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josh wilbanks Sep 2015
The first time you buy a painting, it is the pride of your house. You put it on display because this painting made your day. But as days turn into weeks, you get tired of Mistique, the painting of your dreams. You take it off the center spot and put it in a bathroom lot, where its beauty gets defaced and its colours start to fade. But Mistique is still standing. By month ten you've been through more then one painting, and Mistiques sitting in some old bend, remembering it's friend, just waiting for the end.

You're looking for some dread but found Mistique insteand and remember that first friend, who's torn apart by now. You tape a glue and colour it all new but on the inside,

Mistique is already dead.
Carmen Jane Feb 2019
You are so elusive
And sometimes impulsive
You are so mistique
You are so unique
You are so magnetic
That mole is so aesthetic
Love your eyecontact
When you're looking back
From the mirror.
Can't make this more clearer,
I am a beautiful soul
Getting here,was my entire goal!
For you
To open yourself
To breathe
The aura,
The resounding
That magic
Does exist
Without the Mystery
Without the struggle,
what's the point?

If it made sense,
Life would be useless.
Anthony Moore Jun 2010
Your voice so bitter sweet
Hurls me into painful reality
Everytime you speak
You don't see
The things you say eat me alive
They rip me apart and **** me inside
They beat and abuse
This weather worn hide
I looked at you seperate
Something you unique
There was something about you
Something mistique
Your love had me spinning
It pinned me down
With sintrifical force
I was stuck to the ground
Overwelmed by sorrow
As I rise with a frown
I make my way to the door
No longer stunned by your love
My feet flat on the floor
I wish we could have worked this out
And made everything good
Now I'm walking out
Like I said I would
On our Paradise
The door I now close
It was all a waste of time I suppose
As nightfall settles down
All is froze
Frost bites the trees, flowers
And the tip of your nose
My footprints echo in your mind
Like a stomp
Our crystal clear creek
Now a bubbling swamp
That's haunted by the sounds
Of the frog
Our once was Paradise
Covered in a solid white fog
You must have put forth a tremendous effort
To turn a place like this
Into the horrid, dreadful mist
Our Paradise's destruction is done
You broke my heart
Because you thought I had none
But I do have a heart
Just a chipped and cracked one
You thought that I feel no emotion
But I do and they flow
Like a storm plauged ocean
It's just anger is the only one I put into motion
You just never bothered to look deep inside
And try to find the feelings I hide
As you contimplate on the damage of your dents
You look down and see tear drops
Next to my footprints
All stops
And everything makes sense
You drop tears next to mine
And step into my footprints
Then dark turns to dim
As you begin to follow them
Anthony J. Alexander 2006
jeffrey robin Sep 2010
sofly we
(and that we know
is known)

true it is
that we

the hour's mystique
the moment is bursting

the hour knows names
our names
your name
and mine

know what you know
know what you dont

do what you do
do it well

softly we
(and death is here
and very
very much

and we are here
and death is here
and death is here
and we

burst into the mistique
it is that hour

this is known
DC raw love Mar 2017
So lets say i was heaven sent
Plus potion. And experience

Plus a luck and loading instrument
The circumference circumvents

Like lost treasure monuments
Just because Bevan wrote a sentence

But since I spent the last night dense
In a dent and door dipped In fence

The a is compressed and condensed
Considered the presents in PAst tense

I am so unique and mistique icons
And Zero one deep triple THReat bigon

The titans and the mOGULs atom ions
The confusion television light neon

I complain he'll jacket burnt on
Gabriel Raphael Micheal with corn

I adorn and amend  the truth pon
Like chess the rook took knight con

Now celebrate the acorn and the nut chasing a horn and who be born

Then the antitrust antichriST worn
The widdow. Wife mislife scorn

Go complain about a woman 's scorn
Deserving the world sounds and alarm

Let's not bother an earth worm
The Bermuda triangle bahevean arm...
**^ #thejscenemovement

Kon Grin Feb 2018
she crosses a hand
on her chest, for the sake
of ****** staying mistique

how blind was me
thrice failing to see
she undressed not for me, but for lake
Sea 1/24 about S.S. on Happy Smr

— The End —