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 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
To me you are the whole world
So I don't know how you could even think
That you are not enough
Love stood before Loyalty her soon to be husband and a chapel full of wedding guests wearing a crown of Olive leaves, dressed in light, and  holding a bouquet of pink Lilies.  Love and Loyalty looked into each other's eyes and exchanged vows.

Loyalty:" My dream of making you my wife has become a reality.  I promise to hold you in my arms and keep you safe for all eternity.  I promise to cherish you and treat you like royalty."

Love:" I've been waiting for this moment ever since my heart took it's first beat.  Like Doves flying on the winds of peace I promise to uphold this marriage above the clouds of serenity."

surrounded by all the virtues Loyalty and Love kissed.

written by Keith Edward Baucum
I enjoy reading your poems.  You are amazing poets.  I thank all of you for reading my poems and leaving comments.  I like to say thank you to the poets who followed me.  If you follow me I'll follow you back.  Thank every poet who sent me an invite to join their group their collection.  Thank you for giving me hearts and thumbs up.
Snoring wildly on the emerald carpets
With lush and frantic hue
Cushiony petals are dancing puppets
Destination never has gone through
Crops bearing golden yields
Threshed with ardent love and devotion
There.. farmer's friends crawling deep
Displacing under fine fragmentation
Endless barriers..Endless notes
Endless beauty...Endless codes..
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