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zxndrew Jul 2021
So I can sail my way to you
I’ll sail across the seven seas if that is what it takes to see
you, and I’ve been thinkin lately
out here in this ocean, the stars are so much brighter baby
I hope I’ll see you soon
I’m lost somewhere beneath the moon
My heart, an island long deserted
But there’s some vacancy for you
zxndrew Oct 2020
I hate the need to always make myself look interesting
The feeling of needing to make myself look cool or fun washes over often
“If I can just do X, Y, or Z than they’ll wanna see me”
When’s it gonna feel okay to be boring?
I know I am not infinitely interesting but I constantly feel like I need to be
If someone’s gonna love me they’re gonna love me in my silence
They’ll love me when I’m quiet and we can just enjoy each other’s company
I won’t always have something say and hopefully one day someone will understand him
It is okay to be boring
zxndrew Sep 2020
Pen to paper.
This pen keeps writing the image of you.
Metaphors bleed into the shape of you.
These similes framing your likeness like a photographer his finest pictures.
You are personified as nature but it is nature that draws inspiration from you.
For whatever reason, this pen always wants to write about you.
zxndrew Aug 2020
What I would give to simply not give
zxndrew Jun 2020
I hate being this person
Piloting this body day in and day out
I’m endlessly boring
I can’t hold a conversation
Why do I feel so loved but so empty
These words are hollow
Shallow promises that I keep writing for myself
Thinking, maybe if I can write a series of words beautiful enough I can win over their affection?
Endlessly naive
I hate who I am
Will I hate who I became?
zxndrew Jun 2020
You deserved a universe but I am only a moon
You are a star while I’m just an asteroid
You’ve been made from stardust while I‘ve been made from sand
zxndrew May 2020
I’ve noticed that my writing is one sided
I write about the love I have and never have I written if there is any love for me
Why do I always feel so strongly for people
This realization has broken me in more ways than I could have ever thought
When was the last time I woke to someone professing something sweet to me
Why was I cursed with this heart and mind
Why don’t I fear love but am terrified of it at the same time
Who made me think in the ways that I do
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