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Jenn Linh Jul 2017
I have this rage inside
This heat so hot
It won't come to settle
As it sizzles
    As it sparks
No. I can not hide it
Nor can I break away from it

Furiously burning
Overpowering my intentions
Engulfing discreetness
Exceeds in all means of assertiveness

This dark I can't escape
As I plead to..
Hold me tight
Inflame my light
Take me now far from here
Inferior I allow ..and to you my captor I surrender my body before you for your venture

I'm yours
This hunger may you feed

To long for predominance
To be enrapt with ones soul this loves on a rampage untamed and entomed inside.

Pulls of the darkest deepest lure
Captivated within the eyes

Conceptual plays
Passions trick

Inflicted desires upon only you and I  

To have nothing more than yearning..
Truly despaired
This tortures astray
It runs where it cannot hide.
Don't fight it let it confide.

Within her template a fortress resides
And within her heart eager temptations lie

Grasp her depth and pull her deep
Sway her mind while her body falls asleep

Frame her up while you undress her posture
Patience for the crave she seeks or this may be a disaster

Lie still while she slides her way
For temptations that are raging
Temptations that are teasing
strike suddenly at signs of dismay

Her body turn limp
    Numb like never before
Both body's working up a sweat
And without a single movement more
I'll just hit down to the floor as I stammer
As I wake..
No!  .. .may that not have been a fake

© Jenn Linh
Completely crashed and fell to this.. still editing
Viper Jan 2011
welcome to a spider web of my thoughts

flutter to close my little butterfly and it's likely you'll get caught

so it seems you fluttered right into my waiting hands

before things go any further I will make you aware of my plans

as you struggle maybe you didn't notice that you have been snared

though you didn't see this coming I'm sure you wouldn't have cared

the more you struggle, the more you realize you cant break free

welcome to your new home as you belong to me

two fangs dripping with hunger waiting to peirce your skin

my eyes look you over with anticipation of the sweet wonder that lies within

my words will soothe and blanket you with security

I think you'll find it quite comfortable being here with me

embracing you tighter than the closest lover you ever had

intoxicated by my venom, it feels too good to be bad

rest assured that every part of you will be consumed

forever stored with all the other pretty things I have entomed
Poetic T Nov 2017
Would I dream of you,
  Your face entomed within
Me, like a bird caged but free.

I dream of you,
But the emotional turmoil
Leaves you blurry within.

I never wished to lumber upon
       You, better that I let this
Dream do as others, fade away.
EP Robles Sep 2018
Tears are
lush is
like eye
Myeye enTOMED IF
of c o m ing love
and waiting is
spent in I- SO
but rewarded
by golden souls!
So pain is a seed
and spirit the tree
i bury my roots

:: 12-31-2014 ::
emotions are abstractly strong and move across the entire spectrum of human life

— The End —