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Ayeshah Dec 2015
I've changed
You've changed

Remember when
duck duck goose  
made sense

Giggling bubblely laughter  
was all that mattered


Tag you're it

Ring around the Rosies

Pockets  full of posies

Remember it;

I've changed

You've changed

Life threw us  ashes

Ashes ashes

123 Greenlight

Didn't see it coming
turned red

Ashes ashes

I can feel myself lifted

flying in the air

Your feet tucked into my belly

Your hands holding my hands

Remember that;

Miss Mary Mat Matt Mat

All dressed  in  black  black black

With silver buttons  

heading to a funeral home

That's what's she was doing
but it's not
how the children's song
goes huh

Remember when;
We'd stand in front of the mirror

****** Mary
****** Mary
******  oooooo don't  say it

I liked it best when
we played

ding **** ditch

Ashes ashes

life's ashes swirling  
grey dark hazy

Smokey mist glimpses
as my mind races

Glittered  pieces  
Like a kaleidoscope
fading in and out

Making funny shapes & faces

Faces with no name
whom I've known
when life was simpler

Ring around the Rosies

Pockets  full of posies

Posies ; deep pock marks

Scares an unnamed souls

  from crashing though  
a car's windshield

She wanted to text
she'd be home soon

123 Greenlight
turned red

Ashes ashes

I've changed
You've changed

Remember when

Being young & irresponsible was seemingly
our job

We didn't  have to worry or wonder

Remember when;

Tag  you're  it

Ashes ashes

I changed

You changed

We All Fall Down!
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Yeah this is my brain on mental illness no cure just how the thoughts display there self in my head all the things I see and or hear like a movie.   ***** yet it's home for me.
Ayeshah Dec 2015
I like the thought of you
Of us being together

I like the thought of you being in my arms
I like the thought of you

I think of how you smile

I think of how you lay or should say how you would lay next to me

I think of how we'll sit and watch TV
It's  not really important what we watch
Long as we're spending the time together

I think of how your loving would be

Ironically  thoughts drifts in and out of how I'd want you to eat my food

Thoughts of  you'd say your full

I think of how  the love novels talks of this undying love and how it  speaks of demons giants and Dragons

How you'd save me
from all of them

I'd be the girl in the novels  and they live somehow happily ever after

I'm thinking that could be you and me

Yeah I like the thought of a fairy tale coming true

A battle or two fought over me

Of someone taking me away from my hole in the wall  castle

Someone um  like um  you

I got all the imaginary demons dragons and Giants ready for you to fight em

All up in my mind- imaginary then again their real in reality  too

For now
I'll pretend and think of you being my Knight in shinning armor

I like that idea better

How you'd slay them and comfort me

Holding me close to you on a mountain top as the wind blows in my hair

The end result would be
sealing our relationship
with a single chaste kiss

I like the thought of that

I like thinking of you

I like assuming one day
I'll skip the imprisonment of my mind

escape these single baring thoughts of being left alone

I'll escape the torturous mental illness and I'll be normal

Normal enough for you to love me and for me to accept it

Normal enough for us to come together

Normal enough for you to see me never as a threat

Only someone that is forever in your debts because you'd change my life

I'd cherish you - like you'd cherish me

I don't know what that's called
OH  yes I do
it's called husband and wife

These things are what
I think about

Yes all this   this um silliness
when um well
when I think of you
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Fairytales can come true I still believe in them ..... sometimes. ......
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Didn't you know who I was

and  who I am

Didn't you beg for me
to do this man

Stop playing
atop of everything  else

A shame

a **** shame

You're  caught and it's really messed up

I said I'd do it

but you didn't wait

You  took what I made

and  ya didn't even ask

when you  know I'd share

Wait I know it's cause

You're  selfish

Now you owe me

if you have it please
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Lol I was thinking of how some ppl eat ya food after asking u make it but ***** they didn't even share with u. *** story of my life when it comes to my cooking and or baking!  I feel like saying this all the time but I just smile and let em eat it.  Enjoy but next time save me SOME!
Ayeshah Dec 2015
You're cocky but insecure

Conceited but have low self-esteem

Don't  try to explain what I already know

I ain't trying to put you down or make fun of you

Just stop  pretending
to Me everything's fine

I can't sooth your aches or dash away doubt

You've lied to many times

Played too many games

No drama or issues here not for me

Not anymore

Stop lying to me still

As if you've got it all together

When I know it isn't so

I don't wish to carry on
a conversation  of

Crazy part of all this is
you're  lonely


You're searching  and reaching

But refuse to admit it

Making things out to be
something that's not even true

Why lie when the
truth will do!?!
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Insomnia is running havoc on me right now tired but can't sleep when I do go to sleep I have these thoughts dreams etc.
Ayeshah Dec 2015
It was a soft kiss

which took my breath away

My eyes fluttered then closed
as the kiss

The way you've presses me to you
spoke so loud

In my head I've imagined

us walking down the aisle if only for a moment

For  this moment
In this space
as time stopped & the world stood still  

I'm in your arms  

I'm yours    I'm beautiful     I'm  desired

All  from this little

Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Lol Being single and celibate has ways of playing with ones mind. I'm alone but never lonely. Sometimes it's difficult but not hard and yeah. .... it's ok.... for now
To you

I'm not really sure how I'll start this letter, which is a first since you know I love writing them. I'm trying to picture your reaction as you read these words, and I am both relieved and frightened. Relieved, because I finally have what I have been wanting to say for months off my chest. Frightened, because I may be making a grave mistake that I'll surely suffer the consequences of later.

You are like a drug to me. You're not good for me, and I'm not good for you. Yet I keep wanting you, missing you, craving your presence. You still take up about 90% of the thoughts in my mind and I wake up, every morning, thinking about you. I've been doing that for months, and I wonder when I'll stop, and it scares me to know that it may not be for a while.

Is there a reason for this letter? Yes, there is. I need you to know the words I have never told you. If I had to die tomorrow, I can promise you this: I'll die regretting not having told you this. You meant so much to me, and yet somehow you still do. Everywhere I go, you seem to follow me, haunting me like a ghost. And, to be completely frank, I deserve better than you. And I felt like you never appreciated me, but at the same time, it was my fault for not showing you who the true me was. I was always scared, so stupidly scared. I never showed you my true ability to love, and for that I am sorry.

I don't exactly know what I'm asking for you, or if I'm asking for anything at all. But know this - I miss you, and if I could redo our time together, I would.

I hope you have a good life. It hurts me to know I won't be apart of it. But hey, people come and go. That's life. Maybe we will both find someone better.

- Someone who was once your everything x
  Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Tapiwa Individualist
Wrists taste the sharp sting of the blade,
They bleed,
And then?feelings feel numb almost like dead,
Unconsciously it becomes a creed.
It starts to happen more often,
Towards negativity the heart softens,
Feels like it feels good,
But from deep down we know its no good.
The cure?
Self love
Loving oneself,accepting you deserve better no matter what people say or how they treat you,you're precious.Just know that.,Its not something people have to validate its something you have to take and accept.
You are precious no matter what you go through,being a doormat now,doesn't mean you can't stand up and dust yourself to become better.Don't place your value in peoples eyes,love yourself.
If people treat you like dirt,it doesn't mean you're dirt,.someone only treats you the way you let them treat you.
PLEASE its time you loved yourself.
Self love is the cure,believe me.
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