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Paula Sullaj Oct 2014
eaking, I am
C    S                                                 ­                      i
Y          .      H                                  ­                                       s
L           .           E                                                            ­                  s
    L       y            M                  floating  with-        ­                                 o
       A   l              I               out any proprieties  left                                  l
        ­b           C                    formless, an original state of                                v
     i                                  nothingness. You ask for a solid                              e
     s                                 I am not;  But unknowingly you                              d
    i                   ­                  have respired me, Then  you c-                                i
    v                                      ombined with a container yo                                   n
       n                                      -u fit in,  As I am perpe-                                         ,         i                                          tually transforming                                           c
          ;                                                  ­                                                              o­
            s                                                 ­                                                       u
      ­      m                                                        ­                                     n
            o                                              ­                                         t
                  t                                        ­                                     l  
                  a                                      ­                          e
      *bubbly       s        s
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
she was
a forest a
it ex

LO                      DED
! a mercury ankle flexed wings digital crunch of elated
cleating sunlight through the tiny between of slatted window treatments.
a vanilla of hot dreaming darkness. the best nothing. a fleeting
permanent second burning. and we climbed
    into each others mouths our pink snakes tremendously. the air
           was sweating jealous vanity of her. an aphrodite detonating in my
cotton ocean. 500 threadcount pleasure bashful sheets clamoring
          beneath a writhing light of feminine stink.
      what a splinter. in my flavor
             loves well
Olga Valerevna Jan 2016
The days pass in twos, I see double again
I'll make you believe me while I play pretend
The questions are nothing but all of my doubt
I'm letting you in as you choose to walk out
and here I am wandering memory lane
Adoring with pleasure these moments of pain
I could be mistaken and you could be right
we're not that much different when we have a fight
But how many punches can anyone throw
When blue is the face of a life we've let go
I don't want to bother your patience at all
So I will let silence take both of the fault
The beauty of breaking can only be seen
If one other person is present for me
I'm not who I am when you're not who you are
Tonight I will keep you inside of my hear*t
until I can't feel you anymore
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
Old notes, from before

what they did was imagine a future
the future using a memory (meme) locken in their DNA to cognize


Defragmenting your mind
disassociate certain ideas from mis conceptions

cost of living, reap what you sow

Lost and know it, is there a way

What if the show (the trial) is a series of phone calls--
listener hears both sides

--- but never speaks--
When is the reward for not doing ever as great as
the reward for done?

A riddle for the robber jailed for doing?
A query for the poet who never wrote?
The singer who never sang, an audition in silence?

Eaking, painful words that say see, soundlessly

and fifteen years passed by
I must say
I know the answer there
I must say
I see farther now than then

Suffer it to be so now. See the music
Sufficient unto the day (no more)

Sop with me, come and dine.

-- Ask the guest to say grace

gracefully, the guest rises to full height,

tears the heel from the loaf,
slowly sops it in the cup of Mogen David,
provisioned by the host,
slowly lifts the soppy bread to lips open
for a bite,

taken, then chewed gently, and swallowed,

Amen. The guest sits and tucks
and gracefully scoops his portion of
a side of beef and three old hens who ceased to lay.

Grace for grace, he mutters, in his own gluttonous way.
as all the tucker's tucked into him.

Smallest child asks, who invited that?

Oh, that.
That's a metaphor. A parable. You see as if that hapt,

you remember it oh so well,
then the story ended and you woke here with memories of never beens.

Not every efforting word makes ineffable sense, some must be heard
to be spoken, other wise they lie

idle, idling like dragons spewing ashes in micro bits of death,
in their slumber atop the horded
answer to all things,

money. the real thing. the idea from which it formed.

A time trading scheme.
Back in the day, we were paid for our attention to reality, then

something changed at the DNA level, down in the core of where we come from,
effortlessly, until

air, whoosh squeeze that back outa me
breathe, old man,

old notes, like we should
honest-account the smell of Dehli
diesel idling in clogs of mopeds and vespas and honda fifties
like Saigon outside Than Son Nhut when the Americans were there

such idle words as these, left lying asif believed
now as when they flowed from a steel nib pen in some era of errors past
parsing sensibly

like old photos in a family album, with no recognizable faces or places

longer lasting than our carbon foot print,
longer than the thread to Silicon Beach sewing stiches before the skein
ripped with the receding tide of couldabeens,

before there was a fast lane, a 56 K modem was a rocket ship, too slow

here come ol' Flattop, Junior, **** Tracey's cutting edge hacker,
Flatop Jones, Junior,
cruisin' Route 66, in 1956, while the Hungarian Freedom Fighter was
grasping at
a dream,

The Yanks are coming, but
they didn't.
I found my personal task spiral binder from the expansion of the silicon bubble into the internet through to the MyTechPeople rollout after the IPO that never hapt. A historical note.

— The End —