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 May 2016 Aditi
Alexandra J
 May 2016 Aditi
Alexandra J
Saying too much is regretful.
Saying too little is poignant.
But what is it when you feel
you've  done both at the same time?
There are words left on my tongue,
shards of sentences I'll never utter
shards that I had to swallow.
They cut deep into my flesh
and my insides turned into
a patchwork of glass, scars and blood.
And yet my mouth is dry,
tired of everything I let slip through my lips
when it should've never seen the light of day
or reached your ears
or reached your heart.
I keep thinking I should've known.
But I shouldn't have.
My mind would've gone mad
had I not released it
of some of its burden.
My heart would've dried out
had I not let
a few drops of your ocean
seep through.
 May 2016 Aditi
ajit peter
Love oh it doth fade
by steel if hearts made
yet tis a heart beating red
Pumping its life blood
silence of today speak tomorrow
Life doth smile on days sorrow
Thy hands ever held
to cure the heart that bled
 Apr 2016 Aditi
Isabella Watson
You are very much like the moon phases,
Yet you are not very much like the moon.
Like the tides you give yourself in phases,
And you're always back by the afternoon.
You are very much like the fall at prime,
Yet you're not very much like any season.
Cause although your leaves never fall on time,
Unlike years, you never change, despite reason.
You are very much like morning coffee,
Yet not very much like afternoon tea.
Although you can always get me talking,
One thing you are not for me, is healthy.

Like these things, you are just a piece of me.
I do not need you in order to breathe.
Happy birthday William Shakespeare
 Apr 2016 Aditi
 Apr 2016 Aditi
Sorrow is too painful a Master;
I must resign his employment.

© Qwey.ku
 Feb 2016 Aditi
I can’t remember the last time
I walked in light,
nor how the sun felt on my skin,
it’s always dark in here
and while trying to make my way in any direction
I find myself stumbling upon souls I lost and souls I miss
and pieces of long forgotten feelings,
I find myself falling over words that can never be taken back
over regrets that have never been said,
I hurt myself
when I step on memories crashing under my feet and
on broken mirrors wearing my once bright face,
or on silent songs that once used to be loud.

Like a child learning how to ride a bike,
I will keep on falling over and over again,
but I’ll never learn
cause there is no one here to hold onto the saddle.
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