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BaileyBuckels Mar 2014
When ever the clock gets to 11:11:11
I make a wish
I'm superstitious
I know this now.

It's always something about love
always about pain of losing someone
Of leaven your Lonely heart Broken on the floor
I wish at 11:11:11 for you to come back but that won't happen
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
I can't think of you like I used to.
You left me in your dust,
a nail to begin to rust.
You were my Twenty-one,
you were my first kiss
and last goodbye.
the hello
then hell no.
i seriously just finished this, finaly got somethin out
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
Basically ******.
Really it is,
****** of a unborn
baby girl or boy,
Beautiful in its own way.
Its life taken before the child
gets a chance to see,
to breath,
to even know what life is.

Plenty of children get aborted daily,
when there are men and women
who can't have babies and wan't to have babies
BaileyBuckels Oct 2013
Eat then to toss it up,
Appetite sedated for the time being
then to just loose it all
In the fight of the stomach acids and the food
This will **** you,
but you still puke
Bulge on burgers and Shakes
then to loose it to the bowl

I used eat
then loose it
I bulged on burgers and shakes
I used to be
I know that people strugle with anorexia and i used to to
BaileyBuckels Oct 2013
Eat then to toss it up,
Appetite sedated for the time being
then to just loose it all
In the fight of the stomach acids and the food
This will **** you,
but you still puke
Bulge on burgers and Shakes
then to loose it to the bowl

I used eat
then loose it
I bulged on burgers and shakes
I used to be
I know that people strugle with anorexia and i used to to
BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
Stopped thinking
can't breath ,
so cold,
in the middle of the day
died from
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
You turned my heart to stone,
Bleached it white with your likes
The indifferent mask that is applied to your face
is a symbol of how much you 'loved' me and
How much you 'really cared'
because if you really cared you wouldn't lie to my face
and wouldn't ignore me
you were my best friend
and my worst enemy
you couldn't find what you wanted in me and
what you did find wasn't what you expected
from me; you expected cheerfulness and beauty
but thats whats is not there, whats there is sorrow and bitter sweat
that was my mistake, to let you read that book
and turn those pages,
you should burn that book before someone else has the chance to read me
but you never will and you could never bring yourself to it.
This is really a mash up of how i feel right now because i have mixed emotions and don't really want anyone who personally knows me to know how i feel
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
B: Beautiful, pretty little lines Chris-crossing my wrists
A: Accepting death before my 12th  year
I: Innocence left my body years ago
L: lost and so alone
E: Euphoria long ago gone
Y: yearning for his love to grow like a wild fire
I was given the name 'Bailey' when i was born but most people i know call me 'Kitty' or Kat or KittyKat
BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
B: Broken among the mess that is love
E: eternally Gratefull for thw hell that you put me through
A: awake amoung the sleeping wolves
U: united as on person are many
T: tied the knot that is death
I: ignight the flames of romance
F: fire burning in my eyes
U: Understanding nothing
L: lies
JUst a random mash up
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
Lie, we all do sometimes
Die, we all will eventually
Cry, myself to sleep
spy, for the weak and insecure

Love, he's the only one
Dove, the many on our wedding day

Cell, the holding place of my love
Sell my soul to the Devil
Just to see his face

Accepted, something i will never be
Alone, always alone in this world
Dying to see his face again
Missing the way our bodies trembled
when we kissed
Lips meeting in a beautiful lie
Deception is all he dreams about
At night we stay in bed, holding each other so close
but we are so far apart
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
I can no longer be the beauty.
For now I am the beast.
You had me at 'Hello'
I had you at 'Good day'

We met in hell,
you became my safe haven.
the light at the end of my hellish tunnel
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
My past came back to haunt me
all ten+ pill bottles are back and on my dresser
by razor is on the bed waiting for my touch
my stomach cant take much more of this
my mind is slowing down to almost a stop
my heart just won't beat anymore
my life has drained out of my smile
and the fire that once was in my eyes are no more
BaileyBuckels Jul 2016
With the lines that cross her wrists
and the blood pooling from her veins
you'd think she was normal
you'd think she was sane

Cheer captain and class president
and the awards for best actress  
You'd think she was prefect
You'd think she learned from the best.

Her Mama, a saint. Her father a sailor,
She twists and twirls in the breeze.
Crying for the days of yesteryear
and the people she left behind.

Its all a dream, she isn't sane.
She never was.
She lost it all, and isn't turning back.
She isn't going home.

They found her body, broken and dismembered, under a bridge and you can see the last tears she cried etched into her makeup. Crying and loving and laughing till the last moment when that last breath exited her lips and she left this world. She was never perfect, she wanted you to believe she was. And, boy, she had you going. Its incredible what people will believe if you want them to.  

Goodnight and Farewell my loves
BaileyBuckels Jan 2014
Am i dead?
Cause i feel like it.
Can't feel my pulse.
Can't breath,
Can't see.
Where am I?
Am I in heaven?
Is this what hell's like,
I see blood on my hand,
and blood on my chest.
I look down and there is my body
I look to my left and right. People rush
Whats going on? I'm scared. I see my friends cry.
Why don't they hear me? Am I dead?
I see a light. Its so beautiful.
I am dead...
BaileyBuckels Jan 2014
Deceitful little *****
Eating your way thru my heart
After planting the seed of love
Dying when we are done
BaileyBuckels Jan 2014
Does he like me?
Is that smile he gives me friendly?
Or is it something more?

Does he like me?
Is the way he stares judging?
Or is it because he wants to know me?

Does he stand up for every girl?
Or just for me?

Does he.....

It doesn't matter if he likes me.
BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
BaileyBuckels Feb 2015
I try to eat
But I can't
Nor do I want to

I can't keep it down
nor does it taste good
I just can't eat
BaileyBuckels Jan 2014
On the first Sunday of every month,
We go to the shooting range,
three generations and I,
We go there to escape from
the pain and regret
We go there to shoot
bow and arrows
and the bullets in our guns.
we go there to be free
on the first Sunday of every month
My great-grandfather, my papa, and my dad and I always go to the shooting competitions every first Sunday of the month and we do it to escape from my always drunk great-uncle (papa's brother) and my always high, always drunk, abusive uncle (dad's brother).
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
He is my burning sun,
what i wake up looking forward to
the call of the wild
and my better half.
You cannot have a moon with out a sun
cannot have fire without a flame

He know how to make me smile,
and he knows my secrets and my

He is my everything
I love you babe <3
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
Are the scars that  cross along
the lonely veins on my skin
something to marvel at or
something to grimes at?
Are these scars on my legs
worth your glee?
all i wanted to be is free
and all you want is me to leave.
you cant have your way,
****! I'm Gonna STAY!
BaileyBuckels Jun 2014
You broke my heart.
Left me on the floor.
Stabbed me in the back.
Kicked me out the door.
Said you loved me.
Just to leave me in the gutter
And on the shore.
Learned my lesson.
Gave me a reason to love no more.
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
A reminder
you are
and I'm
is yours

A successful
breach in the
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
All i want is him ,
His hand in the small of my back,
His lips, sweetly pressing against mine,
His body, firm and comforting,

Four months to the the date,
We've been together,
Forever I am his,
This promise ring is the birthday present
That means the most to me    

The couch at his place,
Smells of me and him,
Sweat and roses
All over his room
Climb to the top bunk
this is about me and michael and he proposed on our four months together and that was on Halloween and he wanted to propose on our four months and he wanted it to be an early b-day
BaileyBuckels Mar 2014
I never thought I would hurt this much.
the thought of loneliness is overpowering.
Because of you I'm Hurting
and because of you I cry
because of you i scream.
the pain of defeat is overwhelming.
the thought of you breaks my heart,
and the thought of you is sickening
BaileyBuckels Mar 2014
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
It's  important  that you know that I love you.
Important that you know I need you.
And cherish you
BaileyBuckels Feb 2015
It's not something I say often.
I will make that clear.
I am happy your happy.
And that you used to be near.
But now your gone.
And I'm alone.
I lost my best friend that day.
I've done my time.
And need you back.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
But you told me to move on
So I did and now you hate me
So now I'm so so so sorry
BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
In her heart.
By Mychal Prisbrey

Strong mind,
Weak heart,
Bones grind,
Ready to start,
As hard as she tries to hide her pain,
Is shows like light ,
On this plane,
Simple but deep,
In plain sight,
She cries in the confines of her own heart never showing her pain’,
She looks to you for help
but you turn your back on her,
In her pain she seeks salvation,
Will salvation arrive or  with damnation forever claim her.
My friend wrote this and I posted it because she wanted me to and yeah
BaileyBuckels Mar 2014
Am I No-longer innocent,
For that I gave you my greatest gift?
Am I still the same Innocent lady?
Or did I become a woman?
Its complicated really, but yeah i did lose my virginity
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
That's his name.
The name of the lad
Who I gave my heart to
The one who can take my breath away
And makes me feel like
There's something for me
He's my love
He's my superhero.
He's my better half and
My everything
BaileyBuckels Mar 2014
BaileyBuckels Mar 2014
Who is the beauty?------------------------Is it you?
And who is the beast?---------------------Is it me?
Are we a team?---------------------------Doesn't seem like it      
Can we try again--------------------------I hope you say yes
Did you really care------------------------Cause I know I did
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
I wish I could **** you.
I really do.
But you have my heart
in one hand
And another on my arm.

It's like you wanted
To hurt me.
It's like you didn't care.

I thought better of you.
But I now know
I was wrong.
You told me
You would hurt me
I guess you were right.

I guess I got to move on.
And keep on.
But I don't want to
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
So... I'm the open minded girl who speaks her mind and is hated because she has no filter. So here's what happened: Me, being me, walks up to this random guy i find vary cute and tell him. Now, two weeks later he starts talking to me. We both just sit with one friend by the library; Me with my best friend on the east side of the wall and him and his, i'm assuming, best friend on the west and the two just sit and watch me and my friend talk and laugh and fool around. And I really like him, on the occasions we have talked i have grown to like him but we are a grade apart, he is a sophomore and i'm A freshman  (but i was held back)  and i have aerobics the same hour he has gym and we pass each other in the hallways and he has this really cute flirtations he only uses when he smiles at me. I am rambling on like an idiot but i don't care, i want to get this off my chest. all im saying is i don't know if he likes me or is trying to be polite, I'm so confused!!! when i found out his name, it was sean
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
Because its
you think
you want
that is
and then
my heart
My hear was just broken and the only one who can fix it is the one who broke it
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
You lay there in your bed
You are of the living but you look dead
filling me with dread
was it something i said
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
I listen to my music,
secluded and alone,
rocking out to MCR
and Black Veil Brides
Watching and waiting
for a chance to say 'hey'
Loving how I exist in
only the music world
Wake up to fell let down
buy family and 'friends'
and looking at you smile
every morning is killing me
more then it should,
making me want more BOTDF,
jamming to all the trule in those lines
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
Need him
Need his touch
Need his lips on mine
Need his body press against mine
Need his hands discovering the curves of my body
Need his touch of the soft, perfect lips on mine <3
BaileyBuckels Mar 2014
I spend my night cowering in fear,
because my nights are filled with dreams.
Not the ones you expect a cheerleader to have,
they are filled with death and destruction,
horror and despair,
Frightful nights, always scared of the dark.
not knowing what lurks under my bed,
and hide in my wardrobe.
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
Four you uncle koda
BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
You sent that email saying you don't want to live anymore.
I reply and you don't respond,
I'm scared for your life
your my best friend
and  I couldn't live without you
your mean the world to me
and you say those things about wanting to be dead
and wanting no part of humanity
you regret a lot
but the one thing you don't
was keeping our friendship.
We are a fragile pair,
you and I.
We been through a lot together.
you say that you open your doors and want everyone to leave
but i will never let you go .
you are my companion.
if not, then what are you to me,
I need you here.
you have a sister and a brother
a mother and a father who cares for you
you seem to think nobody cares
but I care.
I loved you from the start
we will never part our ways.
we have the same issues
of depression and insane
we get along like pb and j
Wow I'm lame
But I get that you want to be alone
but when you're alone
you do things that scare me  
And scare me to death

that email put me in tears on the spot,
don't do something you will regret

My best friend is suicidal and he knows im there for him but he won't listen. he likes to think that being alone is the best way for him to get his depression out but he keeps things bottled up and someday he will explode
BaileyBuckels Jan 2015
Sitting there
in your EZ chair
With her name tattooed on you arm
and that bottle in your hand
and a glass next to you
you down them bottles at a time
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
Privacy does not exist in a family of five,
And trust is earned.

when you are me you have neither.
And what you do have, its very little

Open doors
and Closed hearts
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
On my page There is the beautiful words 'in a relationship with...'
You could insert your name here
But you never would
I'm not the girl that you would like
I'm not your type.

On that little four word sentence and those dots
puts my heart in a skip
I am afraid to click the 'see more'
and when I do my heart stops.....
And the name there is mine
BaileyBuckels Sep 2016
As I bounce my leg to the beat of a song,
I can tell this will take long,
As I sing with the choir,
Being roasted on a fire,
Laughing with the crowed,
We're getting loud.
for Justin in creative writing class
BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
Those scars on my wrists and thighs?
Came here through my trying times,
But you stayed through the lows and my highs,
You stayed there for me,
as a friend and as a lover
You helped me fight through it all
your the one of my dreams
your the one tying me to life
without your support I'd be dead
Lying six feet under
wondering if you ever loved me
Never thought I'd wear that necklace
of rope, in the barn, above in the rafters
owls hooting my return to the god above
Horses all untamed and not groomed
the place of my birth and my death becomes my home
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
Those scars on my wrists and thighs?
Came here through my trying times,
But you stayed through the lows and my highs,
You stayed there for me,
as a friend and as a lover
You helped me fight through it all
your the one of my dreams
your the one tying me to life
with out your support I'd be dead
Lying six feet under
wondering if you ever loved me
Never thought I'd wear that necklace
of rope, in the barn, above in the rafters
owls hooting my return to the god above
Horses all untamed and not groomed
the place of my birth and my death becomes my home
Probably the worst one i ever wrote cause its all over the place and slopy
BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
Those scars on my wrists and thighs?
Came here through my trying times,
But you stayed through the lows and my highs,
You stayed there for me,
as a friend and as a lover
You helped me fight through it all
your the one of my dreams
your the one tying me to life
without your support I'd be dead
Lying six feet under
wondering if you ever loved me
Never thought I'd wear that necklace
of rope, in the barn, above in the rafters
owls hooting my return to the god above
Horses all untamed and not groomed
the place of my birth and my death becomes my home
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
***** you
***** your smile
***** your laugh
***** your touch
your smell
***** your love
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