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JLB Jun 2012
I blot people onto me, just to buff them away. Soakin em, and pressin em on.
Dabbin, pressin, soakin, like temporary tattoos.
Easy to apply, and pretty to look at.
Fun to show off, without any commitments, and then I just let em peel away after some time.
After their bright pigment fades, or their adhesive fails, I just rub em off.
Scratch em with my fingernails sometimes, when I get impatient.
Rub, scratch, off. Now, right now. I’m tired of lookin at you, feelin you on my skin.
I wore you for a bit,
Now it’s time for a new one.
Rub, scratch, dab, press, soak, press again again again.
Skin red, dry skin rub rub dab dab dab peel peel dab peel.
And then,
the ones I like the most, the most beautiful, the most vibrant,
color, color, color.
Purple, green.
purple purple
are the ones I try to keep the longest,
they’re always the quickest to fade,
and to peel,
and to fail.
Fail fail fail, come unglued.
Keep em out of the sunlight, outta the wind. In the dry. But they peel.
Peel peel peel, fail.
They fail.
And then,
I can’t find others quite like em. So I press on any old picture. Any color.
Gray, red, yellow, blue. Not quite right, no blue, no citron, no salmon.
Not quite purple enough.
Not quite green.
Not quite, never quite the same.
The same purple, the same green.
Just soak soak soak soak,
Press. Peel.
Until, again, something might feel right.
A personal epiphany.
mark john junor Sep 2014
i was far from bright light bustle
far from humanity pressin in on me
florida's paradise night neath the summer moon
came to dreamin on a pretty girl from my long ago
came to dreamin on true beauty's name serenity

that long ago far far away
i was busted flat end of my rope
didn't see how i could go on
had fallen to the darkness consuming my sight
when she gave me the courage to breath again
with her kindest of words she saved me
carried me forward to hearts truth
she saved me

never could stand to see any hurt in her sweet eyes
never wanted to see her cry
call it it knowin true beauty's name
and the wild winds pick up a serenity dream
carry me forward to knowin hearts truth
that such special woman she is to me
argue no more the light and dark
she gave me the courage to see
she gave my life back to me
no matter the miles
no matter the years
i will always know true beauty's name
Fegger May 2010
The lantern sways, as shadows flash,
Mists draped in night so still;
Illuminating fleshless arms,
Creep-out along this hill.
Such guardians of soul-less mounds,
Wooden markers of the poor,
Bow in hallowed reverence
As sentries evermore.

Weeping, yet un-frightened,
She trips between each aisle;
Casting light against each stone,
Acknowledge each beguiled.
Then memory finds her grasping,
And clenching cold, damp stone
Denoting ‘neath a vacant plot,
For he never did come home.

‘Pon scattered grass and gravelly dirt;
Drops to reverent knee,
While fanning simple pleats about,
Her dress, in modesty.
She twists the **** and raises wick;
And it curls with cloak of flame.
She whets her lips, inhaling deep,
Then summons ‘pon his name:

“Bartholomew,  Bartholomew,
Can you see that I ‘ave come?
Are you near, me sweetest husband?
‘Tis I, your Mary Dunn!
I had me thoughts to come t’night,
To ‘ave a word with you,
That’s pressin’ on me heart so fierce,
Ya’ ‘round Bartholomew?
Aye, that’d be just like ye some,
To wait fer me confess;
A’twisten’ in me awkward words,
No salve fer me distress!
Yet I—I need t’hear yer voice
An’ calmin’ words to heal,
The anxious quiver, here, inside,
A’longin’ to reveal.”

The widow paused, collecting will,
And questioned own intent;
To cast a net to spirit’s world,
To herald self- repent.
She wrings her fingers nervously,
While waiting ‘pon the dead;
When suddenly a breeze did rise,
Then a hand upon her head.

“Mary Dunn, me Mary Dunn,
‘Ave not better things to do;
Than wander ‘bout such crypts at night,
A’hovered by the moon?
What keeps y’here in dank an cold,
So callin’ out fer me?
Ye know fer fact I’m dead by now,
An rottin’ in the sea!”

“It’s good to see ya’ too, my love;
Better then, to hear;
That death din’t take away that tongue,
Or how ye prone t’snear.
I ‘spected that I’d smell ya’ first,
That rancid scent of whale;
Yer eyes were once quite darker,
Yer skin not quite so pale”.

The spirit corpse then spun about,
Examined high and low,
The fiery bride he’d left behind,
With heart so still aglow.
Warmed by her excited eyes,
And cheeks so pink with life;
He felt a distance aching,
Longing for this wife.

“Ye got a bit of lonely, Mary,
That why ye come tonight;
‘Spectin’ glimpse ‘ov me, like this
‘Wud turn ya’ heart to right?
Sensible is how ye was,
Yet be scurryin’ to find,
Such wisdom in yer harkin’,
To terms ye felt unkind.”

“Stop with ya’!  Stop with ya’!
Ya’ stubborn, briney goat!
T’wasn’t me who boarded ship
An’ failed to keep afloat!
Aye, the heaven hasn’t tempered,
The iron in yer will.
Judge me not Bartholomew,
One, amongst the krill!”

The bearded ghost then chuckled,
‘Til tears came to his eyes.
Proud he was to have such time,
To spend with feisty bride.
He then retreats in silence,
As he gleans from her distress,
That she torments with a secret,
To him, she must confess.

“"Bartholomew, me love,"
she embarks to make her plea,
"Ye left me young an' fruitful still,
yet no child ‘pon me knee.
I'm not as sturdy as y'think,
An' tremble at the thought;
deprived I am of husbandry,
my womb be saved fer naught."
Without ye then, I’ll ‘ave no spring,
No child to remind,
Of splendid days, brighter sun,
Me husband now divine.
I’m askin’ yer forgiveness,
And yer permit to pursue,
The kindly callers come to me,
In absence then, of you.”

“Yer speakin’ of the cooper, Tim,
Or Drew, the smithies’ hand?
Aye, better off with men who keep,
Their feet upon the land!
But Tim, I’m sadly knowin’ that,
His time is comin’ due;
An’ if a child be yer design,
There ‘ain’t no seeds in Drew.
I’ll not be one to keep ya’,
To an empty marriage bed.
Lord knows ye d’serve a finer life,
Than keepin’ with the dead.
But ev’rythin’ that’s in me,
Needs ye hurt no more.
Death ‘as grant me favored eyes,
I ‘adn’t known before.
I’ll come ‘ere, e’vry night,
An’ visit, yer desire.
Honest, I will always be,
Tendin’ yer require.
Love ‘been mine for days of flesh,
Then, for eternity.
Go then now, me Mary Dunn,
An’ make a life for thee.”

With courage she did leave that night,
With freedom then realized,
To pair with then, another mate,
Forsaking former ties.
Yet, on the night that followed,
And for thousands after, too,
She chose the comp’ny of the ghost,
Her lost Bartholomew.

Each night she braved nature’s serve,
Through rain, or cold, or sleet;
Imbibing ‘pon such moment’s time,
To feed on love so sweet.
Each minute spent, Bartholomew,
Rejoiced in hardships, laughter;
And only God and Time will know,
Such treasures in hereafter.

One night, amidst November freeze,
Mary staggered there,
Among the stones akin to home,
With her husband shared;
Lungs revolting, gurgling swell,
Mouth of staining red;
Contrasting earthly suffering,
Found solace ‘mongst the dead.
Fevered to delirium,
Wet, silver-tainted hair,
She settles ‘side familiar post
And finds him waiting there.
Struggles so to form a breath,
In hopes that she may speak,
Surrendering the day’s accounts;
But fears she is too weak.

“Aye, ‘tis time, me Mary Dunn,
A’time that ye come home.
Beyond this night, forevermore,
Y’ll nev’r be alone.
I wish that I could reach ya’ now,
An pull ya’ ‘cross the veil
That’s kept us ‘part these many years,
In spite of what’s prevailed.”

“So ‘lighten me, me whaler man,”
She coughed a pale reply.
“Why’d ya’ choose to lie to me,
To keep me as yo’r bride?
The cooper, he outlived us both,
Eight children sprung from Drew;
Ye lied to me for all these years,
What say, Bartholomew?”

“I feared me own accord, me lass,
From terms set forth above;
Ye cannot cross to waitin’ arms,
Unless ye go with love.
An’ I, but one love known to life,
This chance then rest with you
To be me escort to the Lord,
This, I say is true.
Should ye have taken ‘nother man,
I feared that ye’d be his;
An’ ye’d be taken up with him,
While I’d be left like this;
A-hoverin’ in between such space,
An’ time, by lonesome self;
While pinin’ for me heart of life,
Me Mary, ‘n no one else.”

“Aye, such flat’ry from  des’prate ghost;
It was my life ye know;
I seen ya’ for deceiver,
So many years ago.
But I choose’d to keep me vows to you,
‘Til heaven takes me in;
An’ if I granted sim’lar choice,
I’d choose the same a’gin’.

I’m dying love, I feel it now,
Me spirit needs to leave;
This body sez it’s had enough,
Me time is done, indeed.”
“Lay down, me lass, breath peace,
Lay down ‘n be there, still;
Our fate, as love, ‘pears destiny,
As both our lungs were filled.”

Mary Dunn surrendered then,
To callings of her spirit;
With forever longing arms of his,
She had no cause to fear it.
United once again, at last,
Of faith and love of few,
She crossed into Eternity,
With her love, Bartholomew!
As this represents a needed edit, I'd like to extend my gratitude to Drew for precise observation, critique/guidance and to my dear poet friend, Ron Gardner,  who donated several verses to this piece that were clearly more appropriate than what I had penned originally.  Thanks, so much, gentlemen!!!

If you are reading this, you did me a great favor of time...thanks.  

Fegger, 2010
ceara Jan 2011
The story of you is a picture to my ears
of you being a bit of a pup,
wearing headphones to mass,
driving the same priest mad
who later showed you how to play a bodhran in an empty church.

Imagine the happening of it
of you, standing in an empty field
looking at a well, wondering hard
how the water got to be there
or your eyes circling wider
in memory of seeing
and touching girls yonis for the first time
you'd say “Ah Mam,
I don't want to go to Greaney's for shoes”
was Mr Greaney's dark and cold
with shelves packed thick with damp boxes,
white labels marking styles and sizes,
N for navy, B for brown, brogues, sensible,
that would have all the boys in school laughin at ya,
your ma pressin ******* the toes
to make sure you've a bit of room to grow into?

you talked to me late at night,
of young ones and of passing the seed.
any suggestions to the lay out of this poem will be gratefully received, its driving me mad !!
BlakOps Feb 2012
You know the ones
Fellas’ fulla ice
Runnin’ around spitin’ dice
Love um ****’um, leave’um
Underachieva, please believe in ya,
Lies to **** Christ,
Kissin’ the lips of death with every last breath,
A ***** left pressin’ everything in the way needless to say this left him

Up in his mind he lost track of time
He been there done that and decided he could get back
But didn't and now he's pitted his mind against a fitted
and some nikes
and still his life falls down the pipes,
he lost it at a small price
Just a few clothes shoes and hoes
Who knows maybe that all he needed though,
Hell bro maybe that's we all need it more.
We left worryin’ bout food with nuttin’ to do,
our economy ****, man now we *******,
he got out when he was young in his prime actin a fool
**** the best times in life
What happens to us left to die?

You know the ones the king of vice
The ones that love to spit dice
Yea you know the king of vice
The ones who paid the price
Critique is welcomed.
James Medley Dec 2011
sure i might be pointless
but there's meaning in these words
i'll sing 'em back louder
just in case you hadn't heard
so they'll get caught up
in your head all day

you've been pressin' on pause
when you should've pressed play

i'd say you know the
ins and outs of the game

which is pretty ******* bleak
considering your losing streak
compared to me your ****'s weak

'cause i take my time

allow me to pause for a second
while i think of this rhyme

i've got a one track mind
Gave you nothing less than perfection,
i received neglection
no affection ,just thoughts and depression my lesson learned by the taunting aggression,
my obsession is caressin my helpless quessin,
pressin  my deepest thoughts, tryin to harbor my lost,
tryin to hold my cost, a price of heart is stolen,
every second of the day im second quessin my life,
stuck in thoughts frozen..trying to let go...
reflection is whom im  opposen, im posen a threat,
not understanding my loneliness,  so...
im holding this, thoughts and feeling,
picturing a day on bended knee,kneeling, tellin you
my feeling, the feelings is true, you turn my  helpless why? into hopeless when..i dont wanna be your friend,i wanna meet worlds end, show you i am more than a
kiss nd hug,
im more than a,
i don't know shoulder shrug,
im more than a
then i am a here and will never be a never was,
i go the length, in 1 year, tell you I do, cause no matter what you do,
ill stick around as long as you want me too,
ill be that ***** stick witcha , snap picture in the background, tellin you every second i happy for you,while  slowly killin liver,
i know you can be better with me, but you with another *****, so
i let it goo, but let it linger, aint no ring on my finger, but  there's one in my heart if you could've looked alil would seen how you left it alil bit torn apart.
its ok i worn the lost, i learn to floss, but heres no body like you, and im just cooping with an inevitable loss.

BY: Emmanuel JV Hernandez
Lydia Feb 2018
There's no nobility in this
Please comment :)
Tristan Rethman Nov 2015
Grief. sorrow. sadness. and pain
Living life with such disdain

You never looked even for my breath
Then you say you can't believe my death

Alright. It Doesn't matter anyway
Not like, I was ever getting away

Me. Yeah, The one in the back, I'm laying flat
Put a bullet through my head, sound of a gat

Why am I detained in a life I didn't chose, whose
idea was it, force me to live, I'm singing the blues,

Here's news, get off my back and let me swing, without,
a wing or anything stopping me from dying

Now you sing, the words that come from sorrow
As everyone like me sit on death's row

Get up and act, take it into your own hands
GO! Stand, take a hand even if it's not planned

Let my story be a lesson, pressin', into your mind
And make it a thing, do not allow anyone be blind

We can stop it, together, forever
Do not ever think otherwise, Never!
This was originally written as a rap styled piece (by me of course) but I revised it to be more of a poem in a traditional stance with the two line stanzas and equal syllables for those two lines.
Kenny Whiting Nov 2016
We traveled down this road of life,
we try for Heaven's sake;
To make the best of how we've lived,
decisions that we make.

So few are right, so many wrong,
but each one's left their mark;
It's how you fight your way back up
that proves a winner's heart.

It's in those times real men stand up
to keep on pressin' on;
They forge ahead through hardest times,
don't stop till battle's won!

They never once give up the fight,
when reaching for the stars;
To finally win the race we've run,
to prove just who we are!

We are the few who broke the mold,
who've beat the odds we face;
Those one's who've taken back their lives,
the winners in this race!

As victor now let's take the stand,
with loved ones by our side;
To finish what we've started here
sobriety, our prize!
We've been fighting with passive-aggression
You've been fighting with depression
But I can't stress enough what you've been pressin'
All of your ideals
Yeah, I can't help how I feel
But your life's on the line
But your hand's not in mine
Being with you 's like walking on a field of landmines
Our fightin' has to come to an end, my friend
If it doesn't our relationship will totally end
I'm done with the grind
You've been playin' with my mind
But you're the one who was slain
I'll take blame...
We'll never be the same
We don't have to end this way,
But how you've been acting is strange.
I don't feel safe
So I'll find a new place
Where all my fears will come to an end
For: Huxley Densen
It's been a while since a wrote poem check my ozem stronger the better better get ya sweater
Cuz I drop knowledge like a shot from berettes knock out vendetta
Who gotta problem with the way I get cheddar
Use wisdom as a daily bread watch for the chickenheads enemies families and fake ****** who said
I couldn't make it now they wanna take it
My ends *** they see me in a diesel benz make no amends put an end to your frontin' no need for stuntin'
I show you my real motives I delegate high explosive til ya empire becomes corrosive the most magnificence since. Made my earthly presence hataz get in hesitant
I told you don't ever go over my head
Pesci lyrical michete better be ready coming gritty in the cities
Watch for the kitties showin' the ******* wearin' the mini's
Skirt don't let my feelings get hurt close to dirt
I'll be buried six feet of tears take a fleet with my peers
Underworld just waiting for me to be crown kratos of the town surround
Me back on my throne retaining all my royalties hidden in concealed tomes

Suckas better guard they melon ain't no tellin' where your soul'll be dwellin' made a rebel from a felon
Light-year birth made heads hurt bodies get ******
From the tommies puttin' in work blood on your shirt
Told you we takin' over mas victory like Nike despite enemies that might be
Close to me I whistle the crossroads angels appear and fold
Goetia laid the toll let my soul unfold show you how I turn pendejo to putos
Only roll autos never see me at the stripper poles that for weak bros watch for the brascos that wanna get me lassoed be the undercover Luciano make you sing saprano if you don't know your role mold the game
Into a perfection from a selection of my rhythmic injection
Nerves I'm still stretchin' cease me never
I'll continue my pressin'
Jey Blu Dec 2017
The progression of depression
It really is not a blessin
It's not healthy to be supressin
All of your aggression
Everyone gets the wrong impression
They say just get a session
With a guy in the right profession
Keep right on assessin
I tried that once it kept me guessin
Bringing up all these microaggressions
Lemme backtrack now I'm digressin
I have to hide every expression
On my face keep on repressin
I can't just be professin
Every single transgression
Makes me feel like **** no more fessin
Up to anything keep it all inside harnessin
Every thought kept in check obsession
With nobody knowing it's pressin
That its a secret that can't be let out I'm stressin
I really ******* hate this depression
I tried to rhyme oops
Hannah Field Apr 2019
My depression get the best of me
Long nights I don’t rest or sleep
Jaw tight as I compress my teeth
Digest the devil pressin me
Repress the stress that rest in me
Death don’t ever pester me
Life brings on all the pressure see
I can’t even measure the little pleasures
why can’t I just Rest In Peace
I strive to never take my life
Hear voices from a gun and knife
Fake light for when my dark nights strike
But **** the light, give me a ladder
I’d rather fight and climb back to the surface
Search through all my pain for purpose
Learn to deal with the hurt and worthless
Help others in similar circumstances
Gives them chances in advance
To never glance on suicidal’s dance
#f ;ghter
Kenny Whiting Nov 2016
I woke up now with thoughts of you,
so heavy on my mind;
Just thinking of this love we share,
all others left behind.

A love this true, so strong and pure,
although we're miles apart
Could only come from deep inside
the biggest of all hearts.

We've found our way to make it work
so few could ever do;
With endless love, a special breed,
a love so tried and true.

We've struggled some, kept pressin' on
to keep our own swift pace;
Kept forward on that time so soon,
sweet moment we'll embrace!

We're looking to the future now,
left memories in the past;
It won't be long, I'll hold you now
forever more at last!
They wanna bury me but can't silence me
The Lord gave me a strong so I will-fully
Lay the vengeance upon once he gives me a plan
Cogitate murders once the weapons in my hand
Nobody can break me or shake me gotta evade these demons
Pressin' me my ammo never test
Fools testing me only get put to rest
Where will I go once the shells touch to the floor
Of the concrete I hear sounds of a rapid heartbeat
Shaking to sleep enemies in a weep
Say a prayer for suckas that be tryna creep
Keep my eyes on the juddas hit the Buddha
So I can I through ya telepathic yeah I'm graphic
Memories of corpses so it's photographic
Now I became a student to the deaths teaching
Fools clutchin' there brains from my nine's reaching
Ain't no way you can escape the rain
Hard liquor to calm my pain I'm going derange
That try to shoot me at point blank close range
Where will I die? If the Lord's spares me an eye
Walk through needles spiritual pierced so I'm prepared for the fry
Fools clowning me
Like can't hear em even though they ain't next to me
My closest friends in the pen huh or they somewhere sittin'
Knocking on hell's door waiting for war
Soon end up in gore this for my fore
Father's chilling in the sky -
David Scaggs Feb 2021
This one goes out, to the few good ones left.
Who refuse to stop fighting, even when blind, numb and deaf.
Your heart's become the strongest, through fights tough as nails.
Learning from the wins, and even more from the fails.
Being one of your kind, is a worth more than priceless.
Though the weight, knowledge and experience we bear, is what we suffice with.
We're saviors and unsung heroes, never rewarded with medals.
In the field of humanity, we're thanked in portions the size of rose petals.
We're the grease in your gears, the **** in your pistons.
No matter the resident's severity, we're here to assist them.
Most won't appreciate, until our shoes been tried on.
Still we're caring for them, even when gone.
Someday there may just come a time, you'll need our care too.
So appreciate the ones always pressin on, filling those big shoes.

D. Scaggs

— The End —