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coyote Dec 2014
why the ****
would you
advise me to
speak my mind
if you never
intended to

ive let you
wade into the
rivers of my
body with
your clothes
still on,
and your
made them feel
more like
rivlets of rainwater
Gown pools at my feet
Seeing the embers brighten in your eyes
Wathing as Your nubian flesh is exposed
The need and desire evident in the pools of green

We meet in the center of the floor
Mouths crushing tongue circling
Pelvis to Pelvis
Hands roam exploring and heating things up

Kiss breaks, Lips find my throat,
Moaning as **** throbs
******* grow hard
Juices begin to Flow

My hand runs down your chest
Over your *******
Down your belly
Hand wraps around your shaft now hard

I feel your pelvis bump mine
Pushing insistantly towards the wall
Moaning as your kiss is intoxicating
Your fingers pull and twist the hardened *******

Ohhh, moaning loudly at the excitement
You breathing heavy as teeth nip my flesh

My back hits the wall
No words between us
None are needed you see
This raw feral need is drives us

My ***** is soaked throbbing pearl
******* beg to be bit and twisted more
My hand stroking and tightening on Your shaft
Core of my well soaked and dripping

You lift me against the wall
My legs wrap around your hips
Your arms support me as well
Nothing to stop the heat that is building

Suddenly in one fluid ******
Your shaft is burried between my walls
Surrounding Your tube tight and wet
You plummet my secret spot

No mercy given none asked
Nails drag down your back
Rivlets of blood drain
Your teeth grip My flesh

I scream and moan
Pushing onto You deeper
Head tossing
Need building

Your cries mingled with mine
Can be heard outside
Oblivious to anything other than
Your thrusting my acceptance

Oh yes ohh Love please harder
I hear you grunt as You push hard and deep
Your hips move so fast the spasms build
Feeling the quiver and tightening in my belly


You whisper don't
Suddenly your fingers pull ******* my ****
My body shudders muscles clamp down on you
Juices flood my tunnel soaking you

Screams pierce the night deafening to the ears
You love it and keep pushing
My well opens again letting you deep
As my eyes close riding the waves of passion

You bite my ****** and pull on my **** again
Pushing faster and deeper into me
knowing my weakness as You hear me
Labored breathing, unable to think

You lick and bite harder
My nails dig deeper
I whimper and moan and cry
You push harder and tell me more

Suddenly You hit that spot once more
Screams pierce the air, sweat pours
Nectar floods my tunnel as muscles grip you tightly
You can't push forward

You keep pushing waiting for the spasms to let you in
Suddenly pushing in hard and deep
I hear You yell, and moan
As Your seed spews inside me coating my walls

Nectar and seed meet
As teeth release my flesh
Only to find my lips again
The kiss lasts as the eurphia carries us

Both panting and spent
Our eyes meet
Slated passion revealed
Love, desire, fire all consumed

Our Love proved once again
Magnificently orchestrated
Waves of pleasure continue washing over Us
As You bask in the heat of my tunnel

You whisper I love You
Never Forget

And I love You
In our peaceful world

My beloved, My chose, My Love

All words used and taken for granted by man


Not Us.  We are eternally joined.

Dedicated to a special Love
Written by Jennifer Humphrey/Niyahlove all right reserved


Fingers dig into the wood she is shackled to
Screams of agony are swallowed refusing to let them hear

Hearing the thump of the leather as it hits the ground
Eyes tightly closed as her muscles draw taut
Her mind can see the large man pulling his arm back
Throwing forth the long strand of leather towards her back


Knees buckle as the searing pain rips through her flesh
Feels the trickle down the flesh
Can only imagine what it looks like
Still refusing to scream
Tasting the blood in her mouth from biting her tongue and lip

The men laugh at the stubborn redhead who dare tell them what she thought of how they treated women
It wasn't hard to corner the ***** and tie her to the post

Knowing she should have kept her mouth shut but having been raised to take up for those mistreated she just could not hush and now look at her


Oh please make them stop as her teeth bit back the screams on her knees now, darkness edging at the corners of her brain it won't be long now

The other girls were begging her to scream to give in as they saw the rivlets of flesh being removed from her back with each crack of the whip

Malcolm was very skilled with the whip, He could slice an apple with one if he wanted but right now all he wanted was to inflict agony on this mouthy *****




Finally blessed darkness overcame her as she fell limp on the post, hanging from her arms the blood was pouring out of the gashes of split skin

Finally someone with some sense intervened, Jordan the leader of this group was not happy at all seeing the condition of the girl

Cut her down at once and get her seen by a doctor

The girls ran to help remove the shackles from the strange girl's hands, she was limp like a rag doll, she felt dead

She was not dead but wished she were, perhaps that is why she pushed the man beyond his limit, she had a death wish, who knows he just may have granted it without realizing

Taken to the doctor and laid upon the table on her stomach unaware of what was happening blissful darkness

Suddenly a pain so hot it was worse than the whip that had mangled the flesh

Screaming awake tears fall over high cheeks, finally what Malcolm had wanted bursts free from her lips

The doctor continues washing out the rivers of cuts

She continues to cry not understanding how someone could do this to another person

The doctor places a salve in all the rivers of missing flesh knowing the scars here will be the worst

Jordan comes in to see the spunky girl and sees her back, shaking His head His hand reaches down and flips through her gorgeous head of hair He is still puzzled by her behavior

He watches as she drinks down the medication and collapses back to the table, she is well cared for until the doctor releases her

Called before Jordan, He asks why she became so beligerant

I came to get my friend away from you freaks
She used be just as mouthy as me until the one called Malcolm brainwashed her

Jordan just nodded His head not saying much but He did say one thing

"You really should not call us freaks because you do not understand what we are all about.  I assure you, your friend is not being held against her will nor has she been brainwashed"

My friend would not ever kneel at a man's feet and take every word he uttered as the truth.  She knows better than to be treated thus

"Never judge what you have not experienced. I wish You had come to me first before this unfortunate incident occurred.  I invite you to stay and be my guest and observe what really goes on."

She stayed and observed and spent some time with these girls that in her head were just plain loony*

In the end she found a peacefulness she could never explain to another
Something so profound and beautiful that after awhile she became one of the girls that she once called crazy

As the saying goes "Never judge a book by it's cover, read the inside first."
Written by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved
Pretty Girl

Fingers of ice grasp the handle

Chains of steel encircle the figure
Blood flows down the delicate wrists as the struggle ensues
"Entering a tunnel of doom" they said

"Nay not I" she says.

You will see "pretty girl"

Fear fills her eyes as His reflect nothing but death

Destruction so pungent you could taste it on the air

"Pretty girl" don't you know?
He says low and guttural

Tears run freely down the marked face
No longer beautiful porcelain features, rivlets of flesh missing
Yanking harder against the chains
Screams of mercy pierce the night

His wicked laugh the only response
"Pretty girl"He says low and in a malistic voice
"Don't you know "?

"One price that I choose for you to pay"
"Is you knowing you will still be the center of attention"

Yet in the purest forms of disgust
"You will not be able to show your face"
For that is the price you pay "pretty girl"

Don't you know yet?"
"The dangers of meeting someone off the internet?"

Her screams were heard only by the One
Life spared
Yet no one would ever call her pretty girl again

Written by Niyahlove aka Jennifer All rights reserved
SE Reimer Mar 2017

rivlets form beneath his feet,
where sun-parched dust
begins to weep, as it has
ten-thousand times before;
water’s endless cycle courses,
to the valleys from the hills;
retracing paths from end to source.
how many lover’s bodies
have been washed anew,
in streams of cleansing flow,
in this flood that ever cleans?
how many runner’s skyward faces
turned to welcome cooling rain;
or young girl’s pretty dresses
river-laundered; or young lips
taste of heavenly wine?
how many farmers bent a knee,
to offer grateful homage
for a gentle early sign, of
this whispered blessing,
awak’ning slumbering seeds?
have you e’re considered this...
these refreshing drops so sweet,
distilled in heaven’s winery,
bear every moment sensory;
a show of nature’s finest.
drops and sprinkles carry
every tear of grief and joy,
humanity has every cried.
a cistern gath’ring mem’ries,
like the tide gathers shells;
awash in collected tears,
caught up in heavenly swell.
oh spring that ever cools,
oh well that ever quenches...
to water we are drawn to go;
our immersion deep,
in rainfall’s drenching flow.
to its sound we drift to sleep;
caress to calm and soothe the aches;
lakeside dip for tired feet;
it's thunderous roar the soul awakes.


*post script.

water... so many forms, all around us, yet none is really new... only renewed!
Helen Jun 2015
It seems colder this time...

I mean, sure, I still have a warm body
to lay next to but I'm still chilled
Of course, the fire that burns
hasn't been tended upon
Nobody to cut the wood
No body, no body to cradle
Snowflakes like crystal tears
drop gently from my fears
little tiny rivers of dread
icy rivlets creating endless years
to be skated inside my head

So cold have I become
as I lay me down to sleep
you were once upon a time
the body that once sought mine
now just an empty husk
where I get to warm my feet
Isaac Huston Nov 2015
Surrounded by the dark,
Enclosed from your heart
The warmth of friendship escapes me.
Your rod and your staff-
They do not comfort me.
I feel the your gift,
The weight  of your eternal breath,
It falls upon my chest as I fall,
Fall low,
Down to the ground,
No longer a soft forest floor,
But the hard and grainy
Of reality.
What once comforted
Now feels numb:
The pressure of your rod
Of your staff
Of the Tree of Life,
They fall upon me.
The breath you have given
My eternal soul,
It feels like
A constant
Morning Breath.
The pain of once
Seems morphed into
The torment of eternity.
What started
As mere scratches
Has grown large,
Slicing through my now paleing skin,
Leaving the rivlets of blood
Which I so desire.
Eternal One,
Whatever your name may be,
Whatever name you may go by,
Your gift feels a curse.
Logan L Jun 2018
What's in a name
A sickly copper smelling flower
Moulding midnight roots burrow into soft flesh
Savagely tearing soft pink skin
Hungrily gulping down rivlets of blood
Taste of strong liquor, poisoned by name
But by any other, a flower yields just as sweet
Lesley Nov 2017
Our scars show the wars
Past tears & growth
Birth, trauma the healing over
The telltale signs
of living for better or worse
Reminders of pain, loss
What has been here &
now gone
Choices we made
Toxic spills
cleaning up
The calcification stone rub of our sentence & prison years
, Falling down
Falling up
the ****** **** gauzed over
Second skins

Words harming me and mine

bleeding on the inside

cuts tear scars sear
the burning of rhyme
chaos in mind
Faded welts from forgotten paths
but not forgotten for etched in flesh
Rivlets bumps holes
puckered scars
aberrations in our universe
The pink red welts
The wriggle worms

mind slashes time
our years our fears

Our scars & battles
Survive these days
our ways
past memories
ripping apart the darkness
Letting in the light
Green glow of heart
Glow of hope
The truest carefree smile
Full breath of life
No holding back relax

Our scars only signs
Our miracles of flesh and light
Revenants left behind
Souveniers from the roads we traveled

I wish to store my scars Away in jars
I don’t mind the reminders

but please no remembering today.

— The End —