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Andrew Sep 2017
Come brother of strung days
Join beneath a jewled sky
escape in a drunkard haze
And acknowledge your
Andrew May 2019
I guess it’s so, the rows of streets paved at our feet
Black tar seas, summer’s heat provides the street
The shoe and sun and shallow ***,
Bottles and bottles branding the sill
To help the soul: the full of swill.
Nine and a half sometimes a quarter
Into machines they call a “disorder”.
And to no prevail the summer will hail
A day of peace and a promise of more,
But the day is young and night to old.
And so turn with seared toe and heel
From the papers of tomorrow myself I’ll peel.
Andrew Sep 2018
One seemed enough to light the world,
But the sundog brought upon two more,
And three was too much.
Love should only be plain if it is spread
too wide.
That cocker spaniel of light snarled
at the stars,
for they only arrived at his leaving.
And he believed in little, unless the moon told him
for the moon never let love be spread too
Andrew Nov 2017
The sparrow spoke of the grassy knoll
Where the worm lived in earths dim hole.
I begged to join his lifelong flight.
Oh, to escape, love, forget this plight.
Andrew Dec 2017
That break in brick, layered
Upon grass,
Grew swift and strong,
Blew in rift ever wrong.
At my feet to the crown of
My head,
Gentle gloom cast on leaves
Bored dead,
Papers crying fire nigh,
Fork words of a years lie.
Andrew Feb 2018
That storm within my head has rotted me so.
Whats to be of the bird mimicking my sanity;
A cry sung to deaf ears, again forgets reality.
So, it grows as the days go by, at knees to a lovers eye
So, love has come, as it will go, forget not to feel;
That which has been felt at that sworn goodbye.
Thoughts of peace torment a soul;
That storm within my head has rotted me so.

That storm within my head has rotted me so.
Frail of resilience against the blowing words torn;
All said of love in absence of light, again is born.
As I was, blind to faith, seeing fly, man’s pale wraith.
A blistering inferno of summers reel;
Of epic sights surging a man standing great.
Yet I, left behind, mustn’t grow,
That storm within my head has rotted me so.
Always a battle
Andrew Nov 2019
I've seen you from the birth of time,
Before stars now stuck in oblivion.

I've seen it all yet not enough.

And I miss it all,
what has come and what will be.
missing the endless
Andrew Feb 2018
A ridiculed bud sought companionship,
were none lay.
with time slipped, minutes, hours into days,
With all these sorry couples lying proud,
lay the bud quiet,
crying loud.
Crying how it had come, the sunless ray.
the dreary existence
painted to stay.
And so the paint has seeped
following his tears,
the bud looked to bloom
but in this hope
he surely was doomed.
Andrew Nov 2017
The chickadee sung of dawns brilliant sun,
He drew me young and happy.
Though morning mourned its swift demise,
I smile in life's blinding rhapsody.

The songbird continued a great reprise,
Of emeralds bellies value.
Narrow of sight upon black so bright,
Ever so quick to catch you.

The fallen son in an obsidian night,
Shattered his hope of heart.
Grand amour of a long living jewel,
Enticed a rise from dirt.
Andrew Apr 2019
I long for the sloping valley, sliding earth free,
For the conquered hill from which is born
            The oak tree.

In all the loveliness the forest presents,
I will observe, quiet, like a servant
            The green tents.

The rain, a lovely song it sings against the leaves;
A drum of nature’s fire,
For which the youth plead.
Andrew Nov 2019
The day I saw the sun, the day the world and leaves run and the wind blows
When frost quenches the heat of summer and blooming red of fall
When stone narrows and water runs across the new dawn
That day love is still and quiet I will call
I will stay light and
I will not stay alone.
It was man who hummed the first tune of freedom, green and blue and brown
Who forlorn and broken continued to search the seasons and the soul
Who feared the evil of the rift and the allure of brawn
It was a requiem to the birth of our first role
I will not abandon
I will not contest
about that time
Andrew Nov 2017
Those rocks roughed of feet by the walking man,
Lie, wrought with sorrow though they shan’t feel.
So, shall I take their grimaces upon that lashing?
That slashing of boot upon earths beloved root?
It is not for I to bare, to let tears sing a gentle reel
Am I not of greater worth?
This badge I wear of pity for the stone I ban
Cries of pride in the colours of summer.
For I am the walking man.
Are we not nature?
Andrew Feb 2018
This beast, wild as the roaring winds,
roams along my peace
seeking with intent to destroy
what i have built.
The snow has fallen as the day before,
yet of its presence i feel a core
melt along with mine.
Unable to salvage the wax wings,
i have grown to large
to brave in the glare of arrogance.

With the earths cool touch i swallow the world
and dream of triumph.
Andrew Mar 2018
As for the sleeping sun, he has yet to rest his mind
The clouds persuade him to cry bright yet blue.
And as the flames grew strong, the cosmos took notice,
And away did his mark rest
Further, further as he grew.
Further through the stars
Until, like a droplet of water
He joined a puddle of light
Appearing as all the others
Unique like the grass,
Sad among his plight.
Andrew Sep 2018
You are not beautiful, it seems
the world has lied to you.

"And you think the mirror will present beauty to you?"

I know very well it shall not,

for the world has shown me its true cruelty long ago,
I am no longer angry for what I've seen,

it will only haunt me so long as I breath.

"And you breath no longer?"

It is not possible to breath without a face you have removed in
Andrew Apr 2019
I am the stars,
The cosmic brilliance that will someday die
I am present often in the churning of night
But empty to the beholder of day break
Behold the day break, my brilliant cloak
Behold the blind,
Become truth in the darkness

And the truth will be blind in light

To run for a million,
To turn for a billion,
I must be blind or stupid
I must have quelled the rush rampant, pungent and purging.
The polished cosmos;
I must be the rush.
We are the rush, the rush,
The relaxed.

And the blistering truth will be revealed.
Andrew Dec 2019
Dreamt quite lovely the sky by whomever,
drawn quite grey the day i wake to,
if all fallen from one mind then what has been?
What has been full of purpose,
yet flooded in grief and loneliness?

I am aware of the course of life, from point to point
but so little i know of where to go.
From here to there but where is it?
Andrew Dec 2018
If I collapse, into dirt
And deep earth, would
Your sun still rise
Or vanish, still and forgotten.
For I am your sun, am I not?
And should my light not be buried with me?
Should ground not extinguish it’s blistering cheer, yes
For This is life and I must not cry,
For my light is not yours, you must find your own.
Andrew Sep 2018
And my mind is a corpse,
long since buried,
long since rotted.
Within are maggots feasting on my joy,
As the last of my fears fall to dust.

And my mind is a burden,
on which I must walk day in and day out.
Andrew Jun 2018
Upon five years passing,
You have grown five years.
And the sun will set,
Just as it rises.
Until it does not.
Andrew Apr 2018
I grew Among free grass
Of the wind of care,
You care not
Of love
And I,
Not of
Andrew Jan 2018
Had you a sense of the word before its use?
Pre- insult powered of hatred,
Had you nothing but a mere willow of its language
Its vowels weeping along your tongue,
Lashing out, breaking skin;
Had you fear of the unknown, yet ventured nonetheless.
A little lost threat,
Of this I will bet
Calls empty as the barren scape,
In this I doubt
Word of mouth will escape.
Andrew Dec 2017
Above floats my cosmic bride
Calling faint to join
Serenade of eons ride
Whisper upon my sill
Rest your head.
Below, nevertheless
Cryptic pride kills
Except I, the poor stargazer.
Andrew Sep 2017
And so I left,
Not because I was weak
But because,
I Was human
Andrew Dec 2020
Foot of stone bore deep into the swell,
cracking upon and destroying.
For soon they who the stone holds
shall fall and be no more.
Stand long, stand tall.

Stand long, do not fall,
For when you do and it is done,
Swells will perforate the stone raw.
And to those born between the stars
Do not long, do not call.
Andrew Jan 2018
Better to be drunk and inspired, then to be nothing at all
Andrew Aug 2017
And she was
As it were at times past
Though an empty silhouette
Of how it was
And this was humbling
So I let my thought pirouette
In bittered realism
The sand of day crumbling
In stilled life
Among the balsam fir
Andrew Feb 2018
The fool seeking love,
is naive to his own soul,
the tremors which rattle his heart
have yet to break it,
but no doubt,
with good time,
they will.
Andrew Apr 2018
The sky’s pupil
Shone bright,
As did mans
Before death.
Andrew Apr 2018
The parable crying strange
Has once more
Grown truth, drunk and in love
Andrew Dec 2018
If I collapse, into dirt
And deep earth, would
Your sun still rise
Or vanish, still and forgotten.
Andrew May 2018
I’ve lived
I have lived!
But death, she still
Andrew Dec 2020
Wallow, pitiful man of the spring and summer
know that the grass still breaths when winter blows
Wallow in your high-way blazed ignorance.
to seek the south when the north disagrees
to seek the south when the north disregards.
To see not the day to come, one must know the day that's past.
And I, pitiful man, crave capital that eludes knows only
Only the blisters born of december.
And so in my stupidity I accept it,
A s th ough it is all that i s.
As though it is all that is.
Andrew Apr 2018
As the sky flew
And the stars fell.
I felt ugly,
compared to its
Andrew Oct 2018
Blue, my love, why must you disgrace me
The green kisses given feel quite hasty
And rest the worry in your mind
The sun shall drool until gone
As the moon breeds a new lovers dawn.
Andrew Apr 2018
I am trees.
Transport of air.
Bare of chest, young,
Born again,
Torn again.
Andrew Oct 2017
And so it breaks as I break
But to say that is that
No lies it would be
Death has come and I have watched
As the albatross stays at peaks Unknown
I forget of it and truth that must be for death has yet to claim me.
Andrew Oct 2017
So the howling winds seranade
The lonely man.
And the gardeners father trims
The barking trees
For the son is much to scared
bright with youth,
He has yet to lose.
Andrew Dec 2018
And it has begun
The dram and the draas buried
It and all my steps.
For only when my past is suffocated,
Can my future breathe
Andrew Oct 2018
I feel as though I am dying,
But I live the same each day.
Andrew Jan 2021
I sit, and where’s the sun?
below the grass.
And I rest my head on my jacket,
And below, a stone.
Where is the music the world used to play?
Ears untouched.
Where is the music?
Where has the world,
Theory, sinews, and all
Andrew Sep 2018
Sunlight greased the roads,
Sending shivers across.
Falling behind,
Yet never being caught,
I felt chasing a dream.
Along my vision grew moss,
Along my greed grew rot.

But no matter how much I change,
No matter the words spoken,
I remain a dull root
Paid in loves token.
Andrew Mar 2018
Sad, I'm sad
But glad
To be bad
To be tones of anger
Thrown in your face
Andrew May 2018
And perhaps I am the
Staying constant
Among the
And the crying
Andrew Apr 2018
Snows melt
Drew my love quiet.
Falling upon  
The later ear.
Andrew Apr 2018
Among this hardship bloomed the strong heart of a man.
I Cried as he did, and bore the strikes of depressions whip.
Cracking among the words I’ve spoken alone,
To the only ears I dare trust.
Among this bellowing wind of change crying loud,
I have lost my mark along the horizon,
For the leaves have been swept before my eyes, leaving me blind.
And though the wind shall again be tamed,
And the leaves shall fall in sweet silence,
I cannot begin to imagine
When this will come.
Andrew Jan 2019
The days roll by like clouds
Though i cannot touch them, i see them
whisper away.
And with them i fade, steady
Then all at once as the wind paints my mind
Red and blue, colours of beauty once but gone now.
Andrew Mar 2018
You die only once,
But live over and over again.
Enjoy it
Andrew Mar 2018
Your supple curves
Carve tears upon my cheek
For now they are nothing,
Just a memory.
And I laugh in the glowing sun
Knowing death has yet to come
And you are not the one.
Andrew Mar 2018
No man transcends the thrown
From which his fate is
So die in blind
And live,
With naive joys.
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