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vanessa Dec 2017
I always cry for you at 3 am
Like clockwork
When the world is asleep
I always cry for you at 3am and I’ll cry at 4 too
Because I know that’s how you make wishes come true
When my eyes are bloodshot
And my head is pounding
I know someone hears me
I just don’t know if it’s you
I always cry for you at 3 am and I’ll cry at 4 too
Because I know that’s how you make wishes come true
When my heart aches and my body burns with pain
That’s how I know the magic is working
You’re laugh and your whisper will haunt me until your return
I always cry for you at 3 am and I’ll cry at 4 too
Because I know that’s how my wish will come true

vanessa Jan 2014

The Boy With the Birthmark on His Right Lower Calf

1/7/10 8:36 pm
The first boy that left me was my first love, he was the first boy who ever called me beautiful and he made me feel that way for about 3 and a half months until the distance became to much to bare, but we kept in touch for about 5 years so I guess you can say it never really ended because the pull of our hearts still happen to burn for each other every now and again, he is one for the books because he's never walked away from me he's stood by me through countless arguments, but I think we will always be connected. He taught me what it's like to fall in love unfortunately he didn't teach me how to stop falling face first onto cold hard gravel because now that he has someone new, I'm completely off the rails. I hope he comes back and saves me soon. He is the only boy I can't ever seem to get enough of, he is like a drug, the minute he touches me my veins fill with a substance of desire and my heart speeds up to about ten beats a minute and all this proceeds to happen within mire seconds of reconnecting I can't even begin to describe how it's been these past 5 years still being able to get that same rush around that boy--and only that boy. He is a drug I would gladly overdose on.


The Boy With the Cold Heart & the Four Glass Eyes

9/3/13 10:45 pm
The second boy that left me was no where near as beautiful as the first but he was one for deep talks and insecure walks. He told me what he hated about himself and how self-conscious he really was, that before he became "Mr. Player" he was a loser who always felt alone. His body was not beautiful he was destruction at its finest, his skin stretched and felt like scratching cold silver, in all respects he was quite a disgusting filth though at the time I found him to be made out of gold but I was dead wrong for he was the worse kind of killer-- a true sociopath if you ask me but I mean what do I know I'm a ****** right? Although the only thing he wanted was to toy with me and trick me into trusting the devil, granted I should have never gotten involved with him in the first place, because he truly tore me to shreds and he was still a baby so maybe that's why things ended badly between us, because even though I was naive then, he's still quite immature, I wish I could say he's changed but he hasn't.


The Boy Who Made Me Feel Alive Again

12/27/13 1:08 pm
The third boy that left me, well unlike the second boy he didn't do damage he actually did magic by gently outlining the curvature of my spine and liking the thoughts inside my head before we ever even came face to face, he knew me through words and kissed me like he held a secret between his lips. He didn't like books but he liked my thoughts on paper and he listened quite intently, so I guess that was enough. I noted little details when we walked home in the dark, like the fact that he lit up whenever I spoke and he always looked me dead in the eye, however neither of us had been murdered. Or the way he sounded when he told me about his life, or even the fact that he'd risk injury from oncoming traffic because of his fearless physique, maybe he was just trying to impress me but these are a few things that were beautiful  about this boy. But yet again, happiness in the form of Father Time only stands at my doorstep for a month or so because on the 27th on the coldest month of the year he walked out without even a proper goodbye.

vanessa Jan 2014
To The Boy With the Birthmark On His Right Lower Calf
( 9/18/09 - Forever Avenue )
You are a boy of a million different personalities one minute you love me more than anything the next you choose burned ashes over my last lit cigarette, you are the ocean beneath my feet you guide me to safer waters and make me believe in soulmates, i think that's what we were from the start, what we are, what we will always be. I will never love another boy like i do you. Five years has been but a pleasure, i could never truly walk away from you, you know that but i do take breaks from allowing you to make me cry because i don't want how much I love you to **** me I've heard it can happen so i guess in all respects this poem may not apply to you completely because you'll always be light in my life

This is my goodbye

To the Boy With the Cold Heart & the Four Glass Eyes
( 6/20/13 - 9/3/13 )
You are not made out of gold
You are rotten piles dirt
You were never one for intimate talks
In just 4 brutal encounters and 3 months of sweet nothing's you surely replaced you're sensitive skin for the persona of true devil in training
you sure were quick to remove cloth from skin
I should have figured it when I wanted to just lay and waste away or when I complained of being to tired to continue you'd say "you're being boring" as if the arousal was more exciting than being in nothingness together but maybe that's because you only loved my body however after you my body now disgusts me to look at, although I must say the scars are quite appealing , they haven't gone away.

To The Boy Who Made Me Feel Alive Again
( 12/6/13 - 12/27/13 )
You were true magic
A good listener from the start and quite polite when it came to the feel of velvet on velvet
You looked at me as I looked and the sky wondering how I even ended up here without being pronounced dead on arrival. That night in the dark with you was the night I released the last boy, the one just before you, from my ribcage for good and allowed you inside the darkest parts of me, thinking you would fix them or at least hoping you would, that made me feel somewhat okay, however when we reached my side of the street and our lips first collided I did not know it would be the first--and last time we would ever meet. Sometimes I thank God for meeting you even if you did leave like the rest
You made me feel alive for a good few weeks until you proved my theory of lovers wrong and calmly walked away, I like to think you'd come back if given the chance but maybe you're better off
I guess I'll never know

So to the both of you I have but one thing to say-- this is my goodbye

vanessa Jan 2015
The first boy I ever loved used to set my skin on fire but now all that fuels me when I look at him is hatred, he's not the boy I fell in love with, at least--not anymore, I thought I saw him the other day...with her...but it wasn't him for split second though my heart kind of stopped, it felt like I couldn't catch my breath my hands started to shake and my nerves welled up. I think everytime I see him whether it's now or in 20 plus years I think I'll always fall back in love with the boy I think I see. That kind of makes me happy, that also kind of makes me sad. Please don't fall in love with the boy that makes your skin feel on fire, he'll only burn you in the end.

vanessa Dec 2017
I'll pray everyday you come and love my piece of sun
Air and the sun have always been the perfect pair
Take as long as you need I get it, my love
The sun will be ready to rise when the air splashes through the clouds.
The air and the sun have always been the perfect pair.
There's a future worth keeping.
vanessa May 2015
You liked a boy with big brown eyes and three older sisters. You were five and you had butterflies. His mother was always very nice to you. He used to call you shrimp and chase you around the playground. He was named after that part of a fish they use to breath. He grew up riding horses and learning to be a man. He didn’t pay you much attention as you got older, but that only strengthened your growing affection for the boy who used to make fun of you because you couldn’t cross the monkey bars. He found out you liked him because it got around one day when you were nowhere to be seen. You were embarrassed and sad, how could people be so cruel. They made fun of your feelings and laughed while you just wanted to run and hide. You felt alone and you were eight. He ignored you after that and looked at you like you were an insect. He ended up braking you.
You liked a boy who sat next to you in homeroom. He was older than you by a few days and had the same buck teeth you did. You were eight and you couldn’t stop staring at the mole by his mouth. You became close and everyone knew it. Two years later things had changed quite a bit. You were now strangers. Your feelings for him still existed, you hid them all this time. He dated one of your best friends. He found out you liked him at ten, you wrote him a letter and gave him your heart. He showed his friends and laughed right in front of you, then ripped it up and threw it in the garbage. He never looked you in the eyes again. He ended up braking you
You liked a boy who lived on your block just one house away. He had black curly hair and skin as pale as a ghost, He looked just like his mom and had the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard. You were nine and he made you feel like a kid in a candy store. He was one year younger but you got along just fine. He’d hangout with you until midnight just staring at the stars. He found out how you felt three years later. He stuck out his tongue and made a disgusted face. He ignored you and when he did speak to you, he was cruel and cold. He ended up braking you.
You loved a boy with a windy deposition and carefully thought up lines. From what you understand you’re the second girl he’s ever loved maybe the first but you’re too awkward to give yourself too much credit. You were thirteen when he took your breath away. He loved you across cities and with each passing year you grew strong together. He said he’d love you like no tomorrow, he spoke too soon because as he grew into a beautiful young man with hazel eyes and soft skin he grew apart from your loving ways and the eyes he used to spend hours getting lost in. He promised you he’d never leave you but then one day he stopped returning your calls. He ended up braking you.
You loved a boy who smoked to not remind himself of how bad he used to get made fun of growing up. You were sixteen and naive when he poisoned your soul. He said he knew what pain felt like because he loved a girl with scales for skin and snakes for hair, but she wasn’t love, she was lust fueled destinations with no intentions of something real. He used you for his addiction of skin on skin but never wanted to hold your hand. He kissed you with no emotion but you were too caught up in him to care. He looked at you like you were meat, not like you were the light of his life. He treated you even worse, he made you hate yourself more than you already did. He said he knew what pain felt like, but then he ended up braking you.
You loved a boy who listened to you like his favorite song and fell in like with your pain. You were sixteen and in recovery from stress related pains and a boy with glass frames. He never said you were the one but he was there so you decided to try. His life wasn’t amazing but it felt that way every time he looked into your eyes. He tried to comfort you from the boys who broke you, saying he too knew what it felt like. His story was the perfect disaster, he didn’t tell you everything but he told you enough until you felt okay again. He said you were the cutest thing he’s ever seen although I guess that’s different than “I promise, I’ll never leave” but maybe thinking you heard him say that instead made you feel better inside. He left you in December, all you had left was his sweater. He never said goodbye all he said was “I can’t do this anymore”. You felt like you were about to die. He ended up braking you.
You loved a boy with curly fry hair soft enough to run your fingers through. You were eighteen and waiting for something special. He said when he first met you he was so nervous his hands were shaking and his voice was cracking like he was twelve all over again, he was only hoping you didn’t notice. He kissed you on your first date together and asked you to be his later that night. He was an open book about his life with you. He called you his little sunflower and listened to your breathing on the phone when you fell asleep. He told you everything would be okay now, he even wiped your tears. He called you drunk one night and told you how scared he was of losing you and that he needed to hold you right that second. Three nights before he left you he took you to the sea and kissed you at the top of the Ferris wheel, you’re favorite place in the world. You felt you heart explode just like the night sky. You were sleeping when you got the message, your heart dropped to the floor. He flew back to the girl with spider web veins who harbored his heart in a jar. He made you feel at peace but then he ended up braking you.
You liked a boy just a few months ago. He wore a leather jacket religiously and slept in between note taking. You were eighteen and seeking someone to heal all past aches. His eyes changed colors but your feelings for him never did. You had so much in common, from music to family right down to your sense of humor. He always looked you in the eyes as you spoke and listened to you like he hung on your every word. You hung out alone only twice together, you were high and when he laid beside you, your insides went insane and you got goosebumps all over again. You were half asleep playing with his hair and he tickled you nonstop. You told him you liked him that same day, you asked for things to not change. He only replied “I kind of figured and I don’t see why we wouldn’t be friends”. You went to school confused only to be ignored for weeks on end by the boy who used to look back at you like you were sunshine. He hasn’t spoken to you since. He ended up braking you.
…I’m sorry my dear…
vanessa Jan 2018
Loosing you hurts my heart all the time now
I can’t bring myself to see anyone new
Cause my heart still belongs to you
I still want you all the time
No matter what I’m doing or where I am
You never leave my mind
I hope your figuring your **** out
I hope you still want me too
Because I need to know you ******* need me too

vanessa Jan 2018
I always wonder if you talk to anyone else at 1 am now
Now that it’s not me
I always wonder how your day was
Now that you don’t know if you want me
I always wonder how your doing and if your okay
I always wonder if your drunk or high and if you got home safe
I always wonder what you think of now when you go on late night drives
I always wonder if you past by our spots and think of us
I always wonder if you’ve been writing
Did you ever finish that poem?
I’ll probably never get to read it
I hope you saw beauty in small things too
I always wonder if you miss me at all
Or do you work long hours so you don’t have to think about leaving
Has your family situation got any better?
I’m still a shoulder to lend a listen when your ready to love me again
I know you’ll figure it out, you’re brave that way.
And wow, do you have dreams.
Dreams I believe in
Dreams I know you’ll reach
I know your selfish but I’m selfless
And I love you anyway what can I say
I always wonder when you’ll come back
Because I’ll be right here.
Right here waiting.
No matter how long it takes.

vanessa Jan 2018
It scares me everyday that you’ll forget me
Just like it scares me everyday that you might be with her
I think that hurts my heart most of all
The thought of someone else touching my favorite part of you
In my dreams you’ll always be mine
Because you’re one hell of a war
And I’m not done fighting
I don’t think I’ll ever be
Trust me when I say that you changed my life
And I’ll love you forever
And then some
And I’ll love you past mountains
and then some
And I’ll love you through years
And then some
vanessa Jan 2014
I may idolize the boy who always saved me, he belongs in books but amazingly this is non-fiction
I might pay close attention to the way he runs his fingers through his hair, but I could watch him run through forests for hours on end
I may always want to have the last word in an argument even though the boy himself is what I'm focused on the entire debate, I don't care who wins I just want you to stay
I may be insanely jealous maybe even ****** but at least I love you more than she ever could and you know it's true.
I may get upset over small things you do, but you'll always be my favorite correction to mark with red pen, don't worry I promise I'll forgive you in the morning
I may be a pain every now and again but at least you know I'm alive today, because without you I hope you know I would have given up a long time ago.
I may love too passionately and too fierce but at least I will never desert you in the dark or want you to be reduced to cold red slashes on the most beautiful parts of your body
I may be complicated and more in love with you than I am with my own reflection
But at least I am self-less, at least I care whether or not the boy I love more than life itself is breathing in the morning. At least I know the difference between love and pity, at least I fight the will every morning with my shadow to make sure I have a chance to let you know how much I love you, you really should cherish it, because who knows if you'll hear it tomorrow. I'm a lost cause who loves your little pieces of stardust more than the sparkles on my skin but at least I love you enough-- to let you know.

vanessa Jan 2018
It feels like I'll always be out of breath now that your gone
because my heart hurts all the time now
because tears rock me to sleep now that my bed is empty
but nothing comes close to falling asleep in your arms
Nothing comes close to feeling like home
I never used to believe I could take someones breath away until i met you
I'll still set you a place at the table
even if you never come home
I'll still be here for you,
Because I always make people into beautiful poems when they leave me
and I'll always leave a key under the mat,
even if you never come home

vanessa Jan 2014
A part of me hates not trying harder for you when I had the chance I mean it's now so awkward between us, we give each other blank stares for that might be all we were ever worth to each other I hate knowing I didn't try harder for you and wanting you as wildly as you wanted me, sometimes I wonder what would've happened if you'd gotten the chance to be mine, would we finally be at harmony in one another's eyes because as of right now it feels like we have unfinished business, when you look at me and smile I can't help but wonder what your thinking or if maybe your not thinking anything at all maybe you just happen to gaze in my direction or the fact that we haven't hugged once since I was fifteen and today as I said goodbye to you and your new love as we parted down the path, you looked at me with your arm held out for a hug and I walked toward you, books in hand unable to return the warm embrace and in that moment I wondered what made you want to say more than goodbye, what made you want to embrace me for a second or two or was it just a friendly hug, whenever I'm around you I'm just not sure anymore, granted your feelings may have faded but I do wonder from time to time if I happen to cross your mind more than once on our awkward encounters.

vanessa Jan 2018
******* does loving someone ******* up
On the inside, on the outside
Everyday of the week and twice on Sundays
It’s always the same
High heights
Followed by low blows
The kind of pain no one ever prepares you for
And it always feels like a funeral
And ******* does loving someone ******* up
Everyday of the week
It becomes your comfort
And it becomes your safety
And it becomes pain
And band aids on spiderweb striken thighs
It becomes the type of pain no one ever sees
Unless they’re brave enough to look beneath the surface
But my god does it feel like home
My god does it feel like falling in light
And ******* loving someone will ******* up for good.

vanessa Dec 2017
I remember glancing over at you and seeing you staring at me
You’re eyes were full and glazed over
Like you were high
But we were sober
And then you kissed me
And it was one of those kisses
Do you know what I mean?
The kind of kiss that knocks the wind out of you
The kind of kiss that makes you forget what your name is for a second
The kind of kiss that—takes your breath away
Kind of like people do
At least you said I did, the day we first met.

vanessa Feb 2018
I am a canvas of all my old lovers--

The ring I wear in my nose was given to me by a boy who hated life
He wiped my tears and promised to take away my fears
But I guess that was a lie because all he wanted was too die

The necklace I wear around my neck, in the shape of a pineapple, was given to me by a boy who's mother knew I loved him just by the way I looked at him
He said he didn't want me to be his anymore
He had trouble showing me what was in his heart
I hope the poem he wrote about me is still buried inside of him most nights
I hope he regrets leaving sunshine
Even though it never was divine
I miss him all the time
No one feels like home like he did

The scars I have on my thighs came from the time I tried to love a boy who never wanted me to get attached to him
He played my heart like his guitar

The bruises on my heart came from the first boy who ever called me beautiful, he molded my idea of a lover when I was young
But he chose great lakes over raging hurricanes
He chose a girl with a chubby face over my warm embrace

My trust issues first arose when the boy with curly fry hair told me not too worry about her.
But I should have worried
He said I was a sunflower
But then he drifted away with the wind

My fear of being naked with someone new first arose when the boy with an adrenaline rush told me speed was always more special than me. Distance drove him down different roads. None of them led to me. Highways and motors made his blood boil more than I ever could imagine. I wonder what else did.

And I am a canvas of all my old lovers
vanessa Jun 2015
You came into this world kicking and screaming, crying and alone...some people will leave this world the same way. Some will find a love who sets them on fire. Some will get buried under the pressure of living. Some will leave us too soon when you wish to god you had just one last chance. Some will move away from everyone and everything they know and end up finding themselves buried beneath branches somewhere in Ohio. Some will fight and scream at the moon until the ocean settles into their skin. Some will hit their head into concrete trying understand why people leave and why things change in the blink of an eye. Some faces will fade and some hands will linger longer than they were supposed to. Some may not remember what it felt like to sit next to you at 3 am strung out and close. Some may not be able to forget the look of your loving eyes. Some may race with bullets and some may tackle ghosts. Everybody dies in a different way. Everyone's life is another ocean we have yet to sail on. Don't underestimate the love of your soul. It can save someone. Maybe they won't have to leave this world kicking and screaming, and crying and alone.

vanessa Jan 2018
When it started, it started with a mop headed boy who whispered sweet love songs and told me he'd never walk away
After five years of falling at his feet
And pulling and pushing at his heart to love me too
He told me I was overbearing and walked away

Then it started again with a boy with glass frames and his acoustic best friend that documented his pain
He said he knew pain better than anyone
He was more broken then me
He ended up using me to try and heal his pain
As if my body was a book you could check out and return
He sung like a God but was the devil in disguise
He told me this was all my fault and walked away

When it started again it was winter time
He said I sounded sweet and my heart was a beautiful piece of poetry
But he stepped on my heart early on in the beginning
Waltzing back to an old lover he saw life with
He told me I wasn't the one and walked away

It started again in Summer
This boy was calm and sad
But told me I was a sunflower
despite all my storms
That lit up his gloomy world
He showed me his bruises
On his heart
He told me he wanted love, just not with me
He told me he wanted a family, just not with me
and walked away

When it happened again it was winter once more
Before he met me
He might've been dead
That's what he said
So I thought I saved him from himself
But even mountain tops couldn't make him feel alive
Neither could I
He said he was too sad to give me love back and then walked away

When it happened again it was Spring
He worked too much and hated distance
He had an addiction to driving down roads
It gave him adrenaline
Gave him a rush under his skin
Something I could never do
I gave him my innocence
Then he told he couldn't bare to love me with a workload
and then walked away

There's a boy with an Elvis comb over
He tells me I'm pretty and compares me to air
Says wearing your heart on your sleeve is for fools
He says that's how you get hurt
But if that's true, then I'm damaged goods I suppose
He looks like his mother and smells like vanilla
His dreams are so big and bold
But his mind was his greatest enemy
It convinced him loving me wasn't worth the risk
He told me he needs time alone
and then walks away

vanessa Jan 2018
Today at the table where you told me you'd try
I found the words of God
Like someone left me a note
Like I was meant to find those words of the ways to be alone
To find the ways to stopping missing you
And how to convince my heart to stop loving you
I have failed still
Because my heart still loves you
those words of the ways to be alone
Even though loving you was a blessing

And I sat and waited
I don't know what I waited for
Hoping you'd show up
At the table where you told me you chose me everytime
Despite all my crying
And I sat and I waited hoping you'd show up
But nothing happened
No one ever came
Not a devil
Not an angel
Not even you
However, I hope you still sit at that table and smile too
Smile and remember me
Remember me like the angels that sculpted the sky
Remember me like sunshine on your darkest of days
Remember how strong my love is

vanessa Dec 2017
don't fall in love with me if you still think you love her
don't fall in love with me if you don't hear wedding bells at 27...
don't fall in love with me if you don't plan on coming back
don't fall in love with me if you don't want to be made into a poem
don't let me write dictionaries about the way you breath if you don't want to be a part of love stories anymore
don't fall in love with me if you don't believe in fighting for what you believe in
don't fall in love with me if you don't see sunshine when you look at me....
I know the cliche thing to say is fireworks....
But I want to be sunshine

At least I hope I was
I hope I radiated through your window on days you didn't know which way was up
I hope you fell in love with me anyways

vanessa Dec 2017
Why does it feel like you died
Even though your still alive?
You weren’t the boy who took my virginity
But yet somehow I know for a fact
I gave you my soul
I know for a fact that you loved me too
I could see it when you’d look at me
I would look up for a second and glance back to find you in a daze
I’d ask what you were staring at
And you always stayed quiet
But I know that look meant something
I can only hope it was love
Did you know I sleep with a picture of you under my pillow
Did you know I pray for you every night
Even though I’m not religious
Did you know being tangled up in my blankets is how I feel close to you
You were the boy to break the curse
You broke my three month curse
Only by a day, but we made it
You broke a lot of records, and for that I love you more than anyone
You tried to get me mad one night and when I yelled and burst into tears you said “come here” and held me tighter than a life jacket
When we laid in my bed that first night you said you weren’t going anywhere

—you said you were all in

On the 15th you told me something itching at you and then held my hand and gave me that same look of love and kissed me harder than anyone ever has

—you said you would try

But then you said you needed time

It’s been a week and I haven’t stopped crying.
vanessa Jul 2014
Don't trust boys with maddening hunger and hazel specked eyes i guarantee you there's a monster behind that mask, don't let him sweet talk years of your life away, he's insanely good at it. Don't let him ****** your mind so he can put you in a closet for when he wants you.
Don't trust boys with glasses and slouchy shoulders, his heart is cold and his mind is tilted, believe me he's not worth the fight save yourself the trouble and walk away before he tears you in two.
Don't trust boys with lip piercings and dusty hearts, he'd run back to his drug of choice if given the chance and I promise you no matter how much you pray, it won't be you. He'll take your last breath before you have a chance to scream, don't you dare let him run away with your voice, he may have left you breathless but I swear to god he is poison.
Don't trust boys with bruises and curly hair, there's no telling how deep his wounds are and no matter how much you beg and plead and cry and howl at the moon that this wasn't suppose to happen he'll walk away too, he won't be able to close the door to his past. Believe me it will hurt like hell, some days it will feel hard to get out of bed. But this is exactly why you should not trust boys with whirl winds in their eyes and daggers in their fingertips and this is exactly what they will do to you. I would know, because it happen to me.

vanessa Jan 2018
I remember when you said you wanted to watch me watch ****** documentaries
And I remember thinking how beautiful it must have been to think that
You wanted to watch me love something
And that’s kinda how I  knew I was doomed
When you wanted to know the meanings behind my poems
And the pain
And when you held me in your arms when I yelled at you
That’s kinda when I knew I was doomed
When I heard other people could tell by the way I’d look at you that I cared about you
When my friends started telling me they’ve never seen me so in love
That’s when I knew I was doomed
Doomed because wow you sure have a talent
Doomed because I fell in love with you at that amusement park when you first told me about your dad
Doomed because I fell in love with you when you said this was different
Doomed because I fell in love with you when that song came on in the parking lot

And the way you looked at me that first time
Doomed because I fell in love with you all those nights you spent at my house
Doomed because I fell in love with you all those early mornings at 5 am
Doomed because I fell in love with you while we made pizza in my kitchen
Doomed because I fell in love with you when you made me laugh while I was crying
And holy **** did I fall in love with you

vanessa May 2014
12:14 am // 5/13/14
Everyone has a breaking point
Everyone has an addiction
And I guess letting him go was easier than admitting I had a problem, It was easier than admitting I'm going insane without him by my side  
Swallowing a pill every night just to be able to sleep was easier than laying awake thinking of everything you should've said, instead
Singing in the shower was easier than admitting that with each word your heart was breaking only to be held together by loose strings and his faint cries of "I'm sorry",quite frankly that's all he's ever had to say. With each month that goes by I keep telling myself "it'll get easier don't cry" but each time i try he's right where I left him in the hollows of my mind he's taken root and I can't shake him loose, he's still there, somewhere inside me, he's clawing at my ribcage and filling my lungs with air, begging to be let back into the one place he seeks refuge from all past wounds... only he's not shining quite as bright maybe it's because I haven't watered him in a while maybe he's dying without my love and affection, you know the one he hated?, the one he took for granted?, I don't know if his faint whispers mean he's miserable or wishing me well, although he's always had a way with words and although his hands have always managed to entangle me once more I'm not sure i want to let him win anymore, I don't know what I'm saying, I'm delusional at best, but all I know for now is this is our love test and I wish I could say this goodbye wouldn't be for good i really hope it isn't although it's getting easier without him, it'll be the hardest goodbye I've ever known.

vanessa Jan 2018
I never stay friends with any love
Because in my eyes
No one gets rent free space in my heart if they aren’t loving me anymore
You don’t get to tell me you love me and then leave when **** gets hard
Because that’s not fair
But I guess no ones man enough anymore
Even when I start to go insane wanting someone to love me
No one ever comes back
It’s always baskets of “it’s my time to work on me” and “it’s not you”
But **** all of you
Because that means it’s always is me
You don’t get to tell me how to feel
You only get to do that if you come back
I can’t have space in my head be given to people who don’t want me
But I do it anyway
Because one day someone will come back
Even if it kills me

vanessa Dec 2017
Even though you’re  gone
My family still asks about you
Even though you're gone
I still wear the necklace you got me around my neck
Even though you're gone
My bestfriend says she’s never seen me more in love
Even though you're gone
I still don’t leave bed until half past noon
Even though you’re gone
I wonder if this has all been easy for you
Even though you're gone
I still find myself smiling when I see something that reminds me of you
Even though you’re  gone my body still misses the shape of you
Even though you're gone I still miss the smell of vanilla hair gel and almond lotion
I’ve been counting and today it’s been two weeks
Will you be back by valentines
Will you be back at all
Even though you’re gone
I can’t bring myself to let you go
Even though you're gone
I still remember the last time you kissed me
Even though you’re gone
I’m still here.

vanessa Jul 2014
Every boy i kiss is a poem waiting to happen and I'm the definition of being left. They really are all the same, some of them are just better pretenders if you ask me. Take boy #1 for example I spent five years trying to find something buried inside of him but in the end all I found was dust and empty words, maybe I really did waste my time but it's too late now. Now take boy #2 he never wanted me from the start. He was all bite and no bark, he was all passion but no love, he was all sweet but had not an ounce of compassion, he was everything I never wanted and yet I couldn't resist, although he taught me that my body is nobody's toy, nobody's temple,and nobody's property, except my own and in the end the only regret I have is the rush he gave me under my skin. Now take boy #3 he made me feel half alive, he brought back some light in my eyes however in the end it felt like I was on the brink of insanity he only taught me that even sunshine doesn't last long. Now take boy #4 he was a real gem, a master of disaster if you ask me. He made me believe in love again however he was quick to cut the cord and walk back to his past. I guess I learned even saints can be sinners sometimes.

vanessa Jan 2018
I've written twenty poems about you
and this is twenty one
I've written so many words about you that I'm not sure you'll ever read
But school starts next week
I'll walk by our spots on my way to English
Wondering if you've walked by them too and thought about me at all
I'll turn my head on my way out of math praying you turn the corner by the lunch tables
When I leave speech and I walk past the bench by the science building my throat will close up
I won't be able to breath
I'll feel like I can't walk fast enough to my car
Because all I'll seem to remember is just how long I would wait for you to get there
I used to wait at least an hour for you
Even though I always told you I only waited twenty minutes
I've written twenty poems about you or so
And this is twenty one

Everywhere I look, you'll be there
When I come home after a long day
My bed will remind me you never really left
I fall asleep clutching the stuffed animal in my room you used to use as a pillow when you'd come over
Reminders of you will be everywhere
In my bed, at school, around my neck, and in my dreams
Right before I pray for you to get home safe

vanessa Jan 2018
You said it wasn’t my fault
But if it really wasn’t you wouldn’t be walking away
You’d still be here
You’d still be here if you cared
Half as much as I do
You’d still be here if you saw sunshine
So I know it was my fault
Because they say when someone really gives a ****, when someone really really gives a ****
They say hell or high water
They compromise
They push through
They’re stronger than they look
And they stick it out
But I guess that’s all my fault too
I guess that just did not exist
Even though I hoped you would be
I pray to god by my thirties some lost love will want to compromise
Because I always mean what I say
Because to be strong means fighting
Everyone has their own problems and mine is that I love too much
And I’m ******* sorry for that
I know my anxiety gets bad but that’s no ones fault
But for once in my life I wish I had a love who wouldn’t blame my anxiety on them
For once in my life I want a love that stays and pushes through
And sees a white picket fence with just me
I can only hope it will be a lost love
Because hope keeps me alive
Sure hurting myself is no better
But I always like things that are never any good in proving me wrong

vanessa Jan 2018
You were the only boy that ever thought my poems were beautiful
You were the only one with a key to the lock
You were the only one who cared enough to read them all
You were the first one to keep tabs on them at all
And wow you were the first one to have twenty or so written about just you
even if you don’t appreciate them
I will
Because words always
Mean more to me

vanessa Jan 2018
Tomorrow is my first day without you
And I know I’ll feel like I can’t breath again
I know your laugh will echo as I walk down the hall
I’ll get there early even though I don’t have to be there until noon
I’ll be early anyway
and I might sit in my car and cry
I might go sit in one of our spots and think
But that probably doesn’t mean much to you
You got what you wanted
You wanted to be alone
You wanted to focus on you
But sometimes I still hope memories ******* up for the rest of your life
I still believe in your dreams but **** I hope one day you’ll see giving up is never the right option
Because if you can so easily give up on people
Then what else is next
And tomorrow will be my first day without you
I’m talking to people who stopped loving me like you did again, they still don’t care, just like you
I dyed my hair pink
Because I’m in pain
There’s slashes in places no one can see again
I have anxiety attacks almost every night now
But that’s all okay
Because you got what you wanted
And it’ll be a month by the end of this week
And tomorrow will be my first day without you

vanessa Mar 2018
when I saw you again today I thought I was fine
I really thought I was fine
but then your laugh echoed in my ear when my eyes met yours
and I rolled my eyes only to stop myself from blinking into tears
when i got to the car i bawled and bawled
I blasted a sad song and cried on my way out of the parking lot
I know i shouldn't still be crying but sometimes the sadness hits me like a truck
every part of you came flooding back into me. some days i can control it, and some days it rages like a tsunami.
and i've had you on my mind ever since I stepped foot in my room
the place you once knew so well
do you miss it at all?
do you miss the spot on my bed where we stayed awake until 5 am that very first night together?
it's one for the books
one of my favorite moments
favorite flashback
I'll wish you well in two days time
even if you don't love me anymore
I'll still wish you well in two days time
vanessa Jan 2018
People still ask me about the necklace around my neck
No one knows it came from you
No one knows I can’t bring myself to take it off
Or throw it away
Because for some reason it makes me feel close to you
It makes me feel like you’re still with me
Even though your not
and I know it sounds absurd
But thinking that makes me feel safe
It makes me feel like you still care about me
Even though I know you don’t
At least not the way I do
Because I still want to kiss you until 5 am
And I still miss fast pecks outside science on a sunny afternoon
And I miss car rides with no destination
And I miss hearing your voice
And I miss hearing about your day
And when people ask me about the pineapple around my neck
No one knows you bought it for me on our fourth date
No one knows we got donuts at 2 am after you bought me that necklace
No one knows how hard we laughed sitting in the parking lot together that night
And people still ask me about the necklace around my neck

vanessa Jul 2014
When I met him, I met the first boy who would drive me insane, and when he left me I couldn't think straight for 5 years. Sometimes I hate him, sometimes I would kneel at his feet, sometimes he still haunts me.
Then I met a boy who rolled along gravel for longer hours than he could ever stay in his own home and when he left me and I didn't leave my house for a week. He used my body for his sick little games of cat and mouse and never once considered what this would all do to me. I got very sick sometime in January because of his constant ridicule and the jokes of others, they put me on meds for stress related pain. I'm glad I don't ever have to see him again. The sight of him makes me want to *****.
Then after him I met a boy who loved the way I wrote but was not intellectual in the slightest and when he left me I cried for five days and two months. He chose a lover of longer years over someone who saw sunshine in his eyes, however I guess I just didn't examine the dust in his heart. Maybe I should've looked closer. Would that have saved me?
And then sometime later, I met you, I thought I found the one who meant his every word and he was better than all 3 handsome devils combined. You called me you're little sunflower and said I made you feel human. But when you left me I realized that you were nothing but a liar, a pathetic piece of boy who I only found attractive because of what I thought he could see inside me a boy who told all the sweetest of lies when really all along he was just like the rest. You left me for the same reason as the last, however none of these boys have captured my attention so profoundly, now I really do feel lost. You said you'd be there whenever I needed you, and well it's 4:04 am and I'm crying my eyes out and I feel like gagging up my memories. Where are you? I need you.
Where are you when I need you?

vanessa Sep 2014
09/17/14 - 1:15 am
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****" how about you take shots off my stomach and bite my lip
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****"drip ***** down my ******* and pull my hair
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****" cuddle with me and listen to depeche mode or pink floyd or the smiths
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****" let me read books to you as you fall asleep on my lap
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****" take me out to dinner and I don't mean somewhere fancy, hell take me to an old run down diner in the middle of nowhere and then roam the streets with me at an outdoor swap meet
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****" bake cupcakes with me on a Saturday evening and watch a bunch our favorite movies
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****" take me on a Ferris wheel my second favorite place in the world and look at the way the moon wakes up with me
**** "buying me pizza and touching my ****" take me to a rooftop and tell me your greatest fears. Tell me exactly who you are, if you haven't already.i promise I'll remember. I won't be like your dad and forget your birthday. I won't be like your late sister who forgot to say "I love you" on her way out the door that one evening. I won't be like one of those people who forgot to tell how important you are everyday. But I will be your friend when you need it. You're conscience when your too strung out on all the wrong types of right. You're lover when all you want to do is too spoon so you don't feel lost tonight. You're shoulder to cry on when something goes terribly wrong. All I ask of you is
that you do not, "buy me pizza and touch my ****".
vanessa Jan 2014
As we sat and inhaled the past and the memories radiated through our veins, I asked you as we sat high and dry if you cared to know why I never gave myself to the boy of glass and you said sure and in that minute or two it took me to pluck up the courage to tell you why, I thought about the wind beneath us under that tunnel as we watched ***** river banks and I said "I didn't give myself to him because he wasn't you, because I didn't love him like I love you, that how much I'd rather give myself to you was what saved me from making a choice I would have regretted deeply, for ever since I first met you I knew--I looked at you and I knew.. Look at that boy I'm going to love him forever, I'm going to give him all of me--even if it kills me--I'm going to give him my broken pieces and make the seconds I spend inside his head count--I'm going to haunt his head until he becomes drunk off the way my body arches back or the way my toes crinkle or even just way I happen to nibble on his lip. I didn't give myself to him because he was a boy of stone cold cement but you are a boy of beautiful stardust I would gladly waste a million wishes on, however with all the battles we have been through you've actually been a blessing, the small piece of sky that just so happens to make feel alive. I cannot thank you enough for existing and bringing me back from the dead, I didn't give myself to him because he was not worth my simple innocence and my million dollar heart, for the fire beneath my skin has been burning only for you, for about 5 years..
I didn't give myself to him because he was not beautiful, he was never one for standing with me through tough waters, he thought cruel words that brought down my worth was the way to go, however he was not you. You've never raised your voice at me or even attempted to belittle me with cursed words because unlike him, I know that I too set off a storm beneath your ribcage making your heart numb to the idea of leaving a love like this behind, because you and I both know that we simply couldn't do it, not now, not ever...
so if you must know I didn't give myself to him because he destroyed me from the start and you've spent years saving me, you could have given up and walked out a long time ago --but you didn't and I thank you for at least that even if we can only be together in my head, maybe in 10 years time when we waste another countless night inhaling our past we can try again--but until then I would like you to know the reason why I never gave myself to him and it is because
he-- was not you."

vanessa Jan 2014
The shattered pieces of glass on the floor remind me of what you did to my heart, they remind me of the pain but they also remind that somewhere between being broken over you my gut began to grow back together in the midst of missing you because you had done your damage however one day I met a boy who kissed like he had a secret and he was very quick to remind me I was not less than you he was quick to remind me I was stronger than any war ever fought and he was quick to remind me I was more beautiful than I thought
He was quick to remind me velvet is a lot like skin and that it's okay to be afraid of the dark
Although I'm a master at being left he taught me that painful lesson too, just like you only a mire month later
vanessa Jan 2018
Ive been writing about you
And each time I do it feels like I get closer to going insane
I think that’s what Love feels like
Like when you come home at 3 am strung out on breaths and pulls from that special someone,
Missing you hasn’t been easy but I’m trying
I’m still not giving up, happy new year

vanessa Jan 2018
I talk to god about you all the time I always ask him why you got taken away from me
I ask him why you don’t want me
I asked him what’s so great about breaking my heart
But there was no answer
Because just like all the time now
All I was able to hear was the echo of your laughter
And I know your not even dead
But everyday I spend without you
Sure feels like you are
Like I’ll be standing at your casket
With a parade of tears
Or maybe it’ll be vice versa
But either way you being gone
Has changed my life
For the worst
Because now all I wanna do is spend every minute asleep in your arms
Poking the divot in your shoulder and kissing that tickle spot on your neck
No matter what I’m doing I can never get you off my mind
I hope your okay
Even if whenever I see your name on my phone I feel like I’m being stabbed in the heart
And I’ll always wish you well
But I’ll also always wish you wanted me
Like I want you
Cause loving you really did take the breath out of me
Loving you really took my breath away

vanessa Jan 2018
It's crazy to think you only loved me from August to December
You used to say it felt like you had known me forever
That made me feel special
And when your family could tell I loved you
That's when I knew loving you would **** me
one way or another
Loving you felt like being thirteen all over again
I'm not comparing you to him
because Loving him
didn't feel like you
Your both cynical and sarcastic
and Selfish and smart
Yet for some reason
I was lucky enough to feel this way twice
I was lucky enough to learn how you keep your guard up
How you hid behind a mask
Because you think it means weakness
But I don't think that
and I hope one day
you love me enough
to let me in
I hope in 5 I still mean something
I hope in 5 I'm still sunshine
Because the last time this happened
he still loved me in 5
I don't know about now
but he still loved me in 5
and I don't know about then or when
or in how long time
but I hope in 5
you still love me
I hope in 5 you
remember my poems
If after that you forget me
then at least know it's crazy to think you loved me
from August to December

vanessa Dec 2014
His favorite old band shirt rests somewhere in my drawers although now when I wear it my heart no longer breaks and I no longer wear it crying myself to sleep.
The boy before him gave me his sweater and a soft peck outside my house just after sunset but both of those things are no longer in my possession and I feel fine.
The boy before him made me carve my emotions into my skin however that's  not all he gave me I also developed a fear of being touched by boys with guitars and rugged looks but it's now been a year since he destroyed me and we no longer speak I must say I'm doing okay.
The boy before him well I think I've finally done it.. I think I've finally let go although it terrifies me to ever love another boy with baby soft skin and piercing forest eyes, we have not spoken in some time now I doubt he has even noticed because of this the fire in my lungs is still burning but it's gone down to a simmer...I don't know if we're dying out and I don't know where to go from here but I do know that I'm done chasing the boy with the birthmark on his right lower calf and I'm going to be alive, even if it's without him.

vanessa Feb 2018
if he reads this
I hope he knows I still love him
if he reads this
I hope all his dreams come true
if he reads this
I hope in our 30's he comes back to me
if he still reads this
I hope he remembers stories about us I wrote
if he still reads this
I hope he remembers the way the moonlight kissed my face when I fell asleep in the back seat
or the night we finally made love
if he still reads these
if he still reads these
I hope the ocean will always kiss the tide
I hope in some life you will always be mine
even if it takes time
if he still reads these I hope he misses my laughter
if he still reads these
and I really don't know if he does
because I don't even know if he cares still
But I hope if he still reads these
he knows I'll always love him.

vanessa Jan 2014
I'm completely okay with falling in love at 20 something
Really I am because falling into a love that is as beautiful and as deep as I long for is not one for fools it's not one for anyone who isn't a believer of battles, who isn't a carrier of the willful belief that "only the strong survive"
Quite frankly I believe although survival itself is human instinct it also is one for people of pain because if you hadn't known of heart break how'd you ever make it out alive in the first place? If you hadn't  learned about paper cuts and small stings how'd you ever know a sticky piece of paper was all you need to mend one wound? If you ask me that sounds a bit like fighting fire with fire
But maybe that's okay
Maybe it's okay to have your heart broken when you're young so maybe you won't be so naive to shallow waters the next time you come across them
And maybe it's okay to let someone claw their way through your soul --
Just make sure the lights not to dim
Make sure you know when to set the table for two
But make sure you know when dinner with your thoughts is okay too
I've realized this now all this time later
You can't mold someone into your idea of the perfect storybook lover but you can love them for all that they are when it's your turn
And I'm completely okay with falling in love at 20 something

vanessa Jan 2018
It’s a new day and I still love you
You used to slightly grasp my chin as you were about to kiss me
I miss the way you used to look at me
Like you were asleep but fully awake all at the same time
I miss the divot in your shoulder my favorite part of you...and I miss laying beside you in my bed
I remember how you used to say how comfy my bed was, that you could just fall asleep so peacefully
I remember your laugh, I can still hear it when I close my eyes
I remember when we were innocent and made pizza in my kitchen.
The world was ours that night,
Like our own slice of happy
Like playing house for the night
I remember as we sat in the kitchen at 9 or 11 we just stared into each others eyes....getting lost without even moving
I remember you telling me your dreams....some of them....even though you like to say i never knew you
I think I understood you
But I think your dreams were light
I think that you’ll achieve whatever you set your mind too
I think that’s the beauty of falling in love with you
You gave me something to believe in, even if it was just you. You made me see it in me too.

— it’s a new day and I still love you

vanessa Jan 2018
Today it's been a month since you've been gone
and **** I still miss you
I still see something that reminds me of you everyday
I saw your car again the other day
and just like the day before my heart stopped
I've been wanting too see you
Everyday I hope I'll run into you
At school,
In the parking lot
I think about the beginning all the time
And how in love with me you were
I wish all the time we could go back to that time
The type of love that withstands time
Past mountains
Past old lovers of yours and mine
I hope my love for you is something you always remember
Cause you're definitely someone I'll always remember
You always said you were selfish
But you listened and made me feel loved
That wasn't selfish, not one bit
So actions do always speak
That's something I'll never be able to thank you for
If in time we get the chance to try again, I'll still want you
If in time we get the chance to try again, I'll still love you more
and today it's been a month since you've been gone
I hope I see you soon
if not in this life then
In another
if not in this time
then in due time
and Loving you will always feel like waking up
Loving you will always feel like breakfast for dinner
and 5am car rides
Loving you will always be hill side streets and loving making in my bed
First time and last time
Cologne and vanilla will haunt me until death
because it's true what they say god always truly saves the best for last

vanessa Jan 2018
I think that thing that scares me the most is the fact that I’m always the girl no one wants anymore
I’m never the girl someone would die for
I’m girl people always like to like
But never like enough to stay
But that’s just me I guess
I’m always that girl
And I think that terrifies me most of all
That I’m the girl that always gets left behind

vanessa Jan 2018
I hope you won’t ever hate me the way my first love does
I can almost guarantee and that scares me
But it’s nothing I’m not used too
But knowing me and my always full heart
You probably will
But one sided love is all I’ve ever known
Even though you said you’d prove that wrong
I guess it wasn’t true after all
I take what people say to me and turn it into movies in my head
I take all sweet words and keep them
Keep them too write about
But mostly keep them to remember
To remember how being loved back felt like light
To remember how looking at anyone else will never feel like home again
You’ll only understand what I mean if you’ve seen it like I have
But maybe I’m just a light house of love
That will never dim
Maybe that’s the problem

vanessa Jan 2018
I was hoping and praying for you
And I’ll continue to do that no matter what you say
I can’t ever leave anyone I love
Because I love people with all I have
Hoping and praying someday someway somehow
Someone will be back
Because promises are promises
Words mean something
So I’ll always still care
I always still love
I’m always still — there
Just ask the first person I ever loved
7 years of my life. I really gave my all
I always love more
And I always will
Even if you won’t
I will

vanessa Jun 2017
I gave my innocence to a boy who told me he loved me after only two dates.
The boy I loved at 13 still sends chills down my spine and although I'll always love him, I'm no longer in love with him.
I spent a year in love with a boy who used to call me every night and then I was left haunted by his echo and the dead silence of the phone.
I dated a boy who took me up a mountain to feel alive but secretly wished he could swallow a bottle of pills.
As you can see I was quite used to the idea of handsome strangers loving the idea of my poetically charming words and sincere sense of loving.  I was used to being compared to paintings and angels. I was used to being courted and cuddled, and also used to being told I was shallow and shrill.
I was used to not being good enough or way too demanding.
Although I know now I am nothing but the most beautiful parts of a poem.
The pauses at the ends of sweet words, and the carefully crafted  run on's you dare not speak. I am the beautiful beginning and the tragic story never told. I am the girl with the Mona Lisa smile and the heart of doves.
I've been told a mosaic of beauty is something only a statue can possess. I've read that love is not to be whispered and pain is not beautiful.
I've spent countless years trying to discover the constellations for the right kind of love affair.
I've whispered secrets to strangers I don't want repeated. I've loved boys with brass hearts and devilish desires. I've walked through my own museum of love and made notes along the way. I've shared stories of every beautifully brilliant boy I have ever crossed paths with, I just hope that someday they learn to appreciate what it's like to walk through a museum of harsh truths, pitiful pain, and I hope they look back and remember me for all the good things I was, and the way they're eyes used to light up when they'd look at me, god I miss that look. I hope they remember the storms and the sunshine, and the new beginnings of my fall, I hope they remember the Christmas lights when the planets are aligned at exactly midnight and wished they had loved me more

vanessa Jan 2014
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be alive, I hope you know at least that and even though you chose ashes over my last lit cigarette I will stand by you fearlessly. Someday when you get married and you remember me enough to send me an invitation when the priest calmly asks "Speak now or forever hold your peace" I will rise, look you dead in the eye and begin to cry, I'll walk over to the middle of the aisle and place a letter down on the floor  labeled with your name inside of it, it will say "I'm sorry that I love you, I'm sorry for having been a burden and wanting to share Friday evenings alone in your car, I'm sorry I'm more complicated than you signed up for, you may be happier but I wonder how it makes you feel knowing you're the reason I am alive, You're the boy who saw me when I was invisible and called me beautiful after the end of our better three months and I will never not think of you and smile, You will always be the first boy I ever loved even if the feeling is not mutual....I hope the sound of my name makes you light up from time to time, I hope you flashback to our first night and our last, I hope you remember looking at the moon and thinking of me, I hope you remember those moments we had in the grass, we were so young then. I hope you know I will always love you...."

vanessa Jan 2018
I write one to three poems about you a night
On the days I write only one
It’s because I’m drowning in tears and I can’t think of what else to say in between screaming at the ceiling and hoping you’ll be out front
On the days I write three or more a night it’s because I’m trying to make sure you see what pain looks like
I’m trying to make sure you see words mean something
And throwing up memories isn’t any better but it’s all I have left
On days I write more and more about you I wonder if you fell too
On days I write more and more about you I become a zombie stuck on every word I have yet to say
Even if you stopped reading these
I know you might get tired of me
But I still need you like air
And forest fires could not burn brighter than you
And I hope rooms too big for one will make you miss me one day
I hope wedding bells will make you remember our first meeting
I hope writings and poems will tell you how much I loved you
I hope you see that one day

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