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Jo Nov 2012
I think I've been a little lost lately.
Maybe more than a little.
This dull ache takes shape of your voice.
It lulls and tugs repeating familiar soothings

Past words of comfort now are readily sharpened
As I close my eyes and attempt to drift
Yet, I am tethered to the waking hours
How I weep for neutral slumber

Denial burns a fire deep into the hours
As I evade past recollections of your touch
Floating in bitter melancholy
This eternal blending of the not easily forgotten

Slowly I begin to peel off the layers
My protective armor, now as brittle as parchment
Easily sloughed off leaving the inevitable truth
vulnerability seeps to the bone

Then words that acted as knives
Become my salve as I (defeated) apply
Wrapping myself in the old familiarities
Gently cursing you (me) for feeling so raw.
asia Aug 2018
my words soothings your ears.
but how do i prove them to your heart?
i failed to realize how to start.
i broke your heart.
confused your mind.
created broken art.
i reached your limits.
i never understood how to start?
now i see where you stand.
lost, hurt, probably?
now you see us apart.
i failed to realize how to start?
i realize it was me.. toxicity.
self-love wasnt in me.
destroyed me to destroy you.
i wasnt ready.
but i cnt let you go!
reread these words.
can you help us restart?
and make art!
Kanika Chugh Jun 2020
Brushes of Golden spark,
Igniting enigmatic eyes….
Bringing out the beauty inside out.

Often they say “you’re beautiful”,
Seldom they mean…
Invariably unfailingly they match beauty inside and out.

Capricious souls, always on lookout
Claiming to love roses with thorns…
Petrified with inside beauty if blown out.

Malignant steps attempting to curb the blaze
Demanding normality…
For they dread the glowing light shining out

It’s time to oppose the crowd
Leaving those hollow soothings unanswered…
Use that helpless wonder for the fears to break out.

As the sun sets to rest
Glorious reality checking in…
Take that burning desire to shine from inside and out.
Carson Apr 2021
My peace is disturbed instantly,
Storms n plasters of rage infiltrate my mind n body,
Becoming blind at times I cant see,
Rage, sorrow is seen on me,
As d battle goes on internally beyond your eyes,
Something amiss may catch you,
With wonders of why,
Send sighs highs,
Do what you can,
Accept me in present state,
Best ways you can,
Till soothings sootheness descends
These soothings,
These enchanting fragrances,
These attires and transparent raiments,
These ogles on lush lashes brow,

These ****,sweet moist red lips
These hips good for pleasure,
These edges and curves
These damsels tall and slender,

These pointed shinning dangling ******* revealing,
These frontliners,these back set ups.
These wet lips as of Jazeebel's,
These provoking hips as of waves of oceans,
These hot thighs peeping through transparent leggings,
Hell bound me in lust,
These daughters of Jazeebel hold me a prisoner in a lust cell.
i see much temptation than i contain.
brandon nagley May 2015
These marbels tirely close,
Breathe slips into dark manner Soothings,
               A cartoon like image displays itself,
I see mine own body rise high where lonlies go!!!

A play or a show?
I ask the glowed one next to me,

I hear his whisper say,
Here friend,
Theirs none more need to lonely,

For we've been waiting for thou!
Eden Frenkel Nov 2018
Come up to meet you, tell you I’m sorry. You don’t know how lovely you are. Thursday Feb 1st 2018

               This is probably one of the hardest days of my life. Making this decision. I have a little one growing in me. And… I don’t want it. And if I really didn’t want it, why do I still cry from the fact that I could have it? If I really didn’t want it, why does it hurt so much to think of abortion. Why do I picture myself laying down on my blue and white carpet and holding my child over me? Why am I taking my child for a walk in the nature? Why am I singing about bumble bees to my sweet child? Why is yellow his/her favourite colour? Why do I picture the love of my life smiling? And why did he have to cry?... Maybe I’m selfish. And even though I know I’d be the best mom, the kindest mom, a nourishing mom, a loving mother that couldn’t let go of her or his little fingers; I cannot now.

I could do what others do. I could have my family. I’ve sinned and haven’t forgiven myself yet. Probably because I know I’ll do it again. Though I’d have my child as the sweetest, I still carry bags of salt. Though I’d have a child that gives, I still carry bags of gold. Though I’ll fill the child with wisdom, truth, and goodness, I will still carry a heart of stone, and a mind of ego. Or maybe I just know myself too well, maybe I’m in tune with myself too much to know what’s right, maybe I can truly follow my instincts, and so I really feel like I can make the best decision.

               My mother made me to save her. And I couldn’t save her. I never wanted to do the same mistake. And I need to be saved, anyway. Will I have this child? After all these thoughts written down. How can I decide. I’ve been convinced several times by several different people to keep it, and they’ll help me. But, I… just don’t want it. I’m not ready. It might never hear the soothings of my voice. It’ll never walk in the nature.

I take life very seriously and I value life. I don’t want to base my decisions on the advice of those who don’t have to deal with the results. It’s agony that I might have to carry my baby in my heart rather than my arms. But who really decides to carry this burden. I do. I get to decide all of it. Just like how I decide to be happy in life. Just how I decide the path I’ll chose tonight.

After thoughts:

        When that child was in my yellow belly, it wasn't quite yellow at all. I felt all the eyes awaken when it was in me. My whole world spun and I didn't recognize where I was at. My streets were dark, I was stuck in the present moment, petrified. Sounds like I resisted? I did. It wasn't depression, but it was my soul speaking to me. My spirit create another. My conscious creating another. My blood creating a heart beat. It was much more complicated then any imagination. An empty void pretty much, possibly existing in a black whole, could be spiritual, could be a gift. Could I have handled this for 6 more months? Or, 20 more years? I wasn't passionate, but I felt it. I was it. I was creating it. It was in me. It was a meditation of spinning figure eights. It was a spider hatching out of his cocoon. It was confusing. That's when my 10th eye opened. I was traveling different dimensions for all I can say. I don't think most people are aware or even conscious of what's happening to the women's psyche when creating a child. Nobody ever told me these experiences. Nobody ever even shared an interest. Or was it just me?

        This was the good decision I've made. I've experienced something a male scorpion couldn't possibly try to comprehend. But, a child, is another universe, another dimension, another perspective, another possibility of the infinite. Some things people that haven't experienced won't understand. I was not ready for it, but I'll know what's coming when I am ready. Valuing life is not a weakness. And disregarding it is not a strength. Next time you gamble, bet your own life.
tompoet rwanda Aug 2018
Just a save of caramity
A dagger for serenity
A crush for the hatred mentality
A bribe for my ability
Diminishing my ample capacity
Breaking my desired apology.

Dark reddish,my eyes glowed
An avalanche on me just snowed
My insecurities are awakened
Like i'm being hypnotized
I don't even know how it started.

Just a fake love with gluesome acids
A sturdy liar with much pretendings
Drowned me into beautiful seemed longings
And left me with grieved feelings
Now there's no more cuddles and soothings
Until my shallow heart
eye a night of elegant lightenings.

— The End —