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rhiannon Mar 2019
A million words

Would not bring

You back,I know

Because i tried.

A million tears,

Would not bring

You back,I know

Because i cried.

Sometimes in life,you just

Need a hug,No words,No advice,

Just a hug to make you feel better.
sister died 09/03/19
self harming
rhiannon Mar 2019
To lose someone as dear as you

brought sorrow and much pain

and i’d give everything i have

to see you smile again

for you were really special

and precious to me.

I miss you so much because

you meant a lot to me

but all the love i have for you

will never go away

and little sister,

I believe we’ll meet again

to my baby sister,Sienna Grace Paige Boardman
i love you and miss you so much.***
rhiannon Mar 2019
The moment that you died

my heart was torn in two,

One side filled with heartache,

The other died with you.

I often lie awake at night,

When the world is fast asleep,

And take a walk down memory lane,

With tears upon my cheeks.

Remembering you is easy,

I do it everyday,

But missing you is heartache

That never goes away.

I hold you tightly within my heart

And there you will remain

Until the joyous day arrives

That we will meet again.
rhiannon Feb 2019
Heart Broken!
Holly’s Story:

Snow swirled around the misty,dark forest as i walked through carefully.Dead leaves crunched and the wind blew heavily.Trees swayed from side to side,shaking colourful leaves onto the ground.Red,orange and green.The colours of the beautiful Autumn.I was alone,listening to the birds sing their sad,melancholy tunes as they flew past.Cold air blew against my back.I shuddered.And turned to the icy footpath.I skipped along merrily,chasing the little birds as i went.The dark approached and i found it harder to see where i was but i still happily played with the squirrels and robins as i walked home.

It was now pitch black outside and i completely lost where i was.I continued nervously.My heart beating fast.As i was walking i could hear footsteps moving towards me.I stopped and listened.The footsteps seemed to be getting closer to me and approaching more quickly.I turned around but couldn’t see anything.Then i tripped.I stood back up.As i was about to run something grabbed my arm and pulled me.Who was it?Where is it taking me?I scream.

I tried to wriggle however the hands gripped more tightly and and stayed firmly against my small,cold arms.A couple of minutes later,i stopped wriggling as i started to feel extremely tired and soon i fell asleep,breathing in the cold air.

The beautiful sun awoke me and i stood up,brushing the Autumn leaves off my ripped,muddy jeans.I walked through the hanging branches and shadowed trees.Something was moving in the distance.I concentrated hard and saw a dark figure moving towards me confidently.As it approached i could make out a face.It’s eyes as blue as the ocean and features pale.It stared at me with an expression of hatred and loathing.It was wearing dark clothes and was extremely thin.

It moved from behind the shadowed trees and i started to recognize it.My ex-boyfriend.He looked sad but he glared at me with hatred.It seemed like he wanted some sort of revenge on me but it was hard to tell as he also looked sad.As if he wanted to tell me something but just couldn’t bring it into words.

It all started last summer.It was the hottest day of the year.The sun beamed its hot rays and smiled cheerfully at the playful children.I walked through the grounds of the house to the lake.There stood Alex.I placed the flowers on the fountain side and picked up the vase.”Here,i’ll help you,”Alex said as he tried to grab hold of the vase.”No,no,i can do it.”i replied.He continued to pull,insisting that he should help and…The vase smashed into tiny pieces.I cried,”Now look what you have done!”I leapt into the lake to fetch the pieces.Soaked i climbed out and walked back to the house.I turned around,he was still there and looked shocked as if he didn’t know how to react.To some people it may have seemed silly but it was a really valuable vase of my granddad's and the only thing i had to keep as memories of him.And it is now unrepairable.

It was mid-afternoon and our servant,Becky was cooking a roast dinner for my older brother,Max,who was returning
home from Cambridge University.No one was in the mood for a hot meal when it was already extremely hot.Alex sat next to me at dinner.It was awkward as no one knew what to say.I was still really upset with him.

He phoned me and messaged me after that saying that if i let him help it wouldn’t break.I started to ignore him for weeks and he said,”we can’t stay together if we are not even talking,it wouldn’t be right,i’m sorry!”

I know i should just forgive him but it upsets me too much.He walked further out of the forest and stared at the sky.It feels like he might be trying to bring back the happy memories we had together before we split up.I still think about it sometimes and feel sorry for him that he is so heart-broken.I just can’t quite explain it to him.

Alex’s Story:

Watching the distance between us both when we used to be so close just breaks my heart.I think back to all the memories we had together and happy things we done and just wish it could still be like that now.If only Holly understood how much it means to me.I sit on the snowy bank and the dead Autumn leaves and write in my spotty note book.

“It’s hard to believe

That you no longer

Care about my feelings,

Knowing that we

Were once so

Close to each


Why can’t the

Bond we had

Still be there?

Sitting in the


Remembering the

Happy times we

Once shared,

I hate the

Distance that

There is

Now between


Why don’t you


Why don’t you


I then put my notebook in my pocket and alone i stay in the cold,dark forest.Maybe one day Holly will understand.

A few years later!

I still go past Holly’s house sometimes to remind myself of all the happy memories that we shared.I never see her anymore though now that i am a famous Poet and Author.We never got back together even though i really wish we did.I love visiting the area Holly lived with the beautiful flowers and colourful leaves surrounding the forest and all the cute,little animals that sing their sad songs of Autumn.It’s peaceful! But sad! The magic that Holly brought to it is no longer there and i’m always there alone now so it isn’t as special as the times i spent with Holly.The wildlife no longer moves cheerfully in the wind and the leaves don’t have their sparkle that they used to have.Even the snow doesn’t swirl around the dark sky anymore.Everything has changed.

There is only one thing that keeps me going and that keeps me going and that is my books i write.Without them i would be trapped inside my own thoughts and sad memories.
A sad heart breaking story!Bound to bring you to tears.
rhiannon Feb 2019
Ode to the Pug
A Sonnet by Rhiannon
My caring pug, you inspire me to write.
How I love the way you hug, laugh and play,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the holiday.

Let me compare you to an unique moon?
You are more friendly and more magical.
Bleak sun heats the special peaches of June,
And summertime has the creative classical.

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your intelligent heart and eyes.
How your personality fills my days!
My love for you is the daring disguise.

Now I must away with a glaring heart,
Remember my magical words whilst we're apart.
rhiannon Jan 2019
It doesn’t matter if

Your black, white, Asian

Or mixed race,

It’s your personality

That counts.

It doesn’t matter

Whether you’re disabled

Or not,

We are all equal.

It doesn’t matter if

You’re lesbian, straight,

Or even gay,

Love is love

No matter who

You have a

Relationship with.

We may look different,

But we are similar

In many ways,

With all the things

We like,

And interests we have.

Without diversity

Where would the

Culture be?

We are all equal,

We are all unique,

We should all be


And given the same


Think of all the

Different music,

Foods and art

And ask yourself,

Where would this be

If there wasn’t

Human diversity?

And next time

You want to judge

Think about how

It will affect others

And respect

Everyone you see.
rhiannon Jan 2019
It doesn’t matter what race, religion or ethnic background you’re from, everyone deserves to have the same opportunity to succeed. No one should be treated differently for being different. It doesn’t matter whether you’re disabled or not because we should be treated equal and not judged for having something wrong with you. We should respect each other for who we are and not what we choose to believe in.Many people are discriminated against for their race, religion, disability or even gender. It isn’t right. We should be supporting each other not upsetting each other. We may have different interests but there is somethings we are all good at. We should be proud to be different, it is what makes us unique.

Have you ever been discriminated against? Or felt scared of being judged for who you are? Or isolated from the rest of the class for being different? It’s horrid! Everyone should be given the same chance to do things or go to places without the fear of being treated like a foreigner. Have you ever been stopped from having the job because of your race or gender? Told “Sorry, you’re not right for the job!” while you watch someone else get the job. No one deserves to put up with this. Yes, we are different but we are different in a good way-Wouldn’t it be a boring society if we were all the same. Respect the fact you have someone with different hobbies or interests to talk to and encourage them to do well. It would be a much happier place to live in if no one judged people for what they like, do or believe in and just learnt to accept everyone for who we actually are.
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