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This fist of a man
Who painted pictures
Of black and blue
On a woman
Is a *anker that crushes the heart
Jy ry op die hanekraai
en kom le in my oor.
Jou tree 'n bekende geluid.

Jou teer drafstap deur my drome
maak my seerste monsters stil.
En sus my in 'n doodsluiterse rus.

Jou oe laat my handsaamslaan
op die lumier van meer as een.
Jou aansig maak van my gelowig.

Jou luim is 'n seestroom wat stoot en trek
en ek sit vasgekeer in jou rooi getui
en ek mik dieper , ek mik dood!

My liefste jou aanraak stuur gode
deur my dooie are en ruk my terug
vanaf die donker sluiers.

Jy is die maan, die sterre- nee
die nag! wat om my toevou
en my wieg wanneer my arms na niks gryp.

Jy is die openbaring waarna lewelose streef
en die anker waarna vryes verlang.
Bring my terug, na die gelykstreep,
voor die tyd ons invang.

Ek wil jou prys met woorde
wat God se toorn op my sal bring
maar dit hang aan my lippe
soos ek wag vir more se son om jou te besing.

Dit is my vroegoggend gedagtes,
van my lieflike laatslaper,
wie ek nooit akkuraat sal kan prys nie
, want ek is maar net 'n versotte ou dinkgaper.
Ek wil gedigte en boeke oor jou skryf . Jou met odes eer en met heilige woorde jou beskryf in die lyne van 'n epiese gedig... maar *** meer ek dit wil doen, *** meer verslaan jou werklikheid my en vind ek 'n gebrek aan woorde om die presiese emosies te verduidelik wat jy my laat voel. Dit is tye soos dan ,wanneer dit voel of my verstand gereed is om jou te besig , maar my mond hang oop... wagtend op woorde wat nog nie bestaan nie... om te beskryf wat jy aan my doen.
Benji James Jan 2019
Crushed to the core
sinking like an Anker
To the floor
Pull me from the depths
Drowning in the wreckage
Of a wounded heart
feel the blood from a punctured lung
Tears, Screams all around
Drifting in the water below
Breathing in water through your nose
But when you rise
You rose to fill every expectation
Everybody has an expiration date
this time I’m not gonna fight
to find a way out
Cuz I’m tired of being a fighter
Yeah hold up a lighter
in loving memory
of everything we shared
They gave me more than I could bare
and now there is no flare
to light the skies
God gave me hope, gave me strength to carry on
But you can only keep going on for so long
It was in the way she talked
And in the way she walked
That the poisonous fumes
From the scent of her perfume
Stunned and trapped me in your love
Got tricked into a trap
I’ll never escape from
Take a flying leap of faith
Into the ocean and rocks below
See if I can overcome the pain
The pain of the day she walked away
Swallow all my pride
learned everything from a beating heart
that shined so brightly in the dark
Nobody likes to be alone and apart
Yeah lock my love in your mind
Know that what was mine
you've inherited all of the stars tonight
because without you they just won’t shine
That means I’ll be walking blind
so light up everything we have inside
I’ll be your angel wings in flight
I’ll take you flying through the skies
yeah baby blue eyes
I called her baby blue eyes.

©2019 Written By Benji James
Hazel May 2017
Tåget himmel
Tågede tanker
Tåge hoved
Synkende anker
Flåden til søs
Gør hvad vi kan for at høst
Tager den til land, tager den til kyst
Har du lyst? Har du lyst?
Master og skuder i sigte
Gør hvad vi kan for at sigte
Rammer plet, rammer plet
Gør hvad vi kan, vi skal jo forpligte  
sejler i havn, til ukendte steder  
Slås om vor land, på ukendte steder
Tåget himmel
Tågede tanker
Tåge hoved
Jeg er dét synkende anker
I vredens tider
Med de triste munde
Er det vigtigt at huske
På de gode stunde

Kroppen bliver bundet
Af sindets tanker
Og udvikler sig efter
Til et emotionelt anker

Når vreden den rammer
Og bliver til fysiske skrammer
Bliver sund fornuft
Sat bag stål og trammer
Anna Christine May 2012
Every sigh, every breath, every forced pattern is sparkled with the intensity of the memory of you.
I have created a world with noone to tell me wrong, noone to go against my wishes. I have created a world without you and every breath I take I regret my being.
For what is passion, without you. For what is desire, without you.

For what is love, without you.

Teach me passion, for I fear it has left, compose desire in the web of the music carried by fear.

An ocean filled with lonely souls, agony heard in the mesmorizing colours of a wind that is to be spoken of.
A song, not to be understood with words is rippled across the surface of the lonely ocean. The darkness that touches the sun, gleaming with devastation, is a constant reminder of reality.

The doubting heart, the breaking stride, the abandoned agony. Solitarity can be a treasure, when one desires it. It can be the arrow pinned through every limb. Rise above, till you hit what is known as earth.

Cast the anker, slow down. Drown in the ocean with the deserted. Over the hills and further. Wait for dawn, your presence will embarrass what is known as perfection.

Leave me not, leave me for you.

A desire for red roses. Leave white at my deathbed, for what is death without love?
You are the sound that detaches my heart from its melancholy. I walk alone.

Believe what is said, trust me not.
I cannot bear responsible for the debris I create, I cannot stand to watch you bother.

Hold my hand with your black gloves. You know the misfortune, you know the misery. Take the black horse.

I see the mask, but not the face. I see your touch, but feel nothing. Inside my heart I wish you near but time is pushing me against the fall.

Forget the wide eyes, gleaming with fear. Forget the discreet screams.
Let me be the light that guides you.
Say you will love me.
AW Sep 2014
Ik blijf zitten door kanker
Het anker om mijn enkel wenkt me
Naar het donker
Kon ik het maar laten
Voor wat het was
Dat het was
Maar het is niet
Afgesloten met genezing
Deze schemering sluimert
Blijft zitten
Met mij
'Ik blijf zitten door kanker" translates to "I remain seated because of cancer". The poem is my response to the Dutch fundraising TV show "Sta op tegen kanker" (Stand up against cancer). It is about the psychological aftermath of the disease and how it it's not over by being cured.
Clindballe Jun 2015
Jeg lader vægten af mit hoveds overarbejde holde dig til jorden (bare lidt endnu).
Aldrig før har jeg følt noget så tomt som hullet i mit hjertet.
Aldrig før har jeg været så bange for sten.
Jeg lover dig at den dag mit hovede lader dig svæve elegant til vejrs vil jeg give slip på min frygt men indtil da ved jeg ikke hvad jeg skal gøre.
Du må forstå at jeg ikke forstår hvor du er og jeg vil lede under hver en sten i verden hvis det kan bringe dig tilbage.
Måske jeg skulle starte med den hvor dit navn er indgraveret i.
Der hvor jeg skulle slippe din hånd og give den videre til et håb om liv efter døden.
Men jeg holder stadig fast som anker der sidder fast under sten.
Skrevet: 7. Juni - 2015

I let the weight of my heads overwork hold you to the ground (just for awhile). Never have I felt something as empty as the hole in my heart.
Never have I been so afraid of stone.
I promise you that the day my head will let you soar neatly upwards, I will let go of my fear but until then I do not know what to do.
You must understand that I cannot understand where you are and I will look for you under every stone in the world if that can bring you back.
Maybe I should start with the one that has your name engraved.
Elijah Clark Feb 2014
A name on a list
I sit here staring at my ship
I can sail away
And leave it all behind
To a better place,
where theyll be clear skies
Instead of all these dark times
I await the day I drop the pain,
all my sorrows insane
The only Anker i have left,
is being pulled up,
till its just another thing thats walked away.
Behind i see all memory
in front i see serenity
but now i see just you and me.

Im a word in a book
Key on the page
Almond in a can
Line on a field
Mark on a court
Flame in a fire
Drop in the ocean
Cloud in a sky
Flake in the snow
and most importantly,
A Name on Your list
Elyas Nakos Apr 2017
Dreimal klopft der Specht dann öffnen sich die Himmelspforten.
Dreimal um den Block  gerannt, zweimal Gott  getroffen.
Die Hände gestreckt, entgegen dem Sterbelicht.
Ich seh ein Licht, ich seh ein Licht.

Dreimal mit einem Engel geflogen,
einmal abgestürzt.
Ein Stopp auf Wolke Sieben.
So elegant, oh so elegant.

Dreimal bin ich hingefallen, zweimal wieder aufgerichtet.
Einmal fast ertrunken in der Selbstzerstörung.
Hinunter gezogen hat es mich, als hätt ich einen Anker am Fuße.

Dreimal schon hab ich geliebt.
Einmal nur mich selbst.
Zweimal nur die Welt.

Noch keinmal wurd ich selbsterfüllt.
Zweimal muss ich nochmals graben.
Einmal werd ichs doch dann finden.
Kim Jul 2016
He is my rock,
My anker,
The shoulder to cry on.

He is my light,
My darkness,
The bright leading star.

He is my home,
My heart,
The safe haven.
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
We shall be different now, after
believing so hard in peace, around
this world, that everything has
now stood still, noticing for the
first time' what peace could do;
for the world we live in.

Time is now changing quickly
understanding is becoming
acknowledged, and peace is
showing face, through prayer
hope, faith, and much love.

Words spoken are not in vain
Anker has now been dropped
into the valley of doubt, light
has been notice around the world
of despair.

Weep no more, for the time
of weeping is over, time
to notice the brightness
songs sung in vain, never
will be sung only with love
shall we sing proudly.

Tomorrow shall find it's way, new
and fresh, where peace lingers
among all nations, with words
spoken, finally heard from heart.

Life shall be renewed, the way
it always should of been instead
of turmoil and needless danger
now love appears miraculously
and knowledge of truth has
become the ruler of understanding.

Tomorrow shall find it's way
to a better place, where
love will always prevail.

(Find Peace)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

— The End —