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 Apr 2014 BaileyBuckels
i feel blessed to have all my beloved people around me
even blessed for the haters 'cause they give so much passion to their hate that make us grow !
I am the bullet,
Freed by a pull of the trigger
And the kick of the hammer.
Filled with hatred,
Clad in cold steel,
I am emotionless.
Built for war
And born to ****,
My purpose:
To end lives, nothing more.
His Voice or Mine

With his kiss upon your lips
As you  close your eyes
Do you think about the life we had
Or the new life he provides

Can his hands carress your body
The ways that mine once did
Will his touch give you pleasure
Like only I could give

Can you see true love in his eye's
Like the love I had for you
Will your heart beat just as fast
As when I walked in the room

Does the memory of him fill your day
Is our memory lost in time
As you sleep within your dreams
Do you hear his voice or mine

Carl Joseph Roberts
For all those who have even felt a loss. Your Life and your thoughts will turn around and become yours again. It's true what they say. Time heals
 Apr 2014 BaileyBuckels
At times, I wish I knew the art of lying like you so,
I could lie to myself that, I don't love you anymore.
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
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