm,
And I'm getting chilblains on my toes,
So it would be nice if you could send a tropical storm,
Cause I'm tired of skiing down the road.

And I can't get to half of my friends,
As the bus I catch goes to turn right and slides left,
I try to walk but the ice leaves me stumbling,
Plus being clumsy, with my feet I am not deft.

Now Weather, Your moods always seem erratic,
One minute it's raining then the next it's dry,
And half the time when we ask for a bit of sun,
Your face turns to an expression quite wry.

I enjoy the snow, I do!
Your Daughter Winter is a lovely girl to meet,
But I think I'd enjoy her company an awful lot more,
If she didn't give me cold feet.
I'm wearing eight pairs of socks.
180 · Aug 2016
Rhiannon Aug 2016
I feel I can't tell you things,
Because you'll get upset.
And everytime words spill out my mouth,
My heart fills with regret.

It would be simple and easy,
If you weren't so full of grief,
And you rant everything out,
But I'm not allowed to speak.

You say you're feeling ******,
And that's understandable,
But you might aswell be in a *****,
Because you haven't grown up at all.
179 · Oct 2018
Careful pretenses.
Rhiannon Oct 2018
The inevitability of you is astounding,
You're a pretty flower nobody can help but pick.
But there are many snakes in this garden,
So please be cautious.

I've heard your laughter windswept across the sea front,
Many a brave sailor has come to visit you.
You're a rare catch,
Nobody can help but fish for.

I've seen thunderstroms in your eyes,
As birds swoop past to escape your wrath.
You're an off the richter scale earthquake,
Nobody can forget.

The vulnerability of you is astounding,
You're a thistle nobody can cut back.
Many people have come to **** your garden,
So I am being cautious.
Rhiannon May 2018
Those shoes have got pizzazz,
It's true as it's told,
Their sparkling glitter vibrant colours,
A thousand questions old.

That shirt is very busy,
Busier than most,
Destroyed by hurried businessman,
Spilling tea and toast.

These trousers are a tight fit,
squeezing in the gore,
Of sugar, chocolate, donuts,
With a million calories more.

Your eyes are very dull,
Their tired and their red,
Like the judgement of a few strangers,
Fills your heart with dread.

Your mind is very lonely,
A desolate place to be,
For if you never loose control of your inhibitions,
You'll never truly be free.
178 · Mar 2016
Rhiannon Mar 2016
All these insignificant rambles,
They seem to come out in loops.
I've got thousands of ideas on scruffy paper,
Just incase you want some proof.

This book I'm writing has no reason,
It's not even the depressive season,
But these rambles always swarm back.
177 · Feb 2016
Rhiannon Feb 2016
A true survivor,
These rivers are deep.
"Beware of the sinking mud."
A sign covered and decayed with dust.
I'm up to the knees in troubles,
As the mud sinks into my pores.
176 · Jun 2016
Rhiannon Jun 2016
My mind used to be a beautiful place,
One where you could go,
And sit upon the green hill,
With grass tickling your toes.

In winter you could sit inside a warm cabin,
Away from all the snow.
You could have hot chocolate and marshmallows,
A place where only love grows.

But now the cabin has been vandalised,
Windows smashed and rocks thrown,
And the grass has died into soil,
Leaving mud stains on your clothes.

This place of beauty that once belonged,
Has been deserted and dried up,
And all the birds sing sad songs,
About how the earth had had enough.
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