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373 · Mar 2018
Loser City
In a crowd of people
Yet I feel so alone
Surrounded by people
But I am alone
How can it be
With so many around me
A bottomless pit
Inside I'm so empty

Hopeless, sadness, entrenched in despair
Feel all has been lost
But does anyone care?

No need for the question
With certainty I know
Those who feign interest
A performance they show
I'm forced to admit
It's obvious after all
How could anyone give a ****
Insignificant and small

Loser. Failure. Not one who has worth
A meaningless existence every day since my birth

A waste of space
Wasted breath
With this I'm faced
Will be 'til death
Why sit here and wait?
Might as well do it now
Express lane to Hell's Gate
Bound to flub it somehow
Just a single success
Have one thing go my way
No, instead it's a mess
Wish not granted today

Or tomorrow and every day following it
Living my life in this misery pit

A poor worthless soul
Not worthy of pity
Beatings taking their toll
Never leave Loser City
Not how I feel about myself now but depression is something I've battled with in the past and this definitely encapsulates how I can feel during those times.

Written: March 3, 2018

All rights reserved
358 · Aug 2018
Happy Tears
The battle has not just begun
Been raging on for years
A constant war since I was young
They'd suddenly appear
From hiding; Demons I would run
But always felt them near
Alive and tortured for their fun
Branding, my flesh would sear
Taking no more; That time is done
Rise up and shed my fear
The war for my life I have won
Sobbing but 'happy tears'
Written: August 17, 2018

All rights reserved.

happiness and love so deep it hurts shedding happy tears
353 · Dec 2020
The Jester
Maybe tonight I'll go to sleep
And not wake from my rest
For here I lie in full defeat
My heart ripped from my chest
Within your hands it clearly beats
Although would not have guessed
You'd steal my love just like a cheat
A fool simply for jest
Written: May 31, 2020

All rights reserved.
[Iambic Heptameter
in Common Meter format]

you ripped out my heart
yet i still feel the pain
347 · Feb 2021

Why do I continue to hold the flame

When so many times it has burned me
Written: February 2, 2021

All rights reserved.
347 · Aug 2018
Society's Trappings

All the things a man can gather
piles of money, gold, and jewels

Replacing love with such said items
Society hath trapped the fool
Written: August 2, 2018

All rights reserved.

what life is worth living without love
343 · Sep 2018
Open your heart
Open your heart
Let go of fear
no wasted thoughts
if others care
To dance and play
Or paint and sing
your heart is filled
The joy it brings
This beauty is
what matters most
No more nightmares
And haunting ghosts
A big mistake
in life to make
To foolishly
For granted take
True value much
Like currency
Eyes often shut
And can not see
Our family, friends
Those who are close
The ones we love
And cherish most
With them time spent
Cannot be faked
These moments are
What memories make
And that is what
Life's all about
It's not that hard
To figure out
Sure you can build
Mountains of toys
Aquire things
And find some joy
But what you feel
Will quickly leave
You'll cry in pain
As you bereave
Yet sadder still
You never knew
What matters most
A love that's true
Cause shiny things
May make you smile
That only lasts
A little while
An instant fix
Is what you sought
An instant fix
Is what you got
Like getting high
It did feel good
But not the way
That true love could
It's lacking depth
Was empty, shallow
Sent down stream
Without a paddle
Love does not
Only exist
Inside the arms
Or lover's kiss
In any place
It can be found
With open eyes
You'll look around
A subtle smile
A stranger gives
Can be the light
So someone lives
Of course much less
Dramatic still
Small gesture or
Act of good will
When reaching out
With open heart
And open mind
Great way to start
Just stay the course
And follow through
Cause what you'll find
Surprise to you
The love and all
The kindness shown
To others gift
But returned home
The happiness
you freely delt
Inside you swelled
Makes your heart melt
Written: September 12, 2018

All rights reserved.

open your heart to love and live a life fulfilled
330 · Mar 2021

I'm the one with all the power

Yet, I feel completely powerless

Written: December 22, 2020

All rights reserved.
322 · Dec 2019
Where Have I Been?

Where have I been?
Why have
NOT I been here?

It's a reason,
an answer,
not simple or clear

Pause and stop for a moment
and try to explain
as I drift off into
the expanse of my brain

Sort of been in a lull
Kind of stuck in a rut
No ambition; desire
Don't want to do much
I’ve been lacking consistency;
without consensus
Once driven and disciplined
Vanished; off they went

Some time I’ve chased after
without much success
If by chance I recaptured;
escaped and they left
Once entrenched qualities;
have transformed into bubbles
Their memories -
a dream
As my life turns to rubble

A child I am
chasing frantically after
while further each drifts
out of reach
as they scatter

"Where have I been?"
More like,
"Where am I now?"
‘Cause I live in a world
with a hovering shroud

No persistence of rain
More an absence of sun
There's no presence of pain
But is vacant of fun
Putting paper with pen
Situation is clear
Like a therapy session
Pull curtain;
I peer

Psychotherapy works
Hidden things can appear
Driven crazy;
like a ship you can't steer

A continuous game,
one that can not be won
Somewhat hard to explain
Like a program that's run

Piece of clothing that's stained
Been there since time begun
And no way to contain
The past can't be undone
Pulling at it you tear
to remove all the faults
but you never get near;
locked away in the vault

Bang away at the door
Combination is lost
Feel despondent,
and just at a loss
Where you give up all hope
There’s no way you can win
Sinking down to the bottom
It ends and begins…


Here alone in the darkness,
at first, you’re afraid
and wallow in pity
this “mess” you have made

While confined in a box
It’s a self-given coffin;
recluse who’s closed off
Made a space can’t get lost in

You wither and rot
in this counterfeit grave
Also, time to reflect
on the choices you’ve made

Loneliness not a friend;
Solitude can be one
Introspective -
a teacher
A valuable one

Near impossible to
fix what can not be seen
Not the visible lines
but what’s hidden between
Archaeologist digging
deep down in the dirt
Resurrecting the fossils
of buried down hurt

Everyone has a closet
with skeletons in
They are not all the same
in their size or within
But ignoring and locking away never works
You must get your hands *****
and dig in the dirt

Facing demons or sitting in darkness for most
conjures feelings of horror
like seeing a ghost
Though denial feels warm
like it might be a friend
Just like 'Brute',
it stabs in the back in the end

So, if life’s got you down
then it’s time to get up
I’m not saying it’s easy
Dig down and get tough
It is known that the night’s
darkest right before dawn
In the moment you’re weakest
you’ll soon become strong

Like a pendulum swing
or the changing of seasons
When pushed to extreme
then it just goes to reason
A rebounding force
very soon will attack
And all battle ground lost;
rightfully taken back

When you’ve given up hope;
just about to give in
At the end of your rope
Feel it’s time to say “when”
Meditate into silence;
cut everything out
Hear that voice from inside
with a WARRIOR shout!

If you listen
the universe will direct you
It has knowledge
and one
most important of clues
Like the phase of the moon
or the flow of the tides
there’s a cyclical pattern
all things must abide

When the mountain top’s reached,
one can only go down
You can swim at the beach
or give up
and then drown

Everything ebbs and flows
It’s the nature of all
So remember this lesson
when you’re feeling small

When that final point’s reached,
only one way to go
Now get back on your feet!
With this knowledge
you know
You will be hurt no more
‘cause that time’s "come and gone"
In the darkness no more

Now it’s time for the dawn!
Written: October 11, 2019 (started) & December 31, 2019 (finished)

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter Format]

For those who may know me or may otherwise be curious or concerned:
I know I have been a little M.I.A. from here recently. I have been busy (and tired) with daily life duties and responsibilities. Just as this poem points out the cyclical nature of things, the "tide of life" has called me away recently and distracted me elsewhere. I hope to change that very soon. I very much miss reading the wonderful poetry that is displayed on this website daily by so many talented people. I also miss interacting with the HePo community and the numerous friends I have made here. I thank those who have taken the time to read my poetry and possibly, 'liked, 'loved', or commented. I apologize if I haven't specifically acknowledged anyone's comments or gestures. I want to get to each and every one of you (and I intend to) but in the meantime I wanted to give a blanket "thank you" to all of you. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and here's looking to a joyful and prosperous '2020!  

322 · Aug 2018
Cloak of Concrete

I feel it coming on again...

The weight comes first
My concrete cloak
Slowly draped upon me
by the gentle hands of another

The skill of a pick pocket
but it gives
instead of taking

Like the oncoming of
A cold or flu
You feel its presence
but deny it
with all your will

Believing that
maybe by somehow
refusing to acknowledge
its existence

will inhibit its power
and the ability to exist

But no matter
how much I turn away
and forever swim
in my eternal lake
of denial

No matter
the compartments I create
with walls

Oh so high!
Or the tomb carved
deep within the soil
A myriad of twists and turns
creating a maze of dungeons

where it's
boxed up
sealed tight
and forever buried away
with the

Ark of the Covenant

There is no denying it
There is no escaping it

there is only
refusal to admit it
and the refusal to accept it

A game I play
at times
Testing the limits
and true measure

of my
mental stability

"Don't ask questions
You don't want answers to"

and thus
my lips are sealed shut
my eyes closed
and my fingers plug my ears

And it's Here

inside my head

the empty void

and a limitless universe...


I choose to stay

and where to live

Or maybe I've been here all along
Not how I feel at the moment thankfully
But an all too familiar experience

Written: May 1, 2018

All rights reserved.

depression drapes upon me clouding my head and my world
321 · Jun 2018

I live in a world filled with empty lies and broken promises.
People projecting a facade like cheap veneer.
And here I am, a living contrarian following popular beliefs.
A paradoxical quagmire lost in the fog
while also grabbing my hand and leading me forth with guidance

Wanting what I can't have
And having what I don't want

I am a living contradiction

Often feeling like I am a real life theatrical performance
The true meaning of comedy and tragedy
But is it all real or just the show inside my head?

Written: May 3, 2018

All rights reserved

contrarian lost in the fog is it real or dream
300 · Apr 2018
Inversely Unproportional

Topsy- turvy upside down
I wear my smile as a frown
An introvert I shy away
but extrovert’s what I display
Out in the world I am on stage
to hide the fact I am afraid
Anxiety is creeping in
but must fight back; It can not win

Often in life what you expect
The opposite is what you get
A spectacle I will create
The food for sharks and I’m the bait
Gregarious is what they see
as I draw all their eyes on me
In center ring with a spotlight
The playful clown who’s filled with fright
For sacrifice I am the sheep
Look strong and brave; Inside I weep

The irony in all of this
Is how deep down the thing I miss
I want so much it makes me ache
Sent to the brink; I can not take
Such loneliness and agony
A caring touch is what I need
To hold someone and feel them close
Not memories of past haunting ghosts
A partner I can trust and share
Equal respect and loving care
Connection of mind and body
And pleasure from their company

Raw instincts and ****** desires
Have their place but soon get tired
Companion who will laugh with me
Life’s silliness and comedy
Travel the world and go nowhere
Responsible without a care
A will that’s stern but not too much
Must also have a tender touch
All of me I wish to share
A worthy mate I love and care

Instead I sit alone in thought
Did not pursue the things I sought
No actions taken, change or risk
Potential not pursued and missed
A civil war I wage inside
I ebb and flow like changing tides
My life is one big paradox
Possess the keys but chain and lock
myself in one big twisted maze
and set all hope of joy ablaze

I’m at the helm; I steer the ship
Aim for the iceberg’s peeking tip
A massive wreck sent to the bottom
Deep abyss I can’t get out of
Locked by fate and where I’ll be
I self-fulfill my destiny
Nothing to no one
All alone
A loser; This is set in stone
Rigid belief inside my mind
So in retreat I run and hide
It's calm and warm in my safe place
Tell myself lies; Don’t want to face

The sad, sad world myself put in
A game of life I’ll never win
This poem is my only escape
I'm on the verge about to break
The pain I feel; The tears I hide
Put up my walls; Keep it inside
Committed to this life’s performance
Play your part or they'll suspect
Each tick, each tock; The days go by
And pass in waste; Yet question why
I travel through both time and space
Merely a blip and then erased
A grain of sand on endless beach
With outstretched arms I grasp and reach
A last attempt of sad despair
But life moves on and no one cares

Written: April 8, 2018

All Rights Reserved

sadness loneliness fear anxiety depression failure loser nothing
292 · Jul 2018
Rock Star

I have a confident (not cocky or arrogant) belief
that I am a Rock Star
capable of infinite feats

yet I am defeated before I even venture out
by the
'other'(Me) who is filled with self-doubt

And regardless of what I project on the surface
I "Know" deep down the "Truth"

that I am worthless
Not how I feel about myself right now
but sadly how I have felt at times in the past

Written: July 25, 2018

All rights reserved.

self-defeating self-sabotaging I am my greatest strength and worst enemy
289 · Jun 2018
Can Not Hide
Shots fired
I’m wired
Not feeling
I’m tired
and mired
through mud
Not hired
it's dire
I'm a liar
Yes Sire!
the decider
new fryer
get higher

Buy more
shy more
Look away
die more
alive for?
Life’s *****
once poor
on tour
strive toward
hole bored
cut cord
get gored
massive horde
fall on sword

I sighed
been eyed
crashing waves
rising tides
try to run
can not hide
take away
splitting sides
using drugs
as my guide
I flied
got denied
covered eyes
never tried

state of fear
always weird
no peers
endless tiers
getting seared
without shears
blocking ears
won’t hear
King Lear
nothing's clear
or near
words smeared
wheels steered
changing gears
many years

Been spared
live scared
Death stared
no one cares
taste the hair
and share
partly rare
double dared
always wear
sitting in
electric chair
eyes glare
heart tears
as predicted
soul's bare
Written: June 7, 2018

All rights reserved.

standing naked can not hide baring my soul
273 · Jul 2018
When destiny calls


A nexus
where everything comes together
This place of nowhere
that goes on

Housing my goals
always just out of reach
Lifetime of attempts
that result in defeat

Inspirational drive
my eyes are locked in
I ride and I ride
but not able to win

I stretch & bend
Try to grab
Came very close once
Gives me solace
Ain’t it sad?

The times I gave up
turn around
run away

In response, turning too
Follows me
But rift stays

A symbiotic pair
in a suspended state
Lifetime chase but don’t catch
Given this
Hellish Fate

Written: July 9, 2018

All rights reserved.

when does next time become this time
273 · Jul 2018
New Recently Old Friend

We see each other time to time
New recently, old friend of mine
Each separately caught in a vice
Having same goal; make the world nice
And neither man would be naive
or gullible that he'd believe
Our World is Just, and a fair place
While living lives that are disgraced

If ears I've bent; a tale for thee
Crooked it's not or make believe

Beginning of a good tale goes
'Twas once upon a time or so'
In kingdom far as eyes could see
There lived two sets of Kings and Queens
Empires reaching far and vast
Not once before had their lives past

Each King sat high upon his throne
Great charity; for this was known
So much so that they were renamed
Not shying from spotlight and fame
"King Midas"; the title given
A moniker by far fitting
Not hands held out but standing near
Closest of "friends" quite insincere

Always there was one if not two
Surrounded themselves with a crew
On shoulders they would carry him
That's when the ending would begin
A life that's full; would self-indulge
Within his pants they'd spot the bulge
Eyes growing wide; hearts filled with lust
And with each other fought and fussed

To surpass this, nothing exists
Not one thing higher on the list
Of aphrodisiacs is known
Gets them to beg and wail or moan

The thickness almost splits the seems
Allowing one to see the green
No, not the Hulk but it's a beast
Maker of wars; killer of peace
In their hands wanted, once they see
The thick stack of luscious money

But once the tide begins to turn
Since through that money they had burn
They're quick to leave or toss him off
If he needs them, replied in scoff
A man of wisdom, thought he was
Life filled with pain, so get a buzz
For you numbing will guarantee
All of the hurt will quickly leave

Not many pains greater than this
Seductive is betrayal's kiss
There's strength in numbers; that is true
In time of need they will leave you
To foot the bill; To pay the price
Not just with money; With your life
As struggles hit and hardships fall

No one will help ; No one to call

Oh how the mighty have fallen
Coyotes lunge; Vultures mauling

When tripped up started to stumble
Offering help? Instead they pummeled
Never thought life would be this
If only one answered his wish

They saw him fall; they could have helped
Instead they kicked him as he knelt

He staggered, trying to get up
Himself gather;
that's when they struck
And pushing him much further down
Each strike drove closer to the ground

They were his friends or so he thought
But wasn't real; short time was bought
A shattered man left in their wake
Cause not one minute they could take

There was a chance he could bounce back
Changing the course; get life on track

Instead he can't cut from himself
The concrete block that was his wealth
Tremendous love that he had once
Family and friends; played for a dunce
He was a fool for he believed
Was innocent; Somewhat naive

Thought people, by nature, were good
But found evil in its place stood
If warning received at the start
Could stop them from breaking his heart
As a blind man, kindness he dealt
They took advantage; Stole with stealth
A hard life but there's no amount

His values would never discount

No dollar sum he would receive
Where morals or integrity
He'd have to waiver; Put on pause
These are the most important "laws"
Dictating for the world to know
No matter what you say or show
This "takes the cake" and it transcends
Can't justify or spin and bend

His character; What makes a man
Can knock him down but he'll still stand
It doesn't matter what's served up
All might be gone; World takes your stuff
But no way for these to be stripped
Naked and starved with heart that's ripped
He goes forward with smiling face
"I am not them";
The ones disgraced
Written: May 1, 2018

All rights reserved

devious nature of surreptitious souls ***** the life blood dry
260 · Jun 2018
The Hype Man Caught Me

Yesterday was writing when I
got caught up in the hype
No solid idea in my head
but fiending for those likes
Without realizing, drifted back
Put on my old routine
Code that is approval-seeking
had slipped in sight unseen
With resistance dredging forward;
syllables I force out
No clear idea the words to say
or what it is about
I gather up a garbage pile
but spray it with Febreze
The opposite I want to share
for everyone to see

Poetry is a translation
formatted into words
The boundless dreams, creative thoughts;
grounded through the absurd
No rules, guidelines or self restraint
should implement or use
Allow your soul to lead the way;
emotions are the muse

However, I feel there's one thing
each writer should possess
Embedded within character:
innately we possess
It's not a rule or a guideline
A path one adheres to
More like a vessel that each word
is birthed and traveled through
Gives life to ink with its voice
reciting what's written
If poetry is the email
than this is how you 'send'

If one is honest and truthful
Then filled the "requisites"
Defined by the Creator
only he or she can set
Whatever the thing we all have
mulling around inside
For some of us it's breaking out
And others it will hide
Can't quantify or explain it
It's not 'one-size-fits-all'
Sometimes it's clear and plain to see
Some hide behind a wall

Ultimately, we get it out
in words, it manifests
Feel at times that I can transcend
Others, ripped from my chest
It's not about looking "pretty"
Fitting into a box
We need more than 'cookie-cutter'
Don't want just Goldilocks
Staying intact after poured out
However it finds form
The beauty's in the honesty
If dark, it still feels warm
Emotion or experience
Can both have their offspring
A message screaming for a voice
Wants out so it can sing

Parents can see within their child
beauty when others don't
But beauty's found in many forms
Finds ways to touch our souls
Each message, voice, or energy
We put down and we share
Can look and feel like one before
To each of us it's rare

We chip off a piece of ourselves
Bit of soul to donate
Rippling through the Universe
Each time when we create
Give life to it and let it out
don't warp or try to bend
A tale conveyed with honesty
A true 'share' when you send

There's nothing more one should expect
Message belongs to you
Wrap heartfelt words in blood & soul
Is all
that we
can do

Written: June 6, 2018

All rights reserved.

poetry is an honest and heartfelt translation formatted into words
256 · Mar 2021
She Loves Me (Not)
She loves me
She loves me not
She ***** me
Then I'm forgot
She dumps me
But still I'm caught
Took from me
All that I've got

Quite funny
Yet also not
Days sunny
Now just a thought
A bright dream
That I have lost
Was once sweet
But turned to rot
Written: August 19, 2020

All rights reserved.

blowing flower petals - end result; I always lose
248 · Feb 2021
There is love in this world
I’m quite sure it exists
But each day all I see
Is the venom we spit
Not a fact that is true
During times face to face
Blatantly not displayed
When we share the same space

It’s much different — the world
Pictured on my TV
So much hatred and anger
We’re fed constantly
This not done by mistake
It’s a view-point that’s skewed
Days are lost and forgotten
Of unbiased news

In a way it’s an outcome
That’s obvious though
After all, they're a business
Competing to grow
Their conglomerate masks
— To confuse purposely —
Help conceal the ubiquitous
Corporate I.D.

But before I begin
To get into all that
How 'bout where currently
Social media's at
Dude, the polarization
Is out of control
People talk but don't listen
So, how can they grow?

There are those type of people
Who always complain
Constant ranting on Facebook
“The world's gone insane”
Sharply pointing their fingers
At others to blame
With a mind that's closed off
Never willing to change

Thus, myopically they
Venture out in the world
Base reality skewed
Thoughts of others — “absurd”
In their brains, nothing new
As they follow the herd
Those who think like they do
Are the ones that get heard

Constant posting of thoughts
But their goal not to find
What is factually true
Or to open their minds
Seeking others with whom
Rhetoric they opine
All who share the same view;
Somehow thinking that's fine

A time not long ago
When engaged socially
Often effort was made
As a slight courtesy
Certain topics you stayed
Far away from to keep
Things polite and in no way
Profane or obscene

Like religion or money
Such topics, taboo
Politics — the trifecta –
One should avoid too
In mixed company
Talk of such things would be rude
Due to strong held beliefs
In a cinch; start a feud

But today we’re ‘connected’
And openly share
Every thought in great detail
We do without care
Not a second is taken
To stop and just think
Acting on every impulse
‘The Kool-Aid’, we drink

Taking sides; choosing teams
Mindset — “Them versus us”
If you think like I do
Then, you’re someone I trust
Else, you’re ‘foe’ — ‘opposition’
I spit at and cuss
You become less than human
And here lies the crux

You may have an opinion
Or strong held belief
About various topics
Obscure or decreed
But when faced with somebody
Who doesn't agree
Do you take time to listen
Or just wait to speak?

You’re entitled to feel
And to think like you do
These same rights must extend;
Other people get too
Disagreeing is fine
Might not share the same view
But each other respect
It’s a simple virtue

Just because I have thoughts
Not aligning with yours
Doesn’t give you permission
To pull out a sword
A belief is by nature
What’s held in our core
Each is free to believe
This, endowed when we’re born

And with this I must add
Aggregating a thought
You think “different” is bad
When in truth, it is not
There’s a reason ‘vanilla’
Is used as cliché  
“Variety’s the spice of life”
— As they say

All our differences truly
What makes humans great
Shared opinions discussed
And put up for debate
But like cooking a meal;
Serving many who ate
Perhaps some don’t enjoy
Yet, for many “It’s great!”

So, kick back and relax
There is no need to stress
What you feel and conclude
May not be like the rest
But alone or in pack
Your thoughts make up what’s YOU
Suppositions, impressions
And your points of view

If you have strong beliefs
Publicly that you share
Doing so with conviction
There’s no need to fear
Realize opposition
Must also prepare
We can argue; debate
Just please, “Handle with care”

Therefore, I’ll respect you
I ask please, respect me
After all, we’re all people
Our thoughts should be free
We can think how we want
Basic truth — we decree
It’s a right shared by all
Like the air that we breathe
Written: August 26, 2020 (started) - February 11, 2021 (finished)

All rights reserved.

[Anapestic Tetrameter format]
242 · Dec 2020
I'm Over It
I'm tired
Of fake rainbows and fools gold
Of the best of intentions with little to no action
Of giant smiles through biting teeth

I'm tired
Of caring too much and not caring enough
Of either feeling helpless or hopeless
Of running myself in circles while not doing a thing

I'm tired
Of all the warning signs being there but no one seeing a need to warn
Of innocence lost and hope forgotten
Of lotteries with no winners, just losers

I'm tired
Of those with blame being held blameless
Of all the finger pointing but never introspective
Of an endless need to consider everyone's feelings while simultaneously no one cares

I'm tired
Of dishonesty from those in positions of power
Of distrustful actions from those we're expected to trust
Of money buying impunity

I'm tired
Of being too lazy to have patience
Of being part of the problem and not part of the solution
Of trying to deal with my paranoia when someone's clearly out to get me

I'm tired
Of endless waves of pity but never an open heart
Of technology connecting us yet making us less connected
Of the traditional definition of 'face-to-face time' replaced with things like Facebook or FaceTime

I'm tired
Of togetherness only after we've been divided
Of lives of youths spent by a misspent youth
Of tragedy happening without warning with clear warning signs

I'm tired

Of no one being able to agree and that's the only thing agreed upon
Written: February 16, 2018

All rights reserved.
239 · Jul 2018
Life: a definition

My existence is finite

But my possibilities are infinite

Written: July 6, 2018

All rights reserved.

dilemma of life our existence a unique puzzle to each
229 · Nov 2018
Smiles and Cries
You made me smile
You made me cry

And each
For the opposite reason
Written: November 13, 2018

All rights reserved.

happy tears and painful smiles are the reality of life
219 · Feb 2018
Chocolatey Ignorance
They say ignorance is bliss
But I prefer chocolate
February 21, 2018

All rights reserved.

ignorance bliss chocolate delight true love
170 · Sep 2018
A Compromise

In a perfect world
my heart would find
a love that's pure and true

But simply for now,
one that I like
with lots of lust will do
Written: September 25, 2018

All rights reserved.

if you cant be with the one you love then love the one you're with
163 · Jul 2018
The Road We Travel

At times upon this “road of life” we travel
there may be
a furthering of distance between us

But whether foot
or inch
or mile
and whatever value that precedes it

You will always
be near and dear
to my heart

Written: July 29, 2018

All rights reserved.

distance is just a number when it comes to those we love and care about
163 · Aug 2018
Forever out of reach

Constantly in a race, I run to you...

but like the horizon

You are forever out of reach
Written: August 14, 2018

All rights reserved.

one day I'll catch my unicorn if only in a dream
130 · Feb 2021
Be my Valentine?
Will you be
my valentine?
Oh please, stop your whining
Will you be?
I’d rather see
you later
or perhaps not at all
Have a nice trip
see you next fall
but I’m not falling
not again
Nope I’m all set
I have enough friends
so don’t act friendly
when I know your intentions
It never ends friendly
There’s no time that we can be
civilized enough
to see each other with civil eyes
No matter what we intended
these fences aren’t mended
So pile this wall with rocks
cause you must think I have rocks in my head
or partly brain dead
if I’m to ever, ever, ever
with you
Written: February 13, 2018

All rights reserved.

Be my valentine - not today or anytime soon
105 · Aug 2018
Warmth of Love

Much like love...

The Sun can be millions of miles away

and I can still feel it’s warmth
An excerpt from my poem "Spring Morning and The Theory of Relativity"
I'm very happy with the way the poem came out
but I always in particular
loved this simile/metaphor
and how it conveyed its message.

Written: February 25, 2018

All rights reserved

love is the magical answer that can solve almost all problems of the human condition

— The End —