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Nancy Dees Jan 2015
Îmi pare rău.
Îmi pare rău că te -am reușit .
Toată viața mea
Am cerut să aparțină
Și nu am
Până când a venit de-a lungul .
Mi-ai dat adăpost
Și sa oprit durerea .
Ai chiar a ieșit din drumul spre dragoste * * de mine.
Dar, după un timp,
Am dat seama
Asta a fost tot o minciună
Deci, * * ea știa *** te-ai simțit .
* A * ei a fost .
O fată te-a iubit .
Și nu mă refer.
Adică * o *
Cine nu este de mine .

P.s. Different language-Romanian
  Jan 2015 Nancy Dees
Cameron is real
Youre nothing sick and sad
Eyes dark as old blood
Skin pale and cracked
Breath of vomite and bile
a voice that makes ears bleed
Skin and bones is all you are
Disgusting and vile
Others may not see it
I know its true
Remember when I loved you
Love can be painful
Nancy Dees Jan 2015
His name slurred on my lips
i love the ways it’s
rolled around on my tongue
loosened by my vocal chords.
every time i said
his name aloud,
it felt as though I was
becoming more and more
well versed in him;
his character
*his very being.
Nancy Dees Jan 2015
You are one.
My rapper.
You sing songs and
I feel like i fall in love all over again
when i read the words
that you write.
Sitting on my bed
Checking my messages
On my iPod
I notice
You sent me a song.
A song for me.
I thought you were kidding..
But you actually wrote me one!
“You're like a drug to me, you're not ugly
Girl you're beautiful, pharmaceutical, this world's for you to pull”
Is what you say.
Should I believe you?
I dont know..
I want to..
Very badly..
So I will
Read the lyrics every day
Just so I know
You wrote a song for me
And you love me

— The End —