What to do after college when you study English lit? All your friends are businessmen, or drifted into high tech. I dwelt in eight-foot square …
form is emptiness emptiness is form ~ The Heart Sutra Ga-te, ga-te, para-ga-te, para-samga-te, Bodhi svaha! Gone, gone, completely gone, utterly gone, behold Wisdom!
New York
My name is Crístál Poetry is my life! KIK: KimmeeSoBad Facebook: Crístál Válęntíná Instagram: x__cyn__x (2 underscores) Snapchat: ehtsjustmeh Feel free to FOLLOW MESSAGE LIKE …
I paint, including the profile picture; make leisurely use of many musical instruments, and I write poems and stories. I don't censor myself in my …