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Ankit Tripathi Jul 2018
On fine morning, when Sun was yawning with its red-sleep deprived eyes,
complaining about the longer work hours in the summer,
Mama Paddy plant saw its shoots with tender husk,
she knew it’s time for baby rice grains,
The farmer turned on the motor and water sipped into the field,
He was satisfied that this year he will have a good yield.
Water walked over the soil and across the plants congratulating all the pregnant ladies in the paddy field,
of course showing off her experience in rearing lives not just in the farm but across the breeds.

After a few weeks Mama Paddy started training the kids,
Among the kids was Goldy who pondered how the world looked beyond the field.
In the night when wind blew lightly it played the most melodious lullaby,
Mama paddy would tell the kids that we all have our own journey,
some will grow to produce more grains, some feed the hungry and bring smile on their face,
We all have a role to play in the world, to lessen someone’s suffering.
Goldy looked around at the field and then asked, “How will I know what my purpose is?”
The wind blew harder and said, “I blow in the dessert, I blow with the tide, I push the cloud to the fields, I breeze the summer night, not always things are in my control but when I can, I try to ease.”
Mama Paddy nodded with the wind and then added, “Goldy, accept the way life comes at you and have a good heart, you will find your purpose and you will do your part”

As the Sun in his surveillance drone looked longer at the green, the wind would lighten and run faster in the fields.
Mama Paddy grew golden as she was growing old, the farmer was happy that he will harvest soon.
When she heard the sound of the tractor, she told the kids that its the beginning of their journey and end of hers.
Before kids could comprehend what she said, the tractor ran over the plant and the kids found themselves in a sack.
The grains didn’t know what was coming but Goldy held his  siblings together.
They stayed in the dark for days but they knew they were together and remembered what the mother said.
One morning farmer came back and loaded the sac into two smaller bags and Goldy was separated from his siblings.

Loaded in a truck, Goldy watched the sun from the gaps in the sack,
Sun was thinking about the countless separations he has encountered so far,
The wind caught up with the truck as it passed through the country roads,
A companion in disguise is better than reaping happiness alone.
One two and three, days passed like seasons, but Goldy was on his journey, hoping that he will find the reason,
He passed by the land of greens where sapling cheered his way,
as the soil turned red, he saw some monks in the shape of rocks, finding peace in barren lands is like finding shade in the cracks, it doesn’t last for long but nonetheless, it takes your mind off for a while,
As Goldy passed through the cities, he wondered how people patiently waited in the traffic, he was amused how humans were like paddy and roads like the fields.

Goldy reached a godown and from there to a house, he watched the kids going around the mother and remembered what he has left behind.
He waited for days and enjoyed the daily tv shows,  soon the day came when he knew it’s his turn.

In a vessel he was united with water who told him that he will feed a hungry.
Goldy was happy that he will meet his goal, soon the wind joined in the vessel and Goldy was cooked.
He found himself in a plate as the human was picking rice with spoon and fork, grabbing his neighbours into his mouth.
Goldy was hopeful that his purpose will be fulfilled.
He watched as the human ate the rest, but little did Goldy knew that he will be thrown in the waste.
Goldy ran down the gutter and his life turned upside down,
everything was smelly and dark and he was rotting and drowning while waiting for the end.
He waited, waited for the rain to show him the light again, waited for the wind to find him and blow him away,
Waited for his purpose to be fulfilled.
But in reality not every life meets its dream, he was left to rot in the gutter not because it was his destiny but because the spoon and fork didn’t grab him.
Silly spoon, silly fork, they are to be blamed but they were the puppet in the hands of the human grabbing them.
It was the human who didn’t connect with the food in his plate,
he didn’t realise the journey of rice, water, wind, sun and the farmer,
he didn’t realise the drying tears of the ground who is trying to feed the world,
he didn’t realise how much we all long for fulfilment of our purpose in this world.
darrean Apr 2018
jack lile copper goldy shin star

By darrean Thompson

There are 4 dogs jack,lile, copper and goldy and their friends who are cats  star and shin. hay jack lets go to the barn said copper. ok, I am coming . goldy should we follow them said lile I guess so said goldy .they went to the barn and they see star and shin on a cow then they came down to play they played with the sheep and the Chicken. then the farmer came in and pick up star and shin then we followed him to the house for food.

2 hours later
Shin is asleep, lile, jack also asleep .copper and goldy went and played in the field and they saw a wolf it got goldy !!!!!!!! noooooooooooo! copper went to shin star lile jack. jack asked what happened. well me and goldy went to play in the field and there was a wolf it got goldy

part 2 next week  by darrean Thompson
not a pome my free write
darrean May 2018
Ms. Gilley vs. Mr. Frame
By Darrean Thompson

One day at school we heard a crazy unexpected announcement by Ms.Gilley.   Everybody gasped as they heard her say  “the teachers want us to wear uniforms at school from now on.  Boys will be wearing blue suits with red ties.  The girls will also have the same colors but can choose between a skirt or pants.  We will give you each three outfits every year.”

Soon as Ms. Gilley put the microphone down, Mr.Frame came on the announcements yelling “there will be no uniforms.” We all yelled “hooray” while plugging our ears.  We could hear them arguing, Mr. Frame must have dropped the microphone and not turned it off.  They were very loud and we wondered who would win. The kids were split on this, half wanted Ms. Gilley to win.  The other half wanted Mr. Frame.

The kids started a riot, they were throwing desks and shooting pencils everywhere.  The teachers were running door to door asking the kids to stop.  The kids did not stop. The teachers went into the Teachers’ Lounge to hide from the kids.  I, Darrean Thompson, decided to try to fix this.  I followed the teachers looking for Mr. Frame and Ms. Gilley.

I found them having a paper ball war from their offices. I yelled “Stop with this war. This is idiotic. Why can’t we just wear the uniforms if we want?”

Mr. Frame and Ms. Gilley gave each other a look and said “ just might work.”

Ms. Gilley picked up the microphone, which was still on, and said “Kids we need to stop.  Thanks to Darrean Thompson’s great idea, we have decided that you can choose to wear the uniforms or not.”  

The whole school started to cheer and I saved the day!

jack lile copper goldy shine star

By Darrean Thompson

There are 4 dogs jack,lile, copper and goldy and their friends who are cats  star and shin. hay jack lets go to the barn said copper. ok, I am coming . goldy should we follow them said lile I guess so said goldy .they went to the barn and they see star and shin on a cow then they came down to play they played with the sheep and the Chicken. then the farmer came in and pick up star and shin then we followed him to the house for food.2 hours later
Shin is asleep, lile, jack also asleep .copper and goldy went and played in the field and they saw a wolf it got goldy !!!!!!!! noooooooooooo! copper went to shin star lile jack. jack asked what happened. well me and goldy went to play in the field and there was a wolf it got goldyJack lile copper star shin r on their way to get goldy.they found a trail and they went on the  trail.Then in has be to hours later they see a cave and they go in the cave and they saw the wolf and goldy the wolf went back to awer house . we r have way there and it's night we go to sleep and wake up at the house . i guess it was a dream we all  said. Then the wolf was at the trail and then jack blinked and it was gon
One day a man name Arthur his friend max. They went in the wood it was dark they went to find the dog .
Then they fell in a bomb shelter. Then the door shut they find the dog they find a switch for the lite .They wear trap the good side is  they have food.
Day2 they got 1 can to eat they found cards but they had no signal on their phones we played  so we played cards
Day3  we got bord so we tried to get out we can't it opins on the outside then we ate a can
Day4 it is max's b day  we can't celebrate it  
Day??  We had 6 cans in these days we have 95 cans left
Day23 We think we find a plugin we carg our phones  we have games but they get boring
Day 24 we get out from lile and we were glad

Where was a bubble and it had a house in it and there was a cat cloud their pusht it . lori walks in the bubble and she is imagining her violin at a quiet place it has be sometime now she said . I need to get out,  then she is in the forest and she sees a ******* a swig she goes to see her face and she sees her face and it was her and then she wakes up in her house. And then she asked her parents to ask if there is a bubble house.
The End
love it
Alexa Sz May 2010
Oh Goldy, honey, shush now
close your eyes
fall asleep
your cries are heard off the canyon walls
the first white child born in Hells Canyon

Sleep now, in the ground
your history is washed away by the rain
very few memories are remembered
Disappear with each of the years
shush now Goldy
Close your eyes.
Dedicated to Hells Canyon.
20612 Dec 2012
A curious thing,
Boat to boat,
Dream to dream,
Leap to leap,
Light bulb to beam,
Spark to spark,
Jump start the cranial arc.
Neuron negotiation team.

Ambulance the ambivalence,
Channel out the Ritalin,
Limited dosages,
One day at a time, focusing,
Wake up, ECT voltages,
Sent them in the mail,
As postage just as,
Goldy-locked as porridges,
Clear the clouded vision, it's a must,
Derail the failure,
Exceed the labor,
Taste success, it's flavor,
Savor it.

Maintain a relationship with the Lord,
Escapin' and deflating ship,
Swallowed by the sea,
With a murderous howl,
Til' thoughts drift away,
Flow into the process womb,
The man that plays instruments,
Holds the key to the control panel of THINK,
Doesn't MIND this tomb,
Destiny and instinct,
Keeping each other in sync,
Putting one and two together,
Every time an internal light switch is flicked,
Not one soul around,
My thoughts mixed,
In this synaptic mail-room,
Unsorted letters,
Swimming through the mound,
Forever searching for their connections,
Til one day they'll meet,
Between then and now,
All that are lost in the end will be found.
Another night of insomnia. The journey of a neurological impulse/message from the body to brain. The man in the womb is conscience. Eventually the perfect harmony of two messages will occur, at the correct timing according to God's plan.
darrean Apr 2018
Jack lile copper star shin r on their way to get goldy.they found a trail and they went on the trail.Then it has been to hours later they see a cave and they go into the cave and they saw the wolf and goldy the wolf went back to our house. we r have way there and it's the night we go to sleep and wake up at the house. I guess it was a dream we all said. Then the wolf was on the trail and then jack blinked and it was gon
By Darrean Thompson
soukadreamer Mar 2014
Happiness* is that feeling which take you to an other *world
not that worthley one where we’re leaving .
Is the way that you feel flying without being in airplane .
Like you can touch the sky while your feet is in the ground .
Like you can walk on the sun without feeling burning with its Goldy flames .
Is the moment where you can do whatever you want whenever you want ,without being afraid of falling .
Happiness is a magical potion which take you to an other planet .
Birdie Apr 2013
romanticizing life

you are no longer what you were meant to be
like a buffet
knowing when not to get overwhelmed with the choices
but be humbled
and honest
to tell yourself what you know you really want
what you really need

now i'm not trying to make men analogous to food
but i guess i am.
my meal
doesn't serve the purpose of leaving the table
with my stomach bursting at the seams
left alone
with a food baby.

my meal
doesn't serve the purpose of not serving a purpose
there just to quench a craving
to lead you in which ever direction because you think you want all of this when
really it's just
you don't know
what you want
what's the purpose?

my meal
is supposed to humble me
serves the purpose of feeding me with a thousand suns of your soul
to warm me
in my mind
and my heart
my meal is relevant
to my context
to your context
it's goldy locks
it's not being afraid to make mistakes
to learn and grow
and change.

my meal is shared with my family
enjoyed and just another
enriching aroma that give us a reason
to be together
not to
"bring us closer than we already thought we were"
we are not
a romantic novel
my meal is not a romantic novel

i know i'm a college student
that meals don't always align correctly
that they are forgotten
but always on my mind
i'm gonna be
i don't know what my meal should be
where it should come from
why i will choose it

i'm confused, too.
can i marry you?
Raven Mc Chim Jun 2020
Those glittery sees, that I see everyday
makes me feel relaxed
Playing and laughing together
makes me everyday uncover a new hidden person in me
Loved your company every morning
and even for star gazing at night
love you Goldy...
We never have enough to eat.
Winter is brutal up north and
we can't pay for heat huddled
around Dollar Store candles.
My Goldy is dead in morning.
Daddy can't keep a job anymore.
Classy J Mar 2022
Our systems a hive mind,
Suzy sells sea shells,
But that don’t mean ****,
To a drive by.
We all mean well,
With our well of knowledge,
Trying to find the perfect porridge,
Like goldilocks,
When she broke into the bears cottage.
So, when the bears came back,
They saw that their homes were salvaged,
And if goldy ever came back,
You bet the bears would serve up,
Maximum damage!
But if they did that they’d be deemed as the savage,
Monsters to be killed.
Life’s an expensive bill.
Wonder whose going to pay for the meal?
Can’t see privilege up on that hill.
But pride will be your downfall,
Like the tale of jake and Jill.
A tale as fragile,
As Humpty Dumpty,
Trying to balance on a windowsill.
For real.
If this is reality, pass me the blue pill.

Could have all the gold chains,
But ya still locked,
Caged to a rigged game.
A pain that is like a police’s gun,
Loaded and locked.
Could have all the gold,
Yet still get shot.
Because at the end of the day,
We’ll never be goldilocks.

From being whipped and chained,
To driving whips and wearing gold chains,
Don’t kid yourself bro,
It is all the same,
All you’re doing is replacing pain,
With fleeting money and fame,
But no amount of money,
Can’t remove the blood stains,
Of our ancestors brains,
Blood that is soaked in every drive way,
That’s why I believe there is no such thing,
As a free way!
Land built off of slaves,
Land taken away,
From those who were seen as naives,
Children murdered and buried,
In unmarked graves,
Can’t remove the stains,
Can’t escape the pain,
We are all insane!
Trapped in a circular maze,
Brainwashed to obey,
Because at the end of the day,
We are taught,
What goldilocks did was okay!

Could have all the gold chains,
But ya still locked,
Caged to a rigged game.
A pain that is like a police’s gun,
Loaded and locked.
Could have all the gold,
Yet still get shot.
Because at the end of the day,
We’ll never be goldilocks.
Whit Howland Sep 2019
Sage advice
once gleaned
from a poet's letters

compare you
to only you

that said

I'll go one more time
around the block
a brief stop

Goldy's Dime Store
some taffy and
a quick look at me

then at Goldy's
in his fighting prime

I'll leave
the bell jingling
when I shut the door

you have your
lonesome cities
and I have
my empty streets

© Whit Howland 2019
A deep image that informs the rest of the poem.
Jordan Hudson Aug 2019
Yeah, wallet out (ballin')
Yeah, wallet out (ballin')
100K 100K aye
100K 100K aye
The K stand for thou
The 100 for the made
Throw some in the crowd
Throw some in the bank
Hundred thou, 100K
In the crowd, in the bank
Everyday stacks made
Bank full each day
Gold wrap
Gold watch
Gold crap
Goldy locks
Gold skies
Gold mask
Gold at ease
***** please
I got racks in the bank
I got stacks on my knees
Falling on the floor
Out the door you poor
I rich you a broke *****
Yea, yea, yea cash
Enough to hold me over
Make her rich too
What did I do
Gold digger in the back
Up front got the stash
I am back, I return
Take that turn, park that ride
In that spot, your turn to drive
Take me home, store the stash
Gold chrome
Rich kid ****, ha
Yeah Yeah
100K 100K aye
100K 100K aye
The K stand for thou
The 100 for the made
Throw some in the crowd
Throw some in the bank
Hundred thou, 100K
In the crowd, in the bank
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
without this magic pen, where would we be

we words to the wise

we sweet lull making words, soft as genuine joy,
the slow steady build
ing heart joy
sweet suasivity
snakey lick
nacre laquer spit
layer on layer
glossier and glossier, pearly gates

then Aitia
bubble pop. No juice, no flow, lightening ever
y where

is the leash, the rod

touch here please. At this highest conductive point

formed from metals collected
in the aftermath of two unthinkably complex Nuetron stars

collided, or merged,
no body saw it, (it is a spell not an error, feature nae bug)

but some say they know they saw what would have hapt,
had that hapt, one hundred and thirty thousand years ago

this is not irony, this is goldy

Google Nuetron stars make gold, Spelchek's grandma
at Google corrects you.
I knew that would hap, had yu followed insruct
construct word nets to snare any bird unawoke to the joke,
yoke equally,

pull your own weight, plus or minus

synergy is variable, like the speed of light and time.
You dear reader are helping the world get the joke and stop

hoping to die, before giving your own account of every idle word.
Start here,

ask, your self, the one you talk to,

what lies do I believe about you or anything else?

-- in my world, those are doctores orders.
Caugt a story about farmers giving up because life got chinging too fast to keep up.
Joshua Morrison Jun 2019
Cast from the heavens and
Fallen from grace
The angel cries heading to unhallwoed ground
Left to thoughts of how and why
What have i done to be cast from the heavens
The angel cant help but to wonder
As the cold dark ground creeps ever closer
Still lost in lucid thoughts of unknown origin
Tears lifting from cheek as if returning to the gods
She prays that she may be lifted and spared
So she may yet return to grace and sheltered arms
Her tears increase her heart heavy from burden
Still wondering why the reason escape thought
Pushed from the heavens
As if a baby bird pushed from the nest
The hardest lessons cant be explained  
The sudden realization overwhelms her
As a smile washes over her face warm and vivid
The air shimmers with goldy glow so bright
The angel archs and wings sprout forth
She shouts out to the gods i shall rise again
Filled with purpose and fervor a new strength found
She ascends to return home singing praise to the teacher
A lesson she will not soon forget
Even those born without wings can grow and fly
A small push of faith and trust can move mountains
Trust in yourself never give up and rise
Antony Glaser Feb 2022
Autumn's crumbs offer a crescendo
of  calm delight,
plies on the autumnal  filler
of reds and yellows
goldy elms,
until a silent thrush at night
before the crumbling black wall.

— The End —