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Eiler Jun 2016
Sunshine in my glass
Simple and truthfull
Fiesty, full of sass
experienced, old, yet youthfull

Pleasing to the eye
Easing to the mind
A magnifying glass
To life, forth and hind

If savorly tasted
And properly paced
Your time shan't be wasted
And rid be your haste
K Balachandran May 2016
Too fast a ride life is, to capture those stray tender notes,
that fall on your ears, eyes, nose or tongue, at times
the madness of sensory road rage, hits you and run
yet, you stop on your track, unawares,  shed a tear.
While passing through a curved bridge you look down
at the flow that just usual, to naked eyes, who knows?
the current may hide secrets that won't meet the eyes
but float ,  when it reaches further down at the sea.

As I walk along this street, at mornings and evenings,
at times when my eyes fall on her familiar face
I see grief swarming like a colony of bees around
a queen , on her face, when I smile,  she shows
no emotions, as if asking "Why should you be kind?"

Then one day, I see her, parking her car and line up
to get a bottle of whisky, as if it's urgent than ever
seeing me pass, she comes face to face .swarming
bees of grief for a while fly up, I see her ghostly grumpy face
and she pours  her grief out as if the world knows it,
"I can't sit holed up day and night,memories are a cloud
but too heavy to carry around,I fight with them day and night"
She held my hands and the street vanished we were in a dark room
enveloped by a smoke of grief that chokes, whoever comes in,
"I found an escape route, at last,look at the balloons!"
She ran to untie a bunch of huge helium balloons,
and through a dark window she soared up and vanished.

I still see her car parked in utter squalor, at the square,
near the martyr's column, a metaphor of grief for the world to see
while passing, eyes go up to see a bunch of helium balloons descend,
with the skeleton of  grief, of a woman lost  in  whisky haze.
Adellebee Apr 2016
Your life consists of working hard hours, for not enough pay, hard days
Good, great people
But nothingness consoles you at the end of the day
Nothing to live for and nothing to fight for
You have become a waste of space
You don't contribute
You second guess

All the time fighting the same battles
Your heart, your tongue, and your liver, your mind set and your waist line
You are so far removed what you wanted ten years ago

Fell into a pattern of pay cheque to pay cheque

Living through decisions and then later, they're regrets

You need a huge change. It is scary, but dockside was the best decision you have ever made

Step outside, from your shredded sheltered comfort zone, and branch out a little more

Do what you always knew you were born to do!

Go take photographs, that mean something

Make your life important again

Not another bottle and not another regret

Do what you want to do!

Go to war, take pictures

Make your life mean something
the realization that you want more
Summer Michelle Mar 2016
You drink to what I have
And don't,
To what I want,
And lost.

Here's to you,
And your bitter soul.

Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Crawled inside a whisky bottle
For I am no aristotle

This is my hiding spot for awail
There is no need for 911 to be dialed

I'm only trying to drown my misery
Surly that is plain to see

Please don't shake me out
I need my whisky stout

Let me stay In here for now
I'll find my own way out.....some how
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
I'm not everyone's cup of tea
Then again I'm whisky!!!!!
Cat Fiske Feb 2016
your mommy has gone to bed early,
that's what the doctor had said,
and he didn't feel the pain you felt the year after,
every time someone asked you where mommy was.

Kids can be mean, and kids sometimes miss their mommy,
can't you leave it at that,
You could if you knew where mommy went,
But we don't,

now all I have is a box full of her memories,
her photos, her jewelry, her smells that wish to never fade,
the last bottle of whiskey you saw her drink,
put next to the bottle of wine saved from her wedding day,

mommy went to bed early,
that's what the doctor said,
I asked him when she would get up,
he said she hurt to much to wake,

without another cup, a nurse chimed in,
I asked him, when she could come back to love me,
come back to hug me,
and he shrugged with no reply.
heather Dec 2015
Life has had a grip around my neck for so long that I was getting used to feeling so faint and so much like I didn't exist but then you came along and you gave me just enough air to survive and I thought things were finally looking up. You showed me blue skies and cherry blossoms and you taught me to not be afraid of love again and I spent so long wrapped up in the whirlwind of us that I didn't notice when you started pulling away because I was still as in love with you as I was from the start. Winter has never been good for either of us but instead of crashing and burning we fed off of each other and waited it out but Winter will end soon and you will be okay again and as soon as you are okay you won't need me. You will leave in the form of smashed bottles and slammed doors and I will be left to clean up the glass with the echoing sound of nothing, and life will pick me up and throw me against the wall again and I don't know if I can cope without you here for another year.
I wrote this on Christmas Day and it ***** but it's okay because whisky is so lovely and I'm just really ****** sad alright
folded sunny side
Golden bellied bottle kiss
ruddy bubbles burst
MsAmendable Sep 2015
Leather and whisky smoke
Whisping around yesterday's memories
Curling around your face in a haze
And you
Setting the world ablaze
Leather and whisky, smoke
And ashes shifting
That's you
Wow this wasn't supposed to turn out so bitter
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